Chapter 18

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*4 years later*

"Daddy!" Ava Grace yelled as she ran downstairs to her dad. "Be careful silly. You're gonna fall" I said and she gave me a look. "No attitude missy" Shawn said as he picked her up. "You want to go to the store with mommy and then we can go to a movie?" Shawn asked her and she nodded. "Okay well go get dressed. I'll wait on you to get ready" I said. "Mommy, I'm already dressed" she said. "No bud, you're in your pajamas. Mommy means go put on some clothes to go shopping in. Here, I'll come help" Shawn said as he led her upstairs to her room.

I went in my room and put my shoes on and met Ava and Shawn in her room. "Mommy look!" Ava yelled. "You look cute" I said. She was wearing jeans and her white converse with a Nash Grier hoodie since it was cold out. I put her hair in a braid and we all went and got in the car to leave.

"Mommy, guess what!" Ava said. "What?" I asked. "Daddy said its almost Christmas." She said. "Yeah it is. Only a couple days left until Santa comes" I said. "Alright, let's get out" Shawn said. We all got out of the car and went into the grocery store.

"Okay Ava, do you want to walk or ride in the buggy?" I asked. "I want to ride" she said. I picked her up and sat her in the front of the cart and we walked off the get some things.

"Mommy, when we get done can I get some candy?" She asked. "Yeah" I said. "Your little butt doesn't need any candy. You have enough energy" Shawn said and tickled her as he took her out of the buggy. "Daddy" she whined. "I was riding in that." "Well we gotta put it up so we can check out. Let's go pick out some candy" Shawn said as we walked over to the candy. "I want gummy bears" she said. "Here" I said handing them to her. Shawn got some chocolate and I got Skittles.

We walked up to the register and started to check out. "Hey there Ava Grace" the cashier, Amy said. We come here all the time and her and Ava have formed a special bond. "Hey" Ava said trying to see over the register. "Do you want a sucker today?" Amy asked Ava and Ava nodded. "No not today. You just got some candy for the movies." Shawn said. "Please daddy" she said with the puppy dog face. "I'm not falling for that this time." He said. "No sucker today." She stuck her lip out and started crying. Shawn picked her up and took her outside while I finished checking out. "Someone's not happy today" Amy said. "She's a little diva" I said and she laughed.

|Shawn's POV|

"Hey, stop crying" I said as I took Ava Grace to the car. "I wanted that sucker" she said and I chuckled. "You have candy though Ava Grace" I said as I put her in the car. "Yeah but she always gives me a sucker." She said. "Well next time we come, I promise you can get a sucker okay?" I said. "Okay" she said. "Are you ready to take a nap?" I asked. "I'm not taking a nap daddy. We have to go see the Minions." She said laughing. "Oh look there's mommy" I said. I helped Camden put the groceries in the car and then left for the movies.

|Camden's POV|

When we got to the movies, I helped Ava Grace out and we went in and got our tickets. "Mommy, I want some popcorn!" She yelled. "Shhh, you have to be quiet." I said as we sat down. "Sorry" she whispered and sat down. "Here" I said and handed her the popcorn. "Mommy, is daddy your boyfriend?" She asked and we laughed. "No baby, I'm mommy's husband." Shawn said. Yes, Shawn and I ended up getting married when Ava Grace was about 2 years old. "Oh cool." She said and the movie started.

When the movie was over, Ava had fell asleep and we were going over to Nash's. Nash is back together with Mallory. She finally came to her senses and came back. They are married and they have a newborn baby boy named Colton and a 4 year old little girl named Logan.

"You think Hayes is here?" Shawn asked. "He should be. It'll be great to see my brothers again" I said. "You just saw them" Shawn said. "Yeah, but I don't get to see them all the time anymore" I said. "She's knocked out" I said as I looked at Ava. "That sweet baby" Shawn said as we pulled into Nash's. I got out and carried Ava in.

