Chapter Twenty- Two

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Notes: Hello everyone I know it has been a while, but here it is! I hope you all enjoy!

Goal: Still 850 readers!!

I thought that they were going to take me to the rusted orange house, but I knew I was wrong when the car stopped in front of a rotten old big looking warehouse, not far from the school. When Amanda pulled me out of the back of the car there was no sign that anyone had followed us. At that moment, I started feeling more scared and hopeless. "I thought they had loved me," I said in my head, looking down at the Claris jewelry which now seemed like nothing. With nothing else left I tried to make pleading eye contact with Amanda (the weakest link of the two). Sadly it didn't work; it was like I was seeing the true her. As she pushed me into the warehouse I said to Amanda "I thought we were closer than that?"

"I have only asked for your assistance, so what's with the extra?" a male voice asked, coming from the very end of the little room we had walked into. The look of fear spread across both of their faces at the sound of his voice.

"She claims to know things," Luke said, taking a step back as if he was closer than before.

"Well then bring her forward so I can get a closer look at her." Not trying to be harmful they both led me forward, but before reaching him they stopped but pushed me. Scared of what I would see I stopped, after two steps. I heard him take a step forward, and that's when I saw him. He was so beautiful like Cameron and Alex, but somehow more. Something different about him; something off. He made a complete circle around me; observing.

"She looks like a normal teenager to me." He said, looking to be in the early 20's.

"Well, if I'm a normal teenager than why am I here?" I asked, trying to cover up the fact that I was screaming with fear inside.

"We brought you here because you said you knew things," Luke said.

"Well if she knows, we can't let that stay the same." He said.

"What, I don't know anything," I said yelling. I know your thinking I do because I do. But, the look on his face when he said 'can't stay the same' was just nerve-racking.

"Oh, we'll just see about that darling." He said, walking closer to me.

"What does that mean?" my question never being answered. He hit a button, causing a machine to come out from the ceiling.

"Now you might feel a little pressure, or maybe a lot." He said, in a bit of a whisper. The machine fixed itself on me. It was very big, with a red thing coming out of the top, little blue things like eyes; they stared back at me until it was down on my head like a helmet. I waited, waited, and waited, but felt nothing.

"Why isn't it working?" Amanda asked.

"Because she has Claris jewelry." He said, his eyes zeroing in on them like he had just struck a pot of gold. "Go put her in the cell with Blake." For a moment I got excited, I will finally get to see Blake, and maybe he could help me. Two rooms down there was Marie guarding another door which I assume was holding Blake.

"Weird girl from the gym?" Marie asked, not understanding the situation."Is she here to take my place?" standing up, ready to leave.

"Not so fast their missy you're not off the clock yet," Amanda said, pushing her back down. To open the guarded door, Luke pulled out a tiny gray key that fits perfectly in the bolted lock. When the massive concrete door opened Blake tried to make an attempt but failed (somehow they were faster than he was). Or at least fast enough to push me through a tiny opening, and close it. I looked around the room and saw that it looked just like a jail cell. The room was probably the temperature of Alaska, it was all gray; faded gray, with the smell of a rat that had probably been dead for a month.

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