Chapter Eleven

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authors notes: now this length is more like it... not sorry maybe going through a short chapter block and phase :) with that said since I am posting in the same night I really have no comment, well actually not true because you all know I'm just the chatterbox :)

hope you enjoy :)

Sincerely you're to post one-night writer? lol :0

to whom I dedicated this chapter so thanks for the support and for being one of the first to read the update :)

Chapter 11: Rescue, Failure

Walking down the math hallway, I see Amanda. I was going to go over and say hi, but then I saw Pete. He went over, and hugged her from behind9like he used to do to me). "Oh, Hey Keri," Amanda said, noticing me standing in the hallway.

"Hi!" I said, walking up to them, maybe if I act happy for them I might actually be some day.

"Aren't you going to say hi to Keri?" Amanda asked Pete, me already knowing that he would have much better things to do, then talk to me.

"She doesn't deserve my hi." He said a little bit louder than a whisper. Like I was somehow the one who was cheating in the relationship, not him.

"What was that I didn't hear you? Want to say it a little louder?" I asked, trying to tick him off, not that he wasn't already.

"I said THAT YOU TWO-TIMING GIRL DOSENT DESERVE MY HI!" he yelled, drawing attention to us; everyone in the hallway started staring.

"Two-timing what? Really? You're the cheater here?"I said, feeling offended.

"So texting is cheating now?" he asked, getting closer to my face as if he was going to kiss me.

"No, but when you start doing things that you do to me to your ex, something's wrong."

"Oh, that's nothing compared to you."

"Compared to me, what did I even do?"

"Running around with those two weirdo brothers." Getting closer and closer, so close that he had me pinned against the wall.

"I was not, it's called friends, what does it hurt your little insecure ego?" I asked, not really helping this situation. When I tried to squeeze out he grabbed my wrist, so hard, they started turning red. "Stop, you're hurting me!" I yelled; this making him grip harder (All these people standing around, and staring, none coming to my rescue).Where was all this coming from, I had never seen Pete so angry, and worked up. When I looked into his eyes, I saw an anger in them, from inside. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him. For some odd reason, he had planted one of his feet behind mine.

"Because you hurt me." He said, starting to cry. When I thought he was going to take the breath out of me, I heard running footsteps down the hallway. After that, everything happened so fast. Cameron sucker punched Pete, so hard, that he fell. When he did, I went down with him. After that, all I could remember was feeling excruciating pain in my knee. I heard screams like sirens come from somewhere. That's when I realized it was coming from my mouth. Everyone had seemed to crowd around me, taking pictures. My head was starting to spin. So I looked down, and held my head, trying to stop it. That's when I saw my knee. There wasn't any blood, except cuts I got from falling, and my kneecap was completely turned around; instead of in the front, it was in the back of my leg. It hurt so bad, and looking at made it seem to hurt even more. Cameron was huddled down next to me, and I knew he saw it too. Not knowing any other way to pick me up, he put his hands around my waist and put me over his shoulder very carefully fear of causing me more pain. From there we went to the hospital. Not right away though, first we had to go and tell the office what had happened, and where we were going. On the way there Alex drove, and Cameron sat with me in the back seat stroking my hair. His ocean blue eyes showed that he was concerned. I reached my hand out and stroked his face. "I promise I will be ok," I said, he leaned down and wiped away my tears.

"All I can do is worry." He said.

"But there is no need to," I said.

"Would you think there was a need for it if I told you I am in love with you?" He said, in a soft and gentle voice. At the time I couldn't think it through. But now that I was laying in the hospital bed, pretty much naked (with the little nightgown thing on. Also my bra and panties). These things weren't really meant to be attractive looking at all, were they? Now that I think about it, I might be falling hard for him. When they had to pop my knee cap back into place; I told him I didn't want him there, because I knew it wouldn't be a pretty sight. Instead of listening to me, he never left my side and held my hand till I decided to let it go (Alex was there too). Now isn't that something like true love?

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