Chapter 11

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"Camden get your butt up! It's 1:00 in the afternoon and we have Taylor's party tonight" Nash yelled. "Oh my gosh! Can you ever let me just sleep" I yelled back. "No, I mean your the only person I know who sleeps until 1 in the afternoon" he said as he walked in my room and started messing with my pictures and things. "Try it sometime and quit messing with my stuff." I said as he picked up a Polaroid of me and Shawn. "Aww look at you and your boyfriend" he said. "Nash, he is not my boyfriend" I said and snatched the pictures from him and he laughed. "You sure about that?" He asked. "Yes Nash" I said. "The party starts at 6, so in 5 hours. What do you want to do until then?" Nash asked. "Umm eat, pick up Hayes from school and get ready" I said giving him a little sassy look. "Is it really gonna take you that long to get ready?" He asked. "Umm well I'm going to a party first of all and second of all Shawn will be there so yeah it will take that long" I said. "I hope Sky doesn't take after you and all of your sass" he said laughing. "It wouldn't be that bad." I said. "Alright I'm going to pick up Hayes. I'll be back" I said and left.


"Hey bud, how was school" I asked Hayes as he got in the car. "Boring" he said and threw his backpack in the backseat. "I didn't see you waiting with Jordyn this afternoon. Did something happen between your two?" I asked. "Nothing other than the fact that we broke up because she was making out with some dude today" he said and got on his phone. "Oh Hayes I'm sorry" I said. "Nah it fine. Hey do you think mom will care if I go over to Dylan's tonight?" He asked. "Well you'll have to call her. Her and Sky went out of town and Nash and I are going to Taylor's party tonight so I mean just call her" I said and he let me know he texted her. "She said she doesn't care. Do you mind taking me by his house?" He asked. "Yeah but I'll take you home first so you can drop your backpack off at home and grab a bag for his house." I said.

When we got home Hayes raced up to his room to pack a bag and I waited on the couch. "Why is Hayes packing his bag?" Nash asked. "He's going over to Dylan's." I said "Oh okay well hurry up so you'll have time to get ready" "I know." I said as Hayes came down stairs. "You ready?" I asked. "Yeah, let's go." He said and we left.

Shawn's POV

"Dude why are trying to look so good?" Aaron asked me. "Well I have to look good for Camden" I said and he laughed. "Oh yeah I forgot about you and your girlfriend" he said. "Aaron we aren't dating yet" I said. "Well come on dude. Ask her out already." He said clapping his hands. "What time is it?" I asked. "5:45, they should be-" he was cutoff by the doorbell. I walked downstairs and opened the door to find Camden looking hot as ever.

"Woah!" I said as I looked at her. "Your looking good yourself Mendes!" She said and kissed my cheek. "It's a good thing you don't look like your brothers" I said playing around. "Oh but she does. She gets all her looks from me" Nash said. "Yeah okay" I said. "Where's Tay and Aaron" Camden asked. "They are upstairs" I said. "Well get him down here so we can get this party started." She said and about that time the boys walked down.


Camden's POV

By not its almost midnight and most all of the boys are drunk, even Shawn. But I, being the girl that I am, also took a couple drinks but managed to stay sober. But then there's the stupid side of me that let a drunk Shawn take me into Taylor's room. Let's just say I might regret what happened tonight.

"Camden! What are you and Shawn doing in here?!?!" Nash said standing at the door. "I thought you were drunk?!" I asked surprised to see him sober. "No and your having too much fun! We're going home!" he said pulling me away from Shawn. "You're so over protective! Let me have fun" I yelled at him as I ran from him and went downstairs. I found the drinks and drink enough to make me drunk. Try to get away with this Nash! "Are you serious?!" I heard Nash say as he came and got me to take me home. "I swear your dumb" he said and put me in his car to drive me home.

Nash's POV

I knew I wouldn't be able to handle her tonight. I decided to call Hayes to see if his 14 year old mind could help me at all.

(N-Nash, H- Hayes)

H- Hello?

N- hey can you help, Camden got drunk

H- yeah I mean at home but there's people here you might want to avoid right now

N- wait who and why aren't you at Dylan's?

H- because mom and dad are home. They wanted me to come home.

N- crap! They're going to kill me!

H- did anything happen tonight

N- lets just say her and Shawn had some fun!

H- oh man you could've just said she hung out with the boys! But anyways are you home yet?

N- yeah I just pulled up. She's asleep come help!

H- alright

*end of conversation*

"Dude! Just say she fell asleep on Cam's couch or something!" Hayes said as he ran out to the car. "Dude she reeks of alcohol." I told him. "Just take to her room" he said. "Is Sky home?" I asked. "Yeah but she's asleep." He said. "Okay cool" I said as I picked Camden up and took her inside. "Hey Nash! Why are you out so late?" My mom asked. "Umm, I was at Cameron's." I said. "I guess she fell asleep" she said. "Yeah she did. I decided not to wake her." I said. "Oh well I'm going to bed, goodnight" she said. "Goodnight" I said and laid Camden in her room and went to bed.

|3 weeks later|

Camden's POV

No! This can't be happening. Nash is going to kill me. Shawn's not going to want to talk to me anymore! I'm not going to be able to handle this. I might as well let Shawn know. I texted Shawn to let him know we needed to talk.

"Nash, Shawn is coming over so we can talk. It's serious so please don't try to pick on me like you always do. That goes for you too Hayes!" I yelled from my room. "What are you two talking about?" Nash asked coming in my room. "None of your business" I said and then the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs to meet Shawn. "Hey Shawn!" I said and kissed his cheek. "We need to talk" I said and we sat facing each other on the couch. "Shawn," I said and he grabbed my hands. "I'm pregnant" I said and he just stared at me. "What?!" Was all he could manage to say. "I'm sorry" I said starting to cry and Shawn took me in his arms. "It's okay" he said and we laid together on the couch. "We're going to get through this" he said and kissed my temple.

"I'm going to tell the boys" I said and ran into Nash's room where the two of them were playing Xbox. "Hey boys I need to tell you something" I said and they stay concentrated on their game. "Nash! Hayes!" I said and the still ignored me. "Okay then" I said and I turned the tv off. "Dude what was that for?" Hayes said. "I need to tell you something but you can't tell mom got me?" I said and gave them a look. "Okay geez" Nash said. "You two are going to be uncles." I said and they just looked at me. "You joking and right now is not the time to be joking! I was fixing to beat Nash in this game" Hayes said picking up of his controller. "Hayes she isn't joking" Shawn said. You could tell he actually cared about this because he was getting annoyed at how the boys though I was just joking and acting like they didn't care. "Wait what?" He said and looked at us. "Mom is going to kill you!" Nash said and walked out. "I'll be right back" I said and walked out to find Nash sitting in my room. "Hey" I said sitting down beside him. "Look at this picture" He said as he picked up one of my favorite pictures. It was a picture of me and Nash holding Hayes when he was a baby. "Hayes was just a baby" I said smiling. "Soon this pictures going to be you, Shawn and your baby" Nash said. "Or me, you, and the baby" I said and sat the picture down. "I just don't want you having to go through this alone" he said. "Yeah me either" I said. "Well, baby Mendes, Uncle Nash is always going to be here okay?" Nash said and hugged me. "I love you sis" he said. "I love you too Hamilton" I said.

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