Chapter Three

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Authors notes: I know I promised to have it yesterday, but I had one of those days that we all dread, and couldn't bring myself to post after performing my guard routine at the drill teams show off, and if you are in guard, I am happy to know you probably know how I feel. now I am posting though, and I hope everyone likes it. And since I do so great with deadlines I think I will have the next chapter up by Friday, but please don't hold your breath on it, will get back with you guys as soon as possible :). 

love you guys lots!!


dedicated to Fabzii :) thanks I appreciate all of your support sincerely,

your lovely author !!!! who had a delicous bake potato for dinner(random fact)

 --------------------------------------------------->there is pete 

Chapter 3:Enemies

As soon as I entered the theatre my green eyes were drawn in by bright red curtains and a marvelous stage. It was round along with cherry, hardwood floors, with all the new features in every crook and crack, and the chairs weren't your ordinary foldables, but similar to the ones you would sit in at the bass hall.

    "Oh looks like another writer to interview me." A blonde hair, blue eyed girl said; interrupting my eyes from roaming the theatre that I have been dreading to step foot in.            

      "Actually, I came to talk to the whole cast, not just you," I said, glaring back at her; already mad about the article and her stuck up attitude wasn't helping the situation.

    "Perfect timing!" a short petite lady said, making her way down the aisle towards me. "Keri right? Alex informed me to be on the lookout for you."

    "Yes, I am definitely her." I was quite  pretty unsure of who I was talking to.

         "Great!" she said her face lighting up in relief that she didn't call out the wrong person. "My name is Mrs. Elli, the drama teacher. I am sure you have acquainted yourself familiar with the play, and its characters. So while we are on break you can go interview whomever you need to for your article."

Sadly, I had did some research on this little school play.  The play is called 'My Love', and is about the stupidity of a girl who falls in love with two guys and in the end, have to make a rarional decision between the two. Most of it was based off of a Shakespeare play in modern time.

    "Alex usually starts with me, since I am the star of all stars." said the Blondie form earlier, stepping in front of Mrs. Elli; as if she was in a state of oblivion to the conversation we were carrying. "My name is Amanda Ridge.I knew when I walked into the black box (theater room) that there is no way I wasn't getting the lead. Never mind the horrible talent that even considered themselves as an equal to me" blocking her out in mid-sentence I wondered why Alex would give me a story that he himself the ruler of the journalism world would usually do?

"HEY!!! Aren't you supposed to be taking notes? Gosh, why are you staring at me like I'm the dumb one? Do I have to do everything myself!!" Amanda said, waving her perfectly manicured fingers in my face.

Thankfully Mrs.Elli intervened "Ok everyone, I want to take it from the top, so all the first scene's props set up please!" she said, before I could snatch Amanda's fake nails off one by one, with pleasure.

  "Oh," she said nudging me as if she did not just call me dumb. "Aren't the helpers so cute? Especially that one right there." Pointing straight at my boyfriend.  Proud to get her back for earlier, I waved him over and he came running immediately; seeming as if he had been watching us this whole time.

     "Hey, my cute little red riding hood (one of his fabulous nicknames for me)!" Peter said when he reached us, giving me a kiss on the cheek. But that wasn't enough pay back for me, so I grabbed his face and gave him a sloppy one on him, and believe me, I had no dought that he wasn't enjoying it. "What was that for?" he asked, when we finally pulled away.

  "I don't know, you just look like the cutest little helper up there." I said with a sly smile; trying my best to use the exact words that had just flowed out of Amanda's sparkling mouth.

    "Well, then I guess I better start helping out with things more often." He said, flirting back with me.  Now, who knows how to deliver a sound proof payback.... this chick!


"Oh, Amanda, it totally slipped my mind that you were standing here."I said as innocent as could be. "Babe do you know Amanda?"

    "Oohhh uuummm..."

       "Hey Pete, plan on actually helping anytime soon." Another helper yelled from the stage.

  "Got to go... uumm Keri, see you after uumm school." Not even turning to give me a goodbye kiss he nervously ran back to the stage.

  "Peter didn't tell me he had a girlfriend." Amanda said, not bothering to hide her smirk.

  "What is that suppose to mean?"

      "All actors back on stage! All actors back on stage!" Mrs. Elli yelled in the mic.

         "Looks like I have to jet cute little red riding hood, even though I really wanted to crush your relationship with Pete."

He never told me he had a girlfriend.

I really wanted to crush your relationship with Pete.

What did all of this mean?  

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