Chapter Seventeen

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authors note: Hey guys I know I haven't posted in a while but I have been a little busy with school and life and what not :-)

goal:400 readers what-what!!!!!

happpppyyyy reading <3

Dedicate: I greatly appreciate you being a follower of mine and for your one added follower making me see hope

Chapter 16 (part 2): Harmless Games


Why did I agree to wait in the car?

I had been waiting in the car for about ten minutes now, and couldn't take it anymore.

Stepping out I headed towards the practice gym.

only because she was taking so long of course... I thought to try badly to convince myself.

Walking in I planned on rumbling on about something about her wasting my time, but when I walked through the door my plans quickly change.

walking to the nearest bleacher, I set down on the first row, not even bothering with climbing the steps.

I hope she didn't think anything of me coming inside and not doing as she had asked?

why do I even care what she thinks?

Because of that bracelet, she will probably always love Alex now.

Keri turned her head, her eyes automatically landing on me. She turned on her crutches and started heading my way, a mischevious grin playing on her face.

Every time I saw her struggling with her crutches I wanted to run and help her, not liking seeing the pain of struggle on her face.

When she finally reached me she had broken out in a little sweat.Holding my hand out I help her sit down and then took the crutches from her placing them on the right side of me.

"I see what good friends you and Marie are," I said, a grin spreading a grin on my face.

I knew that bold face lies as soon as it left her mouth.

why did she really want to come talk to Marie?

"Why yes, just like I told you earlier, but I guess you didn't believe me," she said as if I had fallen for the lie.

"No I didn't but I guess you just proved me wrong.With that extra long conversation, yall just had!" I spewed out sarcastically, hoping now she would tell me what they were talking about, believing I had taken the bate.

"Oh well, good Mr. I was gonna wait in the car like a good busboy!So surprised I am to see you around these parts!"

I could see her eyes glistening with fun hanging in them.Oh, those eyes...

Hearing the silence in the gym I decided to let down the rusty gate and listen to some thoughts.

'He is so hot'

'If only he was single'

definitely not the first time I have heard that one.

'How does a girl like her get a guy like him'

'Just friends my butt'

'He told me just yesterday he wasn't looking for a relationship! Liar!'

'Oh I would so be on crutches for all that'

'He is the only guy that makes me frustrated and happy at the same time'

I know her thoughts anywhere! Keri!

Lightly I place my hand on her knee immediately sending a shock through my hand.

But not at all like the ones I hear people received from linked girls... but this shock made me want to do anything and everything for Keri.

"These parts are my homeland.It has all a man like me could need... girls and skimpy outfits!" I replied sarcastically, still holding the conversation.

Keri turned and did a quick glare at the cheerleaders watching with perked ears.

" Have they been watching us this whole time?" she asked in a whisper; leaning her lips to my ear.

all the cheerleader's thoughts were going crazy with how close we were, and if we were about to kiss.

" Yes, I think we should give them just what they want," I whispered, moving my lips to her ear.

'He must be joking?' keri thought.

Leaning my cheek on her cheek and felt it tingling from the touch.

Do I really want to do this?

Slowly I moved my face in front of hers; locking my eyes with her green ones.

'Is he going to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me?'

short but obvious I watched her eyes move to my lips.

what do I have to lose? she is already Alex's.

While moving my lips towards hers I knew that this kiss would lead to much more.

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