Chapter 14

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"Hey Shawn, can you let your daughter know that her kicks are getting very hurtful?" I said laughing. He laid his hand on my stomach and started talking. "Hey miss Ava Grace. It's your daddy here. I know you don't mean too, but you're hurting momma. Calm down kid" he said and kissed my stomach and as soon as his lips touched my stomach I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Shawn" I said getting his attention. "What?" He asked. "I think miss Ava Grace is ready to meet her mommy and daddy" I said. "Wait what?" He asked. "She's coming" I said. "I'll go get Nash and Hayes." He said and left. "Hurry!" I said.

Shawn came back with two very excited boys followed by the rest of the gang. "I'm going to be her favorite uncle!" Nash said. "No I am" Hayes argued. "You're all wrong. I'm going to be her favorite uncle" Taylor said. "Just shut up already and take me to the hospital." I said and we rushed to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, I noticed Matt wasn't here. "Guys where's Matt?" I asked. "He said since y'all aren't really close he didn't think you would want him here so he stayed back at the hotel by himself" Cameron said. "By himself? What about Allison?" I asked. "She broke up with him" Aaron said. "Oh well tell him to come down. I mean he's her 'uncle' too" I said and they called him to come down. After they called my mom, dad, step dad, Sky and Will showed up. "Hey baby girl" my mom said hugging me. "How are you?" She asked. "I'm good." I said. "Sissy!" Sky yelled. "Hey Sky!" I said. "Is Ava Grace going to be here today?" She asked and I nodded and she got all excited. "Hey sis" Will said hugging me. "Hey Will" I said. "Hey Cam" my step dad said. "Hey" I said. "Daddy!" I said as if I were a little girl. "Hey baby girl" he said and kissed my cheek. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah I guess" I said.


A couple hours pasted and we still had no baby and I was getting frustrated. "Hey are you hungry?" Shawn asked me. "No not really but you can go get some food if you're hungry babe" I told him. "Alright but if something happens, have Nash or Hayes call me okay?" He said and kissed my cheek and I just nodded. "Hey guess what guys" Nash said. "What" we all answered. "I'm gonna be an uncle" he said and we all laughed. "Really?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. I felt a pain, one way worse than ever before, and knew what it meant and I started panicking because Shawn wasn't here. "Nash! Call Shawn" I said. "Why?" He asked. Cameron smacked him. "Because she's fixing to have the baby you idiot" Matthew said and we laughed and Nash called Shawn. Shawn came running in a couple minutes later. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah" I said and shortly after the doctor came in. "Only two in the room please" the doctor said. "Nash, Shawn" I said. "Great!" Nash said in a sarcastic way. "Shut up!" I said and the boys left. "Alright let's get this going" the doctor said.


"She looks like Shawn" I said smiling as I looked at mine and Shawn's perfect little angel. "You want to hold her Shawn?" I asked. "Can I?" He asked. "Well she is your daughter" I said and laughed and handed Ava Grace to him. "Where is she?" My mom asked as she walked in. "Shawn's holding her" I said. I took a picture of Ava Grace and Shawn and put it on Twitter.

"@CamdenGrier: looks like someone has a new princess to spoil💖 Welcome baby Ava Grace! Mommy and Daddy love you so much! @Shawnmendes"

"Babe look" Shawn said laughing a little bit. "What?" I asked. "Her feet are so tiny" he said. "I love you Shawn" I said laughing. "Where's my niece?" Hayes yelled as he walked into the room. "Hayes, be quiet" my mom said getting onto him. "You want to hold her?" Shawn asked him. "Yeah" he said and Shawn handed him Ava Grace. "She looks just like Shawn" he said. "See I told you" I told Shawn. "You win" he said and kissed my cheek.

