Chapter 7

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"Hey mom what are we doing today?" I asked as I walked downstairs. "Hayes has a baseball game." She said. (Pretend he plays baseball) "when are we leaving?" I asked. "Umm probably in about an hour so go get ready" she said. "Will do momma." I said and went to my room.

I went into my closet and changed in a red and white baseball tee that said GRIER along with Hayes' number, 7, on the back. On the front it had a cute sparkly black pocket on it. I put on black shorts and my white converse and I straightened my hair and did a little makeup. I put my Ray-Bans on top of my head, grabbed my phone and wallet and walked downstairs.

"Aww Sky don't you look cute!" I said as I picked her up. She was wearing a plain black and white baseball tee with capris and her black converse. "Thanks sissy!" She said. "Where Bubba?" I asked her. "Hayes is getting dressed and Nash is with Will in his room" she said and walked up there. ""Nash!" She yelled as we walked in. "Sky!" He yelled back. "Will!" I yelled. "Camden!" He yelled back and we all laughed. "Hayes!" Hayes yelled as he came in. "Hey bud, you ready to leave?" I asked. "Yup" he said and went downstairs. "Who wants to ride with Camden?" my mom asked. Skylynn was the only one to raise her hand. "Thanks guys I feel loved." I said. "So it's me, Will, Nash, and Hayes in my car and Sky and Camden in Cam's car. Alright let's go!" My mom said and we got in our cars.

"Alright Sky buckle up and we can leave okay?" I said as she got in the back seat and I got in the driver's seat. "I'm buckled up sissy!" She said. "Alright let's go" I said and back up out of the driveway. "Sky what do you want to listen to?" I said as I plugged my phone up to the radio. "I want to listen to the umm I forgot what they were called." She said. "Oh yeah, the she looks so perfect song!" She said. "Alright." I said and turned it on. I took a video of her singing and put it on snapchat. It was so cute. She sang the whole way there.

"Okay unbuckle, we're here" I said as I turned the car off. "Ugh I can't get it off sissy!" She said as she struggled to unbuckle. "Okay hold on. I'll come help you" I said as I got out and went around and helped her out. "Thanks!" She said and shut her door. We walked up and met mom and the boys by the dugout. "You ready Hayes?" I asked him. "Yup. First game of the season." He said and gave me a high five. "Come take a picture with me first" I said and we took a picture. "Alright good luck" I told him and sat by Nash and Will on the bleachers with Sky on my lap. "Say go Hayes!" I told Sky. "Go Hayes!" She yelled and put her arm in the air.

|Close to the end of the game|

"Camden I'm hungry!" Sky said. "Okay let's go get a hotdog" I said and we went to the concession stand. "Sky do you want chips or candy?" I asked as we waited on her hotdog. "No" she said. "Okay, here" I said and handed her the hotdog and we and sat down to watch the very end. "Hey where's my food" Will asked Skylynn as he tickled her. "Yeah Camden where's my food?" Nash said. "You didn't ask for anything" I said. "Nash look," Sky yelled. "Hayes is running!" "Yeah I know" he said and took a drink of Sky's drink. "Hey, don't drink that." She said and we laughed. It was the last hit of the game and Hayes was up and the game was tied and the next thing we knew, Hayes made the winning home run. "Wooo!! Go Hayes!" We all yelled.

Hayes came out of the dugout and tried to give me a hug. "Nice try sweaty boy" I said and pushed him back. "Good job Hayes!" Sky said and he picked her up. "Hey Camden, can we go pick up Jordyn?" Hayes asked. "Yeah sure. Sky wanna go with us?" I asked her. "Yeah!" She said. "Alright let's go." I said and Hayes, Sky, and I all got in my car.

We took off and went to Jordyn's. When we got there Hayes went in and got her and then we left. "Hey Jordyn" I said as she got in the car. "Hey Cam, Hey Sky," she said. "So we are going to pick up Matthew" I said as we left Jordyn's. "Yay, Matthew!!!" Sky yelled. I called him twice to let him know we were coming and he finally answered on the third call.

(M- Matthew, C- Camden)

M- Hello?

C- Hey babe we are on our way to your house

M- about that. Can I come over another day

C- I just pulled up. Matthew who is that in the background

M- uh my mom.

C- okay so thanks for lying. I'm sitting in your driveway and some girl from school's car is sitting in front of me. Okay thanks for this short relationship Matt but we're done.

M- Camden please let me explain

C- bye Matt

|end of phone call|

"We're going home" I said and back out of his driveway. "What about Matthew?" Sky asked. "Umm Matthew hurt sissy so he's not coming over" I said and a tear slipped. "Don't cry sissy. Boys are mean anyways." Sky said. "I love you Sky" I said. "Love you too." She said and we drove home.

When we got home, Hayes and Sky and Jordyn all went upstairs and sat on the couch upset. "Hey what's wrong" Will asked as him and Nash sat beside me on the couch. "Well I'm single" I said and laid on Nash's shoulder. "I'm gonna kill him" Nash said. "I don't understand why he would cheat on me" I said. "He cheated on you?!?!" Will yelled. I just shook my head. "It's gonna be okay" Nash said. "I'm glad Yall are my brothers" I said. "We'll always be here for Ya sis" Will said.


Sorry I haven't been on a lot. Please comment and vote! Thanks guys💜

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