Chapter Sixteen

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Authors notes: I'm sorry for the wait, but now its summer time, and I plan on having all the spare time in the world :-) :-):-):-)

I love all of you guys for still staying with my story and I really appreciate it :-)!!!!!!!!




Dedicate: You being one of my few followers means a lot to me thanks for all the support :-D

Chapter 16 (part 1): Harmless Games


"I will be back," I said, lower than a whisper knowing they would ask where I was heading and definitely wouldn't believe me trying out for the cheerleading team.

I myself wouldn't believe that especially with my two left feet little old me would even think about doing something as dangerous as dancing, let alone cheering!!

Hello!! My name is Keri the clumsy redhead!

turning I hobbled towards my crutches.

ten steps away.

five steps away.

two steps away.

"hey hey hey... what about the tutoring?" Alex asked; like him and Cameron hadn't been fighting at all.

"It went well," I replied while turning on my heels to face them.

Cameron's biceps were bulging through his fitted t-shirt in circling Alex's neck.

"Tutoring?What tutoring?" Cameron asked; as of possible tightening his grip on Alex.

"The other day I tutored Luke in math," I said casually; hoping his reaction wouldn't be like Alex's.

"Luke?The same one that ran into you?" his grip loosening.

"I don't know, is he the star basketball player or something like that?"

"Ooohhh yeah that's the one!" he said, letting go of Alex completely. " Math of course!That jock is so not the sharpest pencil in the pencil box if you know what I mean," he said, shooting me a wink.

I couldn't help it when my eyes widened in shock, expecting Cameron to get as defensive as Alex or maybe more considering Alex is the calm one out of the two.

"Oh really?Speaking of the sharpest I definitely know it's not you now is it?" I said laughing; trying to cover up my shocked face.

"I like to think that I am somewhere in the middle." He said in a fake professional voice, and pushing up his imaginary glasses.

" Oh yeah, well that is what I hear everyone else saying."

"Well, babe I think you need to ask actual people!" Cameron said, smiling through his teeth.


Cameron had never called me babe before...

Cameron's eyes locked with mine.

"Now, now, now guys stop your non-since, we had better get heading out," Alex said; instantly pulling my eyes towards him, almost forgetting he was in the room.

"Leave? But I was heading out to have a chat with a good friend of mine."

No way was I missing the opportunity to possibly get closer to the mysterious voices.

"What good friend of yours?"Cameron asked.

Does he really have to know everything?

" Marie Karie of course. I love that girl." I said, trying to act as if I have known her forever.

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