Chapter 26

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"Ava Grace, do you want to go outside and play with Patches?" I asked and she nodded. "Well go upstairs and get him. Me and bubba are going outside and daddy is going to wait on you" I said and walked outside. Shortly after, Ava Grace and Patches came running outside with Shawn following them. "So when is everyone coming over for her party?" Shawn asked. Today was Ava Grace's 5th birthday. "In like an hour but I brought her out here so you could go get ready for her surprise." I said. "Oh yeah. I'll go do that" he said. As he got up he kissed Braden's head and told him he loved him and it was so cute. A little while later, I got a text from Shawn saying her surprise was ready. "Ava Grace come here!" I said and she came running. "What?" She asked. "We have a surprise for you for your birthday" I said. "But we have to go inside." "Well let me get Patches real quick" she said and ran off to get Patches. She quickly came back and went inside. "Okay sit on the couch" I said. I texted Shawn and told him we were ready. I started recording and then the doorbell rang. "Go answer the door Ava Grace" I said as I tried to get Braden to calm down. "Who is that?" I asked as Shawn came in dressed as Mickey Mouse. "It's Mickey!" She yelled.  "Here take these tickets" Shawn said trying his best to act like Mickey. "But what are they for?" Ava asked. "For the plane ride to Disney world" 'Mickey' said and Ava looked confused. "Ava Grace, we're going to Disney for your birthday" I said and she got all excited. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "I have to tell Daddy when he gets back" she said and I laughed. She ran to her room and Shawn changed back into his clothes and they met each other downstairs. "Daddy, guess what!?" Ava Grace said. "What baby?" He asked. "I'm going to Disney World and Mickey came to the house" she said. "He did? Too bad I missed him. Dang it" he said and I found it all so cute. I stopped recording earlier. I posted it on all social media.

"@CamdenMendes: someone's going to Disney❤️💙"

After about an hour, all of our family and friends had showed up and as of right now, Ava just finished opening her presents. "Okay do you want some cake?" I asked. "I do!" Logan yelled. "Well you have to let Ava Grace get the first piece." Mallory said. I passed out the cake to everyone and then we just hung out with everyone for the rest of of the day until they left.

Once everyone left, Ava Grace crawled up beside me. "Mommy," she said. "I love you." "I love you too baby girl" I said and kissed her forehead. "Hey babe I need to talk to you" Shawn said as he poked his head around the corner. I got up and walked in our room where Shawn was. "What is it?" I asked. "I have to leave when we get back from Disney" he said and my heart sank. "What?" I asked. "I know and I'm sorry" he said as he engulfed me in a hug. "It's just that Taylor Swift's manager called me and he wants me to go on tour with Taylor." He said. "Shawn that's awesome!" I said. "I don't want to go" he said very bluntly. "And why is that?" I asked. He looked across the hall where Ava was now playing in her room and then took a glance to Braden and then looked back at me. "We'll be fine" I said and kissed his cheek. "That's not what I'm worried about. I don't know if I'll be okay" he said. You could see the tears forming in his eyes. "Don't cry. We'll be right here waiting on you when you get home and maybe there will be little surprise visits in there" I said with a little laugh. "You're a dork. But I love you" he said and kissed me. "I love you too. Now let's get packing. We have to be at the airport in 2 hours" I said. "Ugh, why did I pick a flight today" he said and I laughed and got to packing.

|At Disney|

"Mommy look! It's Cinderella's castle!" Ava Grace said as we got to our hotel. "Yeah I know" I said. We got to the hotel and unpacked our things and relaxed. "Mommy when can we go see Mickey Mouse?" Ava asked getting all inpatient. "Not until tomorrow baby. It's late and you're about to take a bath" I said as I grabbed her pajamas out of her bag. I started her bath and she got in. I walked back to the bed where Shawn and Braden were. "I'm so excited to be here" I said and kissed Shawn's cheek and Braden started getting fussy. "Someone's sleepy" I said and took him from Shawn and rocked him to sleep. I laid him down and Shawn and I got ready for bed. Ava Grace came out of the bathroom with her pjs on and crawled into bed with us. "Goodnight, I love you two" I said to Shawn and Ava. "Get ready to see Mickey Mouse tomorrow" I said and Ava smiled and before I knew it we were all asleep.


Here's the new chapter! I'm sorry for such a long wait but I might skip the time that they're at Disney and go to where they're back home and Shawn has to leave. I don't know yet but I'll try to update more but you know I have school now so....anyways, love ya💜

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