Chapter 9

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"Jack give me my clothes back! I have to change!" I said. "Nope" he said and sat on the bed with my clothes in his hand. "Please" I said with puppy dog eyes. "Nope. I'm sure Nash wouldn't want you wearing this" he said and threw them across the room. "And why wouldn't he?" I asked. "Well I mean he wasn't happy about you sharing the bed with Shawn" Gilinsky said. "Yeah but whats wrong with shorts and a shirt?" I asked. "I don't know, but your shorts are probably too short." He said. "Oh shut up! You've never seen me wear them" I said loudly and snatched my clothes up. "Shut up. Don't wake your boyfriend" he said laughing a little. "Who Shawn? No we are not dating. I don't even like him like that" I lied. "Yeah sure you don't." He said and walked over to him and playfully hit him. "You can't tell anyone." I said. "Ha, I told you!" He said. "I'm going to change okay? I'll be back" I said and walked off with a hair flip.

I changed into black high waisted shorts, a crop top that says 'selfie' and a cream cardigan. I put on my black vans and I put my hair in a messy ponytail. As I was putting on my make up, Shawn woke up and came and stood behind me in the bathroom. "Looks like someone is a morning person" he said. "Shawn" I said giving him a look. "It's 12:30" I said laughing a little. "Oh crap" he said and look at his phone. "You want some make up?" I asked as I put on my lipstick. "Oh no I'm good." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked trying to put some lipstick on him. "Camden stop" he said laughing while pushing my lipstick away. "Oh come on Shawn" I said laughing. "No I don't want any lipstick sassy pants" he said. "Okay fine" I said and put the lipstick on my lips and put my make up away and left the bathroom. "Hey Shawn come here" I said as I sat in the chair. "I want a piggy back ride" I said as he walked towards me. "Alright." He said and I jumped on his back and Matt walked in with Allie. Ugh please go away. "Umm are you guys ready" he asked. "Yeah we were just leaving" Shawn said and they left. "Talk about awkward" I said and we laughed. "Where is Gilinsky?" Shawn asked. "In Nash's room" I said. "Oh let's go then" he said and we walked out and met the guys down stairs.

"Okay we are just walking since the event isn't far away." Nash said and Shawn caught up to Cameron and Nash and walked by him while I was on Shawn's back. "Camden you look like you're having fun" Cam said and laughed. "Hey, if I don't have to walk then I'm not gonna walk" I said. "Hey Shawn I have a surprise for you" I said and leaned down by his ear to give him his "surprise." "What is it?" He asked. "This" I said and kissed his cheek. "Thanks" he said laughing. "Hey you have lipstick now!" I said laughing. "You're such a diva" he said and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hey Cam take our picture" I said and handed him my phone. he handed it back shortly after. "Thanks dude" I said. The picture was me on Shawn's back with my arms around his neck and we were both smiling. I decided to post it.

"@CamdenGrier: I love my Shawn💜 @shawnmendes"

"Okay we're here" Shawn said and I got down. We walked through the doors to Magcon and there were so many girls it was unreal. We set up for the questions and things that were done on stage and then we were all introduced.

Matthew's POV

Oh my gosh! Why can't I get over Camden? I have no idea what I did by cheating on her with Allie. Seeing her with Shawn and knowing that Taylor is probably going to trying to talk to her sucks. I miss her so much. When I walked into her room to get her and Shawn so we could leave, she looked so happy with Shawn and it killed me. I know I want her to be happy but I want her to be happy with me not Shawn. "Matthew" Allie said interrupting my thoughts. "They called you twice you better go" she said and I kissed her and left to go on stage and of course they sat me by Camden. This week away from home should be fun.

Camden's POV

"It's Q&A time" I said to the fans. "You in the Cameron Dallas shirt" I said. "Why haven't we seen any pictures of you and Matt. You two were goals to be honest" she said and then it hit me. I miss Matthew. No stop it Cam, you like Shawn. "Umm we aren't together anymore." I said and looked at Nash. He gave me a 'I've got this' look so I stood up and walked off stage. I sat down and thought to myself. How can this happen? I miss Matt. No, no, no Cam you like Shawn. Ugh!! "Camden what's wrong?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Hayes. "I don't know" I said and laid my face in my hands. "I'm so confused Hayes" I said and laid my head on his shoulder. "When that girl asked that question, I realized I miss Matt but I like Shawn and I don't know what to do." I said. "It's gonna be okay." He said and hugged me. "I hope so Hayes" I said. "Just do what you think is right but if you really miss him and think you still love him I would go back for him Cam." He said. "I have to go back okay? I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said and he left.

I decided to stay off stage for the rest of MAGCON today. As Magcon started to come to an end for the day, the boys came off stage to let me know we were going back to the hotel. "You okay?" Nash asked me. "No not really" I said. "Hayes told me what's wrong" he said. "Nash do you mind if I stay with you tonight?" I asked. "Yeah sure, I'm sure Cameron won't mind either." He said.

When we got to the hotel I went over to my room to grab some clothes since I was staying with Nash tonight. "Hey where you going?" Shawn asked me as I grabbed my stuff. "I'm staying with Nash tonight." I said. "Why what's wrong?" He asked. "I just need a break Shawn." I said and looked at him. "From what?" He asked. "You and Matt. I like you Shawn but I miss Matthew and I don't know what to do." I said crying a little. Shawn came over and gave me a hug. "I'll give you some space but it's gonna be okay" he said and kissed my forehead. "Just please don't be one of those people who stop talking to others when they give others some space" I said. "I promise I won't Grier!" He said. "I gotta go." I said and left.

I walked into Nash's room and saw Cam and Hayes sitting on one bed and Nash on the other. "Hey Cam!" Cameron said. "Hey Cam" I said back. "You staying with us tonight?" Hayes asked. "Yeah" I said and sighed. "Probably for the rest of this trip" I said as I put my stuff up. "Oh fun!" Cameron said. "Come here sis" he said and I went and sat by him. "Take a selfie with me" he said. "Okay white girl" I said and we took a selfie of us smiling together. "Hey send me that" I said and then called Nash and Hayes over and we all 4 took a selfie together. "Aww you guys it's so cute" I said and posted it. I know double post, oh well.

"@CamdenGrier: So very lucky having my best friends helping me through everything right now! I love you guys💜"

"Nash I'm tired when are you going to bed?" I complained. "Never. Just kidding, I'm going to bed in a minute" he said. "Come lay with me Cam because I'm going to bed." Cameron said and I laid beside him in his bed. "Goodnight guys, love yall" I said. "Love you too" they said and I plugged my phone up and then I was asleep.


Hey guys, so let me know Camden and Matt it Camden or Shawn???? Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote! Thanks guys!

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