Chapter 20

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{Few weeks later}

|Shawn's POV|

"Come on Princess. It's time to get up" I said as I woke Ava up. "No" she mumbled. "You can't sleep all day silly" I said and picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and we walked downstairs. "You want some breakfast?" I asked her and she nodded. "I want some Cheerios" she said quietly. "Okay" I said and we walked into the kitchen. I made her some cereal and she sat at the bar and at it. "Daddy, where's mommy?" She asked. "Mommy's asleep" I said. "Well if I can't sleep then she can't either" she said and I laughed. "Mommy is sick silly goose" I said and she gasped. "What's wrong with Mommy?" She asked concerned and started to run upstairs. "Hold on Ava" I said and she walked back to me. "I have to check on mommy" she said. "What's wrong with her?" She asked. "Mommy has been throwing up sissy. We have to let her sleep" I said and it dawned on me. Camden's pregnant.

|Camden's POV|

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon and the sound of little feet running around my room. I opened my eyes and saw Shawn and Ava bringing food in. "Mommy! We made you breakfast cause you're sick" Ava said and they brought me my food. "Thanks baby girl" I said and she ran off to her room. "Do you feel better?" Shawn asked me. "No at all" I said and sat my food to the side. "I'm going to go to the store real quick. I'll take Ava" he said and kissed my cheek. "Okay" I said and he laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Nothing. You're just so darn cute" he said and kissed me.

|Shawn's POV|

"Come on Ava!" I said from downstairs. "I'm coming Daddy" she said running downstairs. She came downstairs and we drove off to the store.

"Daddy, will you let me get a sucker today?" Ava asked as she held my hand and walked right beside me. "Yes baby" I said and walked back to the back. I grabbed 3 tests for Camden and then we walked to the toys. "I want this baby doll" Ava said as she grabbed one. "Okay let's go" I said and we went to check out. I handed Amy the tests and the baby doll and she kind of gave me a look. "Is there going to be another one soon?" She asked and laughed a little. "Yeah, that's what it's looking like" I said. "Well congrats" she said. "Miss Ava Grace would you like a sucker?" She asked and Ava nodded. She handed Ava a sucker. "Thank you" Ava said and we left.

When I got home, I put a show on for Ava Grace and ran the tests up to Camden. "Babe, why did you get these?" Camden. "Think about it babe. I'm pretty sure you're pregnant" I said and her eyes widen. "I didn't think about that" she said and went in the bathroom. After a couple of minutes, she came out with a huge smile on her face. "Well Mr. Mendes, looks like we'll have another Mendes in 9 months" she said and I kissed her. I couldn't do anything else. I was just so happy.

|Camden's POV|

I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for next week and I walked downstairs to see Ava. "Ava come here" I said and she ran to me and hugged me. "Mommy do you feel better?" She asked me. "Yes baby" I said and sat beside her on the couch. "We have to tell you something" Shawn said as he sat down. "Well I was watching Mickey Mouse" she said. "But it's important" I said. "Well what is it?" She asked. "You're going to be a big sister!" I said and she smiled. "No I'm not" she said and laughed. "Yes you are baby" Shawn said. "Daddy no I'm not. There's no baby here so I'm not a big sister" she said. "No silly, the baby is in mommy's tummy" I said. "Did you eat it?" She asked concerned as her eyes got big. "No crazy girl" she said. "Well cool. I have to finish my show now" I said. "No, it's time for you to go take a nap" I said and picked her up. "But mom" she whined. I took her upstairs and put her in some leggings and I t-shirt and laid her down. "Go to sleep now" I said. "And when you wake up, we can go to McDonald's" I said. "Okay" she said and closed her eyes. I turned the light off and walked back downstairs.

"Give me the remote. We're watching the Fosters" I said. "No I hate that show" Shawn said. "Babe, come on I'm not playing" I said. "No babe" he said and kissed me but I didn't kiss back. "Oh come on" he said. "Give me the remote" I said. "Nope" he said with a smirk. I got up and walked upstairs to our room to watch the Fosters. "Babe come back" he said and ignored him. "I'm sorry you can watch tv." He said. This is so much fun. "Babe seriously" he said coming into the room. "Too late buddy" I said and laid down. "Your mommy is mean" he said as he laid his hand on my flat stomach. "Don't say that" I said and he laughed. "Are you tired?" He asked me and I nodded my head. "Well we can take a nap while Ava's asleep and then we can take her where she wants to go" he said and I laid my head on his chest. "I love -" I said but the show cut me off. "Hold up! Callie and AJ?? No way!" I said and sat up to watch the show. "Babe" Shawn said laughing. "Hold on. This is serious" I said. "You're crazy" he said and laid back down.

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