Chapter 12

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*5 months later*

"Hayes Grier, give me my food back!" I yelled. "No it tastes good" he said as he took a bite. "And besides, didn't you just eat?" He asked. "Yeah but I'm pregnant" I said as I laid back beside Shawn on the couch. "Whatever. I'll be in my room" he said and ran to his room with my food.

I looked at Shawn and laid my hands on my stomach. It was only us in the room. "What's wrong babe?" Shawn asked. Shawn and I have officially been together for about 4 and a half months now. "I'm so tired and uncomfortable." I said and laid my head on his shoulder. "Daddy's baby girl is taking all Momma's energy" he said and kissed my stomach. "You got that right" I said and got up. "I'm going to take a nap" I said. "Alright" he said. "I'll be up there in a minute" he said and I walked to my room.

|Shawn's POV|

After a couple of hours, I went upstairs to check on Camden. Ever since Camden and I found out we were having a girl, we have been so excited. But she hasn't been able to do much because she's always tired. Right now I'm standing against the door frame of our bedroom looking at my beautiful girlfriend just trying to figure out how I got so lucky.

|Camden's POV|

"Shawn, babe, what are you doing?" I asked waking up. "I just came to check on you" He said as he sat beside me on the bed. "Yo Camden where are you?" Nash yelled from downstairs as he came in the house. "Upstairs" I said. "Hey" he said as he walked in my room. "Hey" I said quietly. "You okay?" Nash asked and came and laid beside me. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. "How's Uncle Nash's little girl?" He asked. "She's doing good. Except she keeps kicking me." I said and we laughed. "Hey I'm gonna head over to my mom's real quick. She had some stuff for the baby. I'll be back soon okay?" Shawn said. "Okay." I said and kissed him.

"So have you picked a name yet?" Nash asked. "No not yet. Me and Shawn haven't had anytime to sit down and talk about it because I've been so tired." I said. "Oh really?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "Well we have Magcon next week, you going?" He asked. "Another event?" I asked. "Yeah I know" he said. "Well yeah because Shawn has to go to sing and I'm not staying home by myself." I said. I got up and Nash and I headed downstairs where Hayes was watching tv.

"Hey Hayes" I said. "Hey Camden and Hayes Jr." he said. "Umm first of all, she's a girl, and second, I'm not naming my kid after you" I said and sat beside him on the couch. "Okay grouch" he said. As soon as I sat down, the doorbell rang. "Hayes are you gonna get that?" I asked. "No I don't feel like it," he said. "You know I hate you sometimes" I said getting up and opening the door.

"Uh Matt, are you here for Nash or..." I asked. "I'm here for you" he said and I turned and looked at Hayes and gave him a 'What am I supposed to do look' and he just shrugged. "What do you need?" I asked Matt. "To talk to you" he said. "Okay well we can talk in the house, come on in" I said and as soon as he came him Shawn came back. "Hey babe what's Matt doing here?" He asked as he came in and sat on the couch with a couple bags. "He wanted to talk. What's that stuff" I asked. "The stuff mom had for the baby. I'm going to take it upstairs, I'll be back" he said.

"So Matt, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked. "Us" he said. "What about us? Matt there is no 'us'" I said. "But there can be. I'm sorry for everything I did. We can still be together. I hate not being with you." He said. "And I hate the fact that I let you into this house and let you sit in front of me and lie straight to my face. We all know you don't love me. And you're real stupid to try to get me back when I'm happy with Shawn and I'm carrying his baby. I think you should just leave" I said. "Camden please," Matt said. "Get out Matt" I said and led him to the door. After he left I ran up to my room to see Shawn.

"Camden, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked me as I hugged him and cried in his shoulder. "I don't want to see him again" I said between tears. "What happened?" He asked and we sat down and I explained it all to him. "It's okay baby. Look at me" he said and lifted my chin. "I love you and as long as I love you I'll be with you and this baby is ours not his." He said.

"Hey baby girl, it's daddy" he said as he put his hand on my stomach. "And I know you don't have a name yet but me and mommy are working on it. I love you so much already and I can't wait to meet you! I'm not going to let anyone hurt you sweet girl" he said and kissed me. "I love you Shawn!" I said. "I love you too Cam!" He said. "How about we get to name picking" I said. "That's probably a good idea" he said.

"Okay first, I need one of you jackets because I'm freezing" I said. "There's one over there on the chair" he said. "You messy boy" I said laughing. "Okay let me get my laptop" I said and grabbed my laptop and sat beside him on the bed. "Okay so look. There's Ava, Brylee, Chloe, and Bella" I said. "Okay I like Ava" Shawn said. "Ava Grace?" I asked. "Ava Grace Mendes" he said and gave me a quick kiss. He laid his hand on my stomach and started talking to sweet Ava. "We Love you Ava Grace!"

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