Chapter 16

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"Hayes, who are you texting?" I asked as I came downstairs from putting Ava down for a nap. "No one" he blushed. "It's a girl isn't it?" I asked. "A very hot one" he said. "What's her name and why have I not met her?" I asked. "Her name is Angelina and she has green eyes and beautiful brown hair, with a little blonde, and she's perfect."
(A/N: xgrierxx )
He said. "Aww pooh bear" I said kissed his cheek. "Will you take me to her soccer game?" He asked. "Yeah, what time does it start?" I asked. "In an hour" he said and I nodded. "Since it's just you and me here, what do you want to do?" I asked. "Let's make a cake." He said walking to the kitchen. "Okay, sure" I said getting all of the stuff needed for the cake.

"So how's school been?" I asked. "Great actually. Good grades, captain of the football team, and great friends" he said and I laughed. "I love getting this brother sister time. We never hang out anymore" he said. "Maybe we could hangout this weekend or something" I said. "I mean I'm sure mom wouldn't mind watching Ava Grace and Shawn has meetings this weekend so it should work" I told him. "Cool. We should go like to a movie and get ice cream and go shopping because I need new vans" he said. "Hayes, sometimes I think you're a girl" I said laughing. "Oh, I think someone's awake" he said as Ava started crying. "I'll be right back" I said as I started for Ava's room. "I got her. You can put the cake in the oven" Hayes said and walked upstairs. I turned around and put the cake in the oven and went and sat on the couch.

"Say, I just wanted my Uncle Pooh Bear" he said and sat down on the couch with Ava trying to calm her down. "I think she's hungry" he said. "Yeah I'm making her a bottle" I said and finished up the bottle. "Here do you want to feed her?" I asked. "Why not" he said and took the bottle from me. "Cake's ready!" I said as I heard the ding on the oven. I iced it while Hayes finished feeding and burping Ava. "Hey, I think we should leave for Angelina's game" I said. "Oh yeah" Hayes said. I left a note telling the boys where I was for when they got home. "Alright let's go" I said and got in the car and drove to the soccer fields.

"Do you want me to stay or do yo want me to come back and get you?" I asked as Hayes got out of the car. "I'll text you when it's over" he said and I nodded and left.

When I got home all of the boys were there and surprisingly, the cake had not been touched. "Hey babe" Shawn said as I carried Ava through the door. "Hey" I said and sat down. "Where's Hayes?" Nash asked. "I took him to his friends soccer game" I said. "Oh cool" he said. "Didn't you read the note I left?" I asked. "No, too lazy" Cameron said and I gave him a look. "Where's Lauren?" I asked him. "At her friends house" he said. "Camden, this cake is amazing!" Nash said from the kitchen. "Don't eat that! It's for Hayes. He wanted to do something with me today so we made a cake." I said and put the cake out of the way. "Oh, when is he coming home?" He asked. "I don't know" I said and laid down beside Shawn and Ava on the couch. "Go to sleep babe." Shawn said kissing my forehead. "Alright, love you" I said and fell asleep.

|a little later|

"Camden!" Nash yelled waking me up. I woke up to see Shawn and Ava Grace asleep. "What?" I asked. "Hayes said its time for you to come get him" he said. "Okay" I said grabbing my keys, getting in the car and heading out.

"Hayes, you ready?" I asked. "Yeah, is it okay if Angelina comes home with us?" He asked. "I don't care" I said and the two of them got in the car. "Angelina, this is my sister Camden. Camden, this is Angelina" Hayes said introducing us. "Hey" I said getting a hey in response. This girl is sweet.

When we got home, all of the boys were asleep. "Well, I would let you guys go in Hayes' room but mom wouldn't like that so I'll move this losers out so you two can hang out down here. Hayes your cake is in the kitchen. Nash tried to eat it" I said laughing. "Figures" he mumbled as him and Angelina went in the kitchen. I took a sleeping Ava off Shawn's chest and laid her in her swing. "Babe" I said shaking Shawn awake. "What?" He asked with that cute groggily voice. "Why don't you go to our room and go to sleep. You don't look so good" I said. "Do you feel good?" I asked and he shook his head no. "Alright, I'll get you some medicine in just a minute. Just go lay down" I said and kissed his forehead and he headed upstairs. "Nash! Cameron!" I said waking them up. "Nash go in your room to sleep and Cam go to Hayes' room." I said and they got up and left. "Now that that's done" I said picking up Ava, laying her on my chest and sitting on the couch. "She so cute" Angelina said. "Thank you. You can hold her if you want" I said. "Oh no thank you. I'm scared I'll hurt her." She said. "Oh no it's fine. You won't hurt her" I said and she held her arms out so I could hand her Ava. "She's so tiny." She said. "Yeah, she's my favorite little baby" Hayes said. "She's a really good baby" I said as I went through my pictures on my phone. I found one of the cutest picture of Shawn and Ava Grace! The picture was from the very first day that Ava was home.


"Welcome home baby Ava Grace" Shawn said as he walked through the door of the house. "I'm going to make her a bottle. You can rest if you want" I told him and he nodded and walked off with Ava in his arms.

I walked in the kitchen to make her bottle when I heard someone talking. It's weird because we were the only ones home. I grabbed the bottle and walked down the hallway to Ava's room. I turned the corner to see Shawn holding Ava in front of our family picture frame. It holds so many pictures of our family and even many pictures of Shawn and I. "That's Uncle Hayes when he was a baby. And that's your mommy." He said pointing to a picture. "Look, this is me and mommy we went on our first date" I heard him say. "We love you Ava Grace and your picture will up here very soon." He said.

I was stood behind them and took a picture. He is so good with her and she's only a couple days old. "Shawn," I said. "Hey babe" he said walking towards me. "Would you like to feed her" I asked him and he nodded. I handed him the bottle and we went in Ava's room. "I love our little family" I said and kissed Shawn. "Me too" he said smiling at Ava.

|end of flashback|

I took the picture and posted it on Twitter.

"@CamdenGrier: Daddy's little Princess💜 Little Shawn is almost a month old!"

After I posted the picture, my phone started ringing with a call from Taylor.

(T-Taylor, C-Camden)

C- Hey Tay

T- Hey Camden. So me and Matt and Johnson were wondering if you guys wanted to come over tomorrow. We have some people we want you guys to meet

C- Yeah sure. What time?

T- Probably around noon so we can eat lunch together at the house.

C- Alright sounds good. Bye Tay!

T- Bye!

|end of call|

"Ahhh! She spit up on me!" Hayes yelled and Angelina and I both laughed. I love my life.


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