Chapter 22

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|3 months later|

I was woken up around 3 a.m. from the creaking of our bedroom door. "Mommy? Mommy wake up" I heard Ava Grace say. "What is it baby?" I ask. "I don't feel good" she said on the verge of crying. I felt Patches jump over my leg, to get to Ava, to see what was wrong. Patches sleeps with Shawn and I and I guess little diva is going to tonight as well. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "My tummy hurts" she said and I picked her up and put her between Shawn and I. I felt her head and saw she had a fever. "I'll be right back baby" I said and walked downstairs to get her some medicine. When I came back I gave her the medicine and we laid down and went back to sleep.

|9 am|

"Is she still not up?" Shawn asked. "No. Her and Patches are still asleep. She woke me up last night and she had a fever" I said as I sat down on the couch, in my pajamas, with my coffee. "She must be really sick because she's usually up at like 8 o'clock jumping on our bed. I'll go check on her." Shawn said. Shortly after he came back with Ava. "Do you feel bet-" I was cutoff by having to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and suddenly felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back. "It's okay baby girl" Shawn said. "Thanks" I said. I got up and brushed my teeth and went back into the living room. "Mommy," Ava said. "My tummy still hurts" she said. "Go lay down by daddy on the couch" I said and she slowly walked over there. I decided to call my mom.

(M- mom, C- Camden)

C- hey mom!

M- hey baby girl. How are you?

C- I'm good

M- how's the baby?

C- making me sick.

M- worse than before?

C- yeah. I think I'm going to go to the doctors. But I was calling to tell you Ava Grace is sick.

M- what's wrong?

C- she's got a fever and a stomach ache.

M- sounds like the stomach bug. Keep giving her the medicine your giving her and if it gets really bad, take her to the doctors.

C- alright, well her and Shawn are asleep on the couch. I don't think he's feeling to good either. I gotta go. Love you

M- love you

|end of conversation|

I picked Ava up off of Shawn's chest and walked in our room and laid her on the bed. I walked back downstairs and I could see Shawn sweating. "Shawn" I said waking him up. "Mmmm" he mumbled. "Babe, why don't you go lay down in our room with Ava" I said and he got up. Before we walked upstairs, he turned and kissed me. "Mommy I don't feel good" he said and I laughed. "Shut up dork" I said and hit his chest.

When we walked up stairs Ava was sweating and crying in her sleep. She was kicking her legs and screaming no. Shawn rushed over to her and picked her up. "Shhh it's okay baby" he said as he tried to calm her down. "Daddy he was trying to get me!" Ava said crying. "Who baby?" I added as we sat down on the bed. "There was a man and he was chasing me" she said. "It's okay. It wasn't real" he said put his hand on her forehead. "Babe she's burning up" Shawn said. "Ava do you feel any better" I asked as I took her from Shawn's arms and she shook her head and basically passed out in my arms. Oh my gosh. "Shawn!" I said as a tear fell from my eyes. "Babe she passed out" I said. "Come one. We gotta go to the hospital" he said and we rushed down to the car and we drove to the hospital. 

When we got there, they took Ava and hooked her up to an IV. "Mommy?" Ava Grace said as she woke up. "Hey baby" I said. "Where's Daddy?" She asked. "He's outside. He's a little stressed out baby" I said. "Well can you go get him?" She asked. "Sure" I said and kissed her cheek and left. "Shawn" I said as I walked up to him. "Is she okay?" He asked. "She's fine. She wants to see you" I said and we walked back to the room hand in hand. "Daddy!" Ava said as he walked. "Hey there bud" he said and kissed her cheek. Soon we heard a knock on the door and the doctor came in. "Hey Miss Ava Grace" he her doctor said. "Do feel any better?" She asked. "A little" Ava said. "Okay well, from the looks of it, Ava Grace just got really sick and dehydrated. She did have the stomach flu so that's was a big part of the problem. We're going to give you some medicine." She said. "Wait, I have to take medicine? But what if it's gross?" Ava asked and we laughed. "It won't be baby" I said. "Okay you guys are free to go" the doctor said. "Thank you" I said and we got Ava ready and we left.

"Oh babe, don't forget I have a doctors appointment we have to go to" I said. "Oh yeah" he said and we drove to the doctors. "Mommy, I want a baby sister" Ava Grace said as we went into the doctors office. We checked in and then sat down and waited for them to call my name. "Well there going to tell us what we're going to have today" I said and she smiled. "Camden" they said and I followed them back to the room. "Babe I'm nervous" Shawn said. "It'll be fine" I said and kissed my cheek. "Okay if you could lay down for me please" the doctor said and the he put the gel on me. "Eeww mommy. That stuff looks weird." Ava Grace said and the doctor laughed. "Okay, it looks like your having a baby....."


Hey guys! So I left off with a little cliffhanger. Comment what you think the baby is. A new chapter will either be up today or tomorrow but probably today. Make sure you check out my other book. I'll be updating it today! Love ya💖

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