Chapter Eighteen ♡♥

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Authors voice: Hey guys I really hope you like this one and know that there is more to come:-). hope all of you guys have a good weekend

sincerely your reader

goal: 400 readers

eeennnjjjooyyy :-P

Dedicate: thanks so much for following me on Watttpad!!!oh yeah and don't forget about the spice girls (tell me what you want what you really really want)

Chapter 18(part 1): Road Trip??


Another Friday and I was hanging out at the guys' house. Luckily it was only me and Alex; Cameron had gone off to get us some pizza.

Ever since that kiss, I couldn't get it off of my mind and it was driving me bonkers!!

And I am also pretty sure every time I was with him I stared at his lips longer than could be called normal

I am confused and curious about the kiss. ..yet I want it to happen again

"So why is everything in here white?" I asked Alex, looking around his room; hoping to forget about Cameron and the pendant hanging around my neck.

"It is a color passed down through the family," he responded.

I so wasn't expecting an answer in the lines of family

"It runs in the family! Really?"

"Yes, really!" he said, sounding actually quite serious.

"Uuuummmm I guess I will accept that answer for now, but I will definitely want an explanation later. " I said, not wanting to force him into telling me right now.

Alex gave my face a long stare for a while

"What are you thinking? "

I'm thinking about your brother's lips on mine

But no way in flying pigs could I tell him that.Think Keri think  come up with something simple and not weird

"I'm thinking we should go on a road trip. " I said, oddly the first thing that popped into my head.

Great Keri, because that isn't weird or creepy at all!

"To where?" he asked, standing up abruptly.

"Anywhere! " I exclaimed; finding it a good excuse not wanting to be here when Cameron returned.

"Ok," he said, grabbing my hand gently.

Pulling me down the stairs, to the sight of his mother sitting on the living room couch watching tv on their super fancy 52-inch flat screen tv.

"Hey, mom."

"Hey sweetie and Keri where are yall going? " she asked seeing his hand from around the doorknob.

"Just for a drive around the neighborhood," Cameron said too casual.

"Ok, just make sure to be careful and pay attention to your surroundings. "

"I will! "he said, his voice rising too high.

Even though she sounded just like a loving mother, with the way Alex reacted I'm sure it is something she didn't start doing till Blake went missing.

Squeezing my hand a little too hard with anger.Grabbing the door to his pick up truck Alex opened the passenger door.

After helping me in he slammed the door shut.

"Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it? I asked he hadn't said a word since he got in the car, and was driving like a maniac in a neighborhood.

"I'm fine I just hate it when she does that. "

Just from that one response somehow he was driving faster.

"Does what? "I asked.

Reaching out and placing my hand on his knee giving it a squeeze, hoping it would help him calm down a little.

Alex slowed down a little but was still driving dangerous.

"Ever since Blake got kidnapped she has been way over-protective. "


Has he met my dad?

"It seems to me that she is acting like a normal mother who cares about you, is that so wrong?"I said, trying to hold back my anger for him stupidly thinking something so little as over-protection.

"You just don't know her, "he said, starting to get madder.

We were coming up to a stop sign and I'm sure he wasn't going to stop.

"Maybe I don't."

Picking up my none booted up leg I put it on top of Alex's leg putting little pressure on the break to slowly slow the car down.

"But if it's anyone I do know it is you,"I said, placing my hands on the side of his cheek turning his face to me.

"I'm sorry," he said, sending tingles through my cheek; making me blush.

"It's ok, I know you were just mad and didn't mean anything by it."

With my leg on his and his hands on my face I just couldn't resist and gently pecked the inside of his palm.His eyes automatically locked on mine.

The intensity of the stare grew stronger and stronger; slowly bringing our faces with it and in 40 seconds we had come close enough to feel each other breath. Bringing his thumb up he followed the arch of my eyebrow.

Cupping my face we kissed. The kiss was sweet; it was a kiss that lingered on my lips even when we had parted...just like when we touched.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked; pulling away slowly and looking around trying to take in the surroundings.

Turning from my face Alex looked around the neighborhood we had stopped in.

"B's house," Alex said as if he had stepped back in time.

"Oh yeah B's house!.....and B is?"

"Her name is Brandi Brooke."

Brandi Brooke?

Brandi Brooke?

Brandi Brooke? Where have I heard that name before?

"Is she popular at school or something? She sounds super familiar?"

"Yah she does go to our school, and dated Blake, " he said, bring Luke's word back to my memory.

"Oh yeah, I heard something like that, were they close?"

"Yes, they were in love until he got kidnapped. "

Before he could say anything I started unbuckled my seat belt and my hand starting to move to the door handle.

"Hey, where you going?" he asked, giving me a weird strange look he stared at me for a while and then looked back at the gray bricked house.

"I want to talk to her,"I said, opening the car door heading straight for the grass green door.

If Blake and Brandi were close maybe she would help me in the search for the voices.Or maybe just more about Alex and Cameron.


So are you team Alex?!!!!

Or Cameron? !!!!

Let me know :-)

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