Chapter One

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Authors words:

This is my first story first story to post!!!! I'm sssooo excited, and can't wait to hear feedback from you guys, even if it is to tell me it sucks, I need all the feedback I can get, so please be honest with me :) . And sorry for the short chapters at the beginning, but as we go along the will definitely become longer :). So enough with my chit-chat I know you came to read the book, so enjoy!!!!!!

Dedicated to sweetgirl32, I appreciate you following me

-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Keri

Chapter 1: The Highlight

Everything had changed. Over time or when nobody seemed to be looking. It started off so innocent. It was like honey to a bee and chocolate to me, but wait, I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's go back to the beginning. It all started on my first day of high school.


When I walked through the double red doors of the journalism room all eyes were on me. Not because I have the perfect body, but because I was fifteen minutes late to class (it was my last period of the day).

"Nice of you to finally join us." The teacher said. "Are you Kerina Shamely?"

"Yes, that is me and just to let you know everyone calls me Keri," I said.

Did she really have to say my last name? Shamely has never been something I had been fond of; not only because the name was plain weird in this teenage generation, but also because the history of the Shamely's was just that, shameful.

The Shamely  history doesn't need a lot of explaining when it's bluntly shown just by looking at my grandpa and dads life.From day one my grandpa was known around town for his promiscuous acts with women as young as me. My daddy always taking up the bigger spotlight with his car fixing skills and  along the way he picked up a "necessary" drinking problem. Oh and let's not even start with my great-grandpapa who decided to take part in a little bit of everything.

"Well, Kerina, please take a seat, so I may continue," she said as if she only heard me say yes. Not wanting to start off my sophomore year at a new school I decided not to correct her!

I looked around, and the class only had eight chairs, and six were filled. With not much of a choice, I sat at the desk closest to me and Mrs. Cole continued with her introduction. You would think she was still a senior in high school, with brown untamed hair, along with her nerdy suspenders, like she was still that same nerd trying to fit with the "in crowd".

A shade of fifteen minutes later she sat down to read her Harry Potter book, letting the journalism president take over the rest of the class, and most likely the rest of the year, because when this fancy pants president stood up everyone in the room was quick to ready their sharpest pencils and finest pen points.

"It is good to see all of your faces back here from our previous years, and for the ones who don't know me" he started, his dark brown eyes landing directly on me "I'm Alex Samoa, top student in my junior class, the best of the best in journalism, in turn making me the director for journalism; along with others things." He said, not a bit shy about tooting his horn.

I could tell by his crisp starched white jeans, a royal blue sweater, with  lighter royal blue Sperry's that he means business. He was now coming to the end of his "I'm the boss"blah... blah ...blah speech and started to give assignments to the others.

"So everyone can start their work. Keri, may I please have a word with you?" he said, walking casually back to his cubical as if he didn't know he was the center of attention.

"How may I help you?" I asked walking up to his very neat,very white desk. It was like it had been taken out of a home improvement magazine.

"Just wanted to give you the journalism rule packet for newbie's," he said, not bothering to look up from his shiny white laptop.

"No need this isn't my first time being in a school newspaper, I worked on the Martin High journalism paper," I said, trying hard not to keep a grin off my face.

Alex abruptly stopped typing and looked up from his computer. Throwing his head back he starts making an unknown sound, almost sounding like a dinosaur dying... and then I realized he was laughing. He laughed until he was rolling on the floor, and eyes becoming watery, obviously making a joke of me. Climbing back into his chair as if nothing had happened he went back to staring me down. I looked around the room and no one seemed faxed by this outburst.

"Martin high school's newspaper shouldn't even be allowed to call themselves a newspaper, and I am sorry to say, but we don't write like that at Grand High," he said, placing a dictionary size packet into my hands; tempting me to want to reach across his desk and rip his vocal cords out.

Not waiting for him to assign me a story, I briskly walked back to my cubical. No one calls Keri Shamely a bad  writer unless they want all their precious secrets on the front cover. After "accidentally" throwing away my newbie packet, I buckled down, ready to show him just what kind of writer I could be.

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