Chapter Seven

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Authors notes: This past week was my spring break so I decided to take a break from writing, but now that it is pretty much over I decided to come back to writing!!!! And yes I know I didn't meet my goal, but I am hoping that I reach it this time, and I also didn't want to keep the people that are reading it waiting any longer :). Hope all you guys had a good spring break, or are going to have a good spring break if yours hasn't happened yet. Thanks for sticking with me :)

Love you guys lots!!!!

 ------------------------------------------------------>>>>> Amanda school outfit 

Thanks, zeinmalick for being the first to comment on my profile about this book :)

Goal: 55 readers and two comments (Good/ bad)

Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 7: Secrets Not Kept

 "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked Mr. Levin, my soft-spoken math teacher, after raising my hand for what seemed like forever.

   "Yah sure." He said, not giving my question a second thought; eager to return to his lesson.

I got out of my seat and headed out the door. Walking straight ahead I went into the bathroom and went to the first stall.

   "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" I heard from down the hallway before I shut the stall door.

    "You don't own me!" I had heard these voices before. They were the boy and girl I heard the day I stayed after school, and rode home with Alex. Afraid to make any sudden moves I stood unmoving in the stalls doorway.

  "You are right, but unless you want to give all your money back, then you're still in it!" he screamed; it was so loud I was surprised I hadn't heard a teacher come out of there classroom to see what all the commotion was about. Yet being the last period of school, most teachers weren't suspicious about those things since there usually was some commotion with most seniors having last period out.

    "You know what, fine, but if you think that were still going to be together, you have got another thing coming." She said calmly, knowing this would hurt him.

  "I used to, but now I have no hope in us." He said sadly. From the sounds of it, they must have been a couple at some point.

  "I loved you, I did, but not who you are now." She said, sounding disgusted with the new him.

    "I haven't changed."

       "You might not think so, but over time everyone changes either for the good or the bad."

  "So you're saying you will never love me?"

     "As of the person you are now yes, but as I said, people change over time," she said, over the starting sniffles. While trying to recognize which one the sniffles were coming from, they walked farther and farther down the hallway.

  "Hey! Why are you just standing here? Or is the bathroom just the new hang out place for the socially awkward club?" Amanda asked she had just come in the directions the sniffles had completely faded. Was she the girl who I had heard talking?

  "I was looking at this number trying to figure out if it was a nine or ten?" I said, pointing at the phone number I could find on the wall.

  "What does it even matter, it's a girls phone number?"

    "True, I didn't think of that." Wasn't I good at acting like a blonde? "So, who are you dating nowadays?"

  "Dating? I know I am hot and all, but no I will not date you!"

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