Chapter 25

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"Ava Grace you have to be quiet okay? Bubba is asleep" I said as we got our things ready to leave the hospital. "Do you have everything?" My mom asked. "Yeah, I think so" I said and got up. "Uh no we don't. Ava Grace what is this?" Shawn asked as he held up her favorite stuffed elephant. "Ugh you guys almost left my Ellie" she said and I laughed. "It's not funny, don't laugh" she said and I gave her a look. "Do not talk to me like that young lady." I said. "Well you almost left my Ellie here. You would've had to have gotten me another one." She said. "Shawn" I said directing him to take care of Ava's attitude problem because I was not in the mood. I picked Braden up and carefully placed him in his car seat. I picked up the car seat and diaper bag and started to walk out. "I got him" Shawn said taking the car seat from me. "No daddy, will you carry me?" Ava Grace said. "No baby, I have Braden. I can't" Shawn said. "Can you mommy?" She asked. "No you're a big girl. You can walk" I said and she crossed her arms and stomped off. My mom went to catch up with Ava Grace. This should be fun.

When we got home, Johnson and Nicole, Cameron and Lauren, Jasmine and Matthew, Nash and Mallory, Hayes and Angelina, Will, and my mom, dad, and stepdad were there waiting on us to get home.

"Welcome home!" They all yelled as we walked in. "Guys, my brother is asleep" Ava Grace said as she sat on the couch. "Okay mommy, I'm ready to hold bubba" she said. "Not right now Ava" I said and sat down on the couch beside the girls. "Ava Grace come here so Papa make you some food" Hayes said. "Papa!" Ava yelled as she ran in the kitchen. "Where little Braden? I want to hold him" Nicole said. "Say here I am" I said in a baby voice as I handed Braden over to Nicole. "Oh he's so cute!" She said. "Thanks. Shawn said he looks like me" I said and they agreed. "Hey Angelina." I said as I walked in the kitchen to get a drink. "Savannah still hanging in there?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "Hopefully not for too much longer" she said and I laughed. "Babe, go sit down. I'll get you some water" Shawn said. "I love you" I said and went and sat back down.

Soon everyone left and Braden started to cry. "Someone's hungry aren't they?" I asked Braden as I went in the kitchen and made him a bottle. I sat down beside Shawn and Ava on the couch and started feeding Braden. "Mommy will you come play a game with me?" Ava Grace asked. "Not right now baby. I have to feed bubba" I said and she walked off to her room.

By now it had been a couple of hours since Ava Grace came out of her room. "Shawn, I'm gonna go check on Ava Grace" I said and he nodded. When I walked in her room she was sitting in the corner crying with her stuffed animal. "Ava what's wrong baby?" I asked and she just turned her back to me. "Ava Grace. What's wrong?" I asked. "You and Daddy don't love me anymore." She said. "And why do you say that?" I asked. "Because, you won't do anything with me anymore. Your always with Bubba" she said and started crying again. "Come here" I said and opened my arms for a hug. She got up and gave me a hug. "We still love you very much baby. Do you wanna help me change bubba's clothes so he can go to bed?" I asked and she nodded. "Come on." I said and she took my hand and we walked downstairs. Shawn was carrying Braden where Braden's stomach was on his shoulder and he was rubbing his back. It was too cute. "Is everything okay?" Shawn asked and we nodded. "Yup. Miss Ava's going to start helping with Bubba so mommy and daddy don't miss out on spending time with her" I said as I took Braden from Shawn. "Come on Ava Grace" I said and we walked into Braden's nursery. "Will you pick out a onesie for him?" I asked her. "Yeah." She said and started to look for a onesie. "Here mommy" she said handing me a onesie that said, 'I love my big sister.' Of course she picked this one. The funny thing is, she can't even ready yet. "Thanks for you help baby girl" I as I finished changing Braden. "Mommy, can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?" Ava Grace asked. "Yeah, go put your pajamas on" I said and she ran to her room. "What was up with her?" Shawn asked. "She was feeling left out and she thought we didn't love her anymore because we were doing so much with Braden" I said as we walked up to our room. I laid Braden down with Shawn on the bed and then went to change. I put on leggings and and oversized shirt. "Mommy in ready for bed!" Ava Grace said as she came in my room. "Okay go lay down" I said and she curled up to next to Shawn. I went in the bathroom and took off my make up and when I came back, Braden was laying on Shawn's chest and Shawn's arm was around Ava and they were all three asleep. I took a picture and put it on Twitter.

"@CamdenMendes: my three favorite people💖💖 @ShawnMendes"

I picked Braden up off Shawn's chest and laid him in his crib and then I got in bed. I kissed both Ava and Shawn's foreheads and told them goodnight and before I knew it, I was asleep!

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