Chapter Seventeen

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authors notes: hey guys, sorry I have been off being a teenage girl and what not! living up my last year in high school and preparing for college :-) I know I have kept you waiting because I temporarily put it on hold and I am so sorry about that. But recently I accepted this November writing challenge. where you write every day in November :-P and my goal is to finish this book ...which is totally possible !!!!

Goal: I would really love to hit that big 400 readers =-O

enjoy my cool kid readers B-)

Dedicate: having a follower like you just makes my day thank you so much I hope your winter guard season is great

Chapter 17: Surprises, Surprises


It was the way I had been imagining how we would kiss again; sweet, passionate, and a definite spark.

Not wanting the moment to end I kept my eyes closed longer than needed.

Did I want him to kiss me?

What did the kiss mean?

Cameron had just made my head and heart spin a whirlwind around with questions.

The gym was so silent that a simple tap would have been a loud echo.

Popping my eyes open Cameron's eyes piercing back at the mine was the first thing I saw. Shifting my eyes again to Cameron's lips I saw them turned up in a satisfied and fulfilled smile.This smile made my heart start beating double time again and my cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"Aaaawwweeee!!!" All the cheerleaders said in unison; making this more even more movie-like.

Cameron's smile grew into a grin the deeper my cheeks turned.

"Hey, want to get out of here?" Cameron asked; putting his hand out with the offer.

"Yeah, I think I will like that," I said, the words stumbling out of my mouth.

His amount of coolness had me question if the kiss had really meant anything to him... or if it was just a kiss??

Grabbing his hand; the sparks flew again. Cameron pulled me into his side with one arm holding me up, while with the other he casually grabbed my crutches; tucking them gently under my armpits.


Acting as smooth as a cucumber, I gently tucked her crutches into her armpits.

Pulling her bag on my shoulders and the rest on my arms.

Placing my hand back in hers I felt that tingling feeling again.

tingling feeling?

I have never felt this way when touching anyone before...

I wonder if this is that spark; that something special, that everyone is always talking about?

Getting beside her I move my hand from hers and place it on the small of her back; feeling the sparks fly again.Staying by her side the whole time I slowly walked with her out of the gym.

Getting to the door I grabbed the handle, holding it up for her.

"Thanks," she said; finally breaking the silence we had kissed.

the kiss...was the best I had have and I have had plenty.

"Anytime doll, so when you think you will stop hobbling around? " I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.


I heard still listening in to Keri's thoughts trying to figure out what she was thinking about the kiss

"First babe now doll?What do you suck at remembering names?"

"Oh yeah sure Keri I so suck at remembering names! "I said; sarcasm rolling off my tongue.

we had now reached the parking lot.

"hhhhmmm. ..well then maybe there is another reason behind it? "

"like what? "

"like you actually like me and want me to be your babe and your doll?" Keri said leaning against my car.

'why would I say something stupid like that? '

"And what if you're right?" I said, closing the space. between us; never breaking eye contact.

"Well...I ummm..."

"What if I do in fact want you and have feeling for you?" I asked, raising my arm left arm above her head.

Keri reached out and touched my left inner bicep "What might this be?" she asked, pulling up the end of my short sleeve.

With curiosity, she ran her fingers over the tattoo. bringing her face closer she read the quote aloud "All things are possible if you just believe"

"One of my favorite bible verses." I quietly commented.

"That is just beautiful, especially how you have the words arranged to make a cross.Was it painful at all?"

"Didn't hurt me one bit," I said with a smile.

"You know I have always thought about getting a tattoo but can never think of how to decide? How did you decide? "

"The same way I decided this. " I said; the words coming out before I could comprehend them.

My arms working on a mind of their own I reached into my back pocket, coming out with a necklace that I only knew the meaning. "I saw this the other day and just knew it was for you."

"Oh my gosh Cameron this is amazing I definitely love it !" Keri squealed as I clasped it on the back of her neck.

This necklace wasn't just a necklace at all... no, it was the special chain and charm(gem) that I would only and could only make for my true love.

So why did I make one for Keri?

and the even bigger question is if Alex already claimed her how could I do the same?

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