By now my Twitter and other social medias were blowing up. Nash posted his picture of him and Ava and put "You can call me Uncle Nash. I love you Ava Grace." And Hayes' said "Uncle Pooh Bear's favorite niece💜"

|a week later|

"Shawn hand me her clothes please" I said. "Here babe" he said handing me Ava's clothes. I changed her into a pink and white onesie that said 'They say I'm just like my daddy, he must be perfect too,' little blue jeans, her baby black vans and a big pink bow. "Where is my baby Ava?" Nash said walking into our hotel room. Yes Magcon is still going on. "Right here" I said. and he picked her up. "Are you coming to Magcon with us baby girl?" He asked Ava as if she could really answer him. "I don't know if I should take her. I mean she's still little and there's a lot of screaming" I said as I put some things away. "Oh come on Cam. Please, for Uncle Nash" he begged. "I guess, but if she gets overwhelmed I'm bringing her back." I said. "Well hurry and get ready. It starts in 45 minutes. "I'll take her so you can get ready." He said and I thanked him and got ready.

|Nash's POV|

"Okay, Camden is getting ready so we can leave. But you guys have to be quiet because I have the baby" I said as I walked into my room where all the boys were. "Can I hold her?" Hayes asked and I nodded and handed her to him. "Okay I'm ready" Camden said as her and Shawn walked into my room. "Is Ava coming with us?" Gilinsky asked. "Yeah" Camden said. "Can I carry her down there?" Hayes asked. "Yes, since it's not that far but be careful" Camden said.

|Camden's POV|

"Hold her head Hayes" I said as we walked into the venue. "I got her. Here take her so you can protect her from these girls because I have sound check" he said and handed her too me. We walked in and our ears met the sound of many girls screaming and Ava started crying. "It's okay Ava" I cooed as I covered her ears and took her backstage where it was quieter. "Hey babe we're fixing to go on. Are you coming?" Shawn asked. "No I have the baby" I said. "She can come. We have to introduce her sometime" he said. "Alright, I guess" I said and he kissed me. "I love you Camden" he said. "I love you Shawn" I replied.

"Okay guys, Welcome to Magcon everyone!" Hayes yelled into the microphone. He introduced everyone and left me and Ava for last. "Okay so next we have my sister, Camden!" He said and they all screamed. "But before she can come out, you guys have to get quiet because we have a special guest with her." He said and they all got super quiet. "When she comes out you can't yell very loud okay?" He said. "Okay, Camden, bring little Shawn out" he said and the crowd laughed. I walked out with Ava Grace and sat beside Shawn and heard a swarm of aww's coming from the crowd. "Hey guys" I said into the microphone. "Who's ready for a little Q&A?" I asked and the yelled a little loud. "You in the Hayes shirt." I said pointing to a girl. "Can we see Ava Grace?" She asked. "Yeah hold on." I said and they put a picture of her on the big screen behind us. "Okay you in the Cameron hoodie" Johnson said. "Who all has a girlfriend?" She asked. "Well, Shawn, Nash, and Gilinsky all have girlfriends and the rest are single" he said with a wink and we all laughed. "You in the Aaron Carpenter shirt" Gilinsky said. "Gilinksy, who is your girlfriend?" She asked. "Her name is Madison and she's the most perfect girl ever" he said and we awwwed. "Who's ready for a meet and greet?" Matt asked and the all yelled. "Yall go have fun" I said and Shawn and Hayes came over to me. "Are you not coming?" They asked. "No Ill stay back with Ava, yall go" I said. "Nope your coming" Shawn said and took Ava from my arms. "Shawn" I whined as he pulled my arm. "Fine, I'll go." I said.

"Ugh, today was exhausting" Hayes sad as he laid on my bed. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked. "Waiting so I can hold Ava" he said. "Well she's asleep so your gonna have to wait until tomorrow" I said. "Fine, goodnight love you" he said. "Goodnight, love you too" I said and changed into pajamas and laid down. "I love you Shawn, and our little family" I said and kissed his cheeked. "I love you guys too" he said and we fell asleep.

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