Chapter 2

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"Nash what do I wear?!" I asked as I ran to my room knowing the boys would be here soon. "What do you usually wear around the house?" He asked. "Sweats and a sweatshirt" I said. "Alright then" he said. "Nash seriously. I don't want to wear sweats around your friends. I need to leave a good impression just in case they are cute" I said and he laughed. "Cam you have a boyfriend. Don't act like a hoe" he said jokingly. "Okay I was kidding. So sweats is fine?" I asked. "Yes diva." he said. "Shut up." I said and kicked him. "Ow! Hurry up, Cam is on his way back with the boys." He said and left.

I walked over to my door and locked it because almost every time I close my door for privacy, or for time with Collin, Hayes never knocks and always walks in on me. "Camden let me in!" Hayes yelled. "Umm you can wait I'm changing." He said. "I left my phone in there. Let me get it!" He said. "You can wait. Just think of this as payback for not getting me that Mountain Dew earlier." I said as I changed into PINK sweats and a PINK sweatshirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my glasses. Hey if I'm wearing sweats I might as well not care about my appearance for the day. "Hurry up! You take so long!" Hayes yelled. "Oh hush!" I said and grabbed his phone to take selfies. I took one and posted it on his Instagram.

"@Hayesgrier: look it's my favorite sister❤️ love you Camden:) #hacked"

I opened the door and handed him his phone. "Here stupid." I said and went and jumped on his bed. It was the comfiest. "Uh what do you think you're doing?" He asked. "Laying down." I said and turned on my tv. "You have a bed." He said and pushed me over. "But I wanna cuddle with my brother" I said and tackled him in a hug. "Camden you stink" he said laughing. "I do not" I said. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asked. "Let's watch CINDERELLA!" I said. "I hate you" he said and went and got it from Sky's room since she was gone with mom. "You love me. It even says I'm your favorite on your Instagram" I said. "You hacked me didn't you?" He asked. "All day every day!" I said and watched the movie. We eventually fell asleep in Hayes' bed.


"So that's your sister! Dude she's hot" some boy said. Oh crap the boys are here. "Yall go so I can wake them up." Nash said and they went downstairs. "Cam get up" he said as he bent down by the bed. "Cam" he said as he shook me. "Hmm" I said. "Get up" he said. I just laid there. "Camden, mom and sky came back with pizza." He said. "I'm up" I said and ran downstairs.

I got to the end of the stairs and just stopped. "Woah" was all I said. These guys are hot. "You're not too bad yourself" the one in the bandana said. "Crap I've gotta stop thinking out loud. Where's the pizza?" I asked. "In here sissy" Sky said. "Hey baby girl" I said as I picked her up. "Hey Camden come here so I can introduce you" Nash said. "Umm let me get my food." I said. "Oh sorry." He said sarcastically. "Don't you know, food over anything" I said as I sat down at the bar. "Okay so Camden, this is Taylor Caniff, Aaron Carpenter, Cameron of course, Matthew Espinosa, Shawn Mendes, Jack Gilinsky, and Jack Johnson." Nash said. "Hey guys I'm Camden." I said and ate my pizza and then the door bell rang. "Who's here?" Hayes asked. "Collin Matthew" I said blushing. "I thought you were mad at him?" He asked. "Yea but I have to see my boyfriend." I said. "Boyfriend? Beautiful girl but hard to get." Matthew said. "Thanks but I look like crap." I said. "Okay if you say so." He said while I walked over and opened the door for Collin.

"Hey baby" I said as I opened the door. "Hey I left my hoodie here. I need it." He said. "But you let me keep your hoodies." I said as he pushed passed me and went to my room. "Not anymore." He said and looked around for his hoodie. "Dude what going on?" Hayes asked Nash. I turned around and everyone was staring. "Where are you going?" I asked. "We're done okay? All of these stupid fights and arguments are pointless and obviously we aren't happy anymore so we're done Camden. I love you but I can't do this anymore." He said as he left. I shut the front door and just slid down and cried. "Camden?" Nash asked. "No just please stop." I said and ran to my room. I laid on my bed and just cried myself to sleep.

I woke up around 1 a.m. crying. I got up and ran to the living room downstairs where all the boys were sleeping since they stayed over. "Nash" I said trying to wake him up. "Nash" I said shaking him. "Camden?" Matthew said waking up. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I need Nash. I can't get Collin out of my head and I can't sleep." I said starting to cry. "Come here. You can lay with me." He said and I went and cuddled by him. "I just don't understand. That was a year and a half down the drain. I loved him Matt" I said. He pushed my hair away from my face. "Camden he doesn't deserve you okay? If you two weren't happy you shouldn't be with him." Matt said. "I just love him so much" I said crying. "Cam are you okay?" Hayes said waking up. "No" I said crying. "Come here." He said. I got up and we went in the bathroom. "It's okay Cam." Hayes said. "No it's not. I loved him Hayes." I said crying. "He's not worth it sis." He said. "I hate this" I said and cried into his shoulder. "Come on let's go sleep in my room." He said and we headed to his room.

"Wanna watch Cinderella?" He asked. "Yeah" I said and he turned it on. "Cam look at me" he said and looked. "I love you and so does Nash and so does the rest of us. Even though you just met those boys, they love you too. They even let Nash know that they would protect you okay?" He said. "I love you bubba." I said and hugged him. "I love you too sissy!" He said and I cuddled beside my brother and fell asleep.


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