"Hey Nash" I said. "Hey Camden" he said. "Is she asleep?" He asked and I nodded. "You can go lay her in my bed." He said. I walked over to his room and laid Ava down and walked back into the living room. "Aunt Camden!" Logan yelled running in the house dripping wet. "Hey Logan" I said. "Logan, what did I say about coming in the house after you're done swimming?" Mallory said. "Sorry Mommy" she said and grabbed her towel. "Let's go change" Nash said and took her to her room. "Where's little boy" I asked referring to Colton. "He is in his swing in the living room." Mallory said. Shortly after, Nash came down with Logan on his hip and her head on his shoulder. You could tell she had been crying. "Aww Logan, what's wrong" I asked and took her from Nash. "Daddy won't let me go swimming anymore" she said. "Well maybe daddy will let you later. Are you tired?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Okay. You want to go see Uncle Shawn?" I asked and she nodded. I handed her to Shawn and then the door bell rang. I got up to answer it and it was Hayes and his girlfriend Angelina.

"Hey bubs" I said. "Hey" he said and came in. "Hey Angelina" I said giving her a hug. "Hey!" She said. "What's up dude!" Shawn said to Hayes. "Nothing much really" Hayes said. "Uncle Hayes!" Logan yelled. "Hey baby" he said. "Come here" he said and she got off Shawn's lap and acted like she was going to Hayes but went to Angelina instead. "You little stinker" Hayes said. "Where's Ava Grace?" Hayes asked. "She asleep in Nash's room" Shawn said. "Hey Hayes!" Nash yelled from the kitchen. "What's up?" Hayes responded "Oh nothing" Nash said and then Colton started crying. Mallory started for his swing but I got up and got him. "I got him" I said picking him up. "Thanks" she said. Soon after, Ava woke up. She came out of Nash's room and went straight to Hayes. "Hey girl" he said and kissed her cheek. "Hey" she said wiping the hair out of her face. "Are y'all hungry?" Mallory asked. "I am!" Ava yelled. "Good. I made you guys some chicken nuggets" Mallory told Ava. Ava Grace and Logan raced over to table and started eating. "And as for the rest of us, I made spaghetti." She said. Shawn made my plate since I was holding Colton. "Thanks babe" I said and took my plate from Shawn. "Hayes when are you going to have kids?" Nash joked. "Never" he said and Angelina playfully hit him. "No we will. Probably when we're married though. I mean we are only 19" she said. "Mom, can I go swimming with Logan?" Ava asked. "Did Logan asked her daddy? Because he said no earlier." I said. "Daddy can we go swimming?" Logan asked Nash. "I guess." He said and she ran to her room. Luckily, we had a bathing suit for Ava in our car so Shawn went out and got it. Ava went and changed and then we all went and sat outside while they swam. "Hey baby boy" I said to Colton. "Is he a good baby?" I asked. "I don't want to say he's not but I think Logan was an easier baby than he is. He cries a lot more than she does. I think we have led him into thinking someone always has to hold him. So now most of the time if you set him down he cries." Mallory said. "I'm ready for another one but I don't know if Shawn is or not" I said. "Why do you say that?" She asked. "I don't know. I guess because he's so like attached to Ava." I said. "I think Ava would be a great big sister" she said. "Mom, can Logan come home with us and stay the night?" Ava asked getting out of the pool. "I don't care" I said. "We're fixing to leave, Ava" I said. "So go help her pack a bag for tonight okay?" I said. "Okay" she said. They dried off and ran to Logan's room they changed and they came back down with Logan's bag. "Okay we're ready" Logan said. "Tell your mommy and daddy bye" I said. "Bye mommy, bye daddy" Logan said as she ran and gave them a hug and a kiss. "Be good okay" Mallory said. "I will." Logan said. "Love you" Nash said. "Love you too" she said and we left. 

When we got home, the girls ran up to Ava Grace's room and started playing. "So Shawn, I've been thinking. What do you think about making Ava a big sister" I said. "What?" He asked. "I just think we're ready for another one." I said. "Camden I don't know." He said. "Shawn, it's been 4 years and we're married. And I think Ava would be a great big sister." I said. "Well alright then" he said kissing me. "Well we aren't starting tonight. We have kids in the house" I said. "Oh yeah" he said laughing. "Let's go put them to bed." I said walking to Ava's room. "Are y'all ready for bed?" Shawn asked. "Yeah, I'm tired" Ava Grace said. "Me too" Logan said. "Okay well let's go to bed" Shawn said. We got them changed and then laid down. "Goodnight" I said as we left and went to our room. i threw on some pajamas and laid down. "Goodnight Shawn" I said. "Goodnight River" he said and laughed. "Ugh, I hate you" I said and kissed him.

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