Chapter Eighteen

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Authors notes: Dear readers who are still reading I greatly appreciate it and I hope that you get out of it what you expected and I sincerely hope that the wait wasn't too long. never would I have imagined how much high school graduation and making big college decisions take some much of your free time. And far warning the next one might not be posted until March because on February 13 I will be off to do gods work in Africa!!!!!!!So excited first time flying on a plane and all!!!!!! So unless I finish another one before then just keep a lookout for the next chapter:-).Hope you guys enjoyed super bowl night lol.

sincerely, excitement can't contain how I'm feeling the author

goal: 540 glorious readers

Dedicate Thanks for following me on wattpad and I hope you are enjoying this book I wrote, and if you ever need anything just hit me up

Chapter 18(part 2): Road Trip??


"Alex hasn't seen you in a while!" Brandi said, answering the door after I rung the bell.

Brandi was short and tiny with gray eyes; her black hair was shoulder length with light brown highlights on her tips.

Automatically Alex pulled Brandi into a hug squeezing her tight.

"I guess you missed me too?" Brandi asked a little out of breath, after Alex had released her.

"Oh yeah maybe just a little," Alex said, with a smirk.

"Uuuuuhhhmmmmm" I said, purposely clearing my throat loudly. Alex turned around finally aware of my existence.

"Brandi meet Keri, and Keri this is Brandi," Alex said; maybe avoiding having to put a label on whatever this is?

Which I was totally fine with not wanting it to be any more complicated than it was already.

"Well come on in, I doubt you came by to just talk on the porch," Brandi said, motioning with her arm to the inside of her home front hallway.

Alex pulled me in as we stepped inside and took my jacket hanging it on the hook next to his.Brandi left us, continuing down the hallway to a more lighted room.

"Don't worry she won't bite.I thought you wanted to talk to her?" Alex whispered, leading me into what seemed to be the kitchen.

"So how have you been holding up Alex? Sit down I'm making some tea."

"You know me and Cameron haven't driven each other nuts yet, so you could say it is all going well."

"Hahaha oh and Cameron always the two troublemakers!"Brandi said chuckling to herself. "I remember the time you two decided to see who could do a better prank and you both ended up doing the exact same thing to each other..both of you had pink hair and clothes for half a month."

Pink hair? I started laughing at the very thought.

"Hey, pink is a very masculine color," Alex responded having me and Brandi laugh even harder.

"Yeah! Sure hair is so manly!" I mustered up out of my mouth as I was still laughing hard; I lightly patted his knee.

"On a lighter note, Brandi how is photography going?"Alex asked, trying to easily change the subject.

"Oh, it's going great. Actually, I might have a photo of that pink hair, Keri, if you want to see it." Brandi said like it was the brightest idea ever.

"I wouldn't mind taking a look at it!"I said overly excited, as Alex gave me 'the stink eye'.

"Darling all you had to do was say the word, I will go get it out of my room," she said, leaving the kitchen.

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