Chapter 8

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"Camden are you ready to leave?" Nash yelled from downstairs. "Yeah hold on a second" I said from my room. "Well hurry, we're late and have to meet the Magcon boys at the airport." He said. "Ok. I'm coming down" I said and rolled my luggage down the stairs and packed in the car. "Bye mom love you" I said and gave her a hug. "By baby girl. I'll see you next week." She said. "Bye Will love you" I said and hugged him. "Bye River" he said smiling. "Okay William" I said laughing. "Hey if Matt gets on your nerves call me." He said and we laughed. "Bye Sky, I love you baby" I said and picked her up and gave her a kiss. "I love you Camden" she said and hugged my neck. I know it's only a week but I'm going to miss her sweet face.

"Off to Magcon we go!" Hayes yelled. I shook my head and we all headed to the airport. Nash drove so I sat up front and left Hayes in the back. "Hayes will you hand me my tea?" I asked. "Nope" he said. "Please?" I said. "Nope because you took shotgun." He said. "Oh good lord. Come on, hand me my tea" I said. "Fine here" he said and handed it to me. "You guys better not room me with Matt or make me sit with him on the plane. Oh great he is probably bringing Allie" I said. "Allie?" Nash asked. "His new girlfriend. You know the one he cheated on me with." I said. "Oh, he's such a jerk" he said. "Tell me about it" I said.

When we got to the airport we met up with all of the boys. "Shawn!!" I yelled and jumped in his arms. "Hey Grier" he said and kissed my cheek. "Hey did you and Matt break up?" He asked quietly. "Yeah" I said quietly. "That LOSER cheated on me" I said loud enough for Matt to hear me. I looked over and he rolled his eyes at me. "It's not nice to be disrespectful to a girl." I said and Shawn put me down. "I'm sitting by Shawn on the pla-Taylor!!!!!" I said and ran to him. "Hey Cam!!" He said and hugged me. "I missed you Tay Bae" I said and he laughed. "I missed you too. Is that jerk being nice to you?" He asked. "I don't know, I haven't talked to him. Although he did roll his eyes at me!" I told him. "I'll be right back. I have to go see Cameron." I ran and jumped on Cam's back. "Hey sis" he said as he signed things for a couple fans at the airport. "She's your sister?" One asked. "No but I'm like his sister" I said. "I'm going back. We are fixing to board" I said and walked back to Shawn. "Like I was saying, I'm sitting by Shawn!" I said and linked arms with Shawn. "Fine with me" he said and we boarded the plane.

---Matthew's POV---

If Camden would only let me explain what happened. Okay yeah, I may have had another girl at my house but nothing happened. I really miss her. "Come on Allie" I said and we boarded the plane. I look over and see Camden laughing at Shawn and Taylor. Well from what it looks like, she likes Shawn and Taylor likes her. Oh crap, Taylor likes her. I'm not losing her to him. What am I saying I already lost her.

"You okay Matt?" Allie asked. "Yeah babe I'm fine. I'm just tired, that's all." I said. "Well here" she said and raised the arm rest and we cuddled. I love Allie but her cuddles make me miss Camden.

|Camden's POV|

"Nash stop" I said as he kicked my seat. "Nash!" I said. "Nash!" I said as I turned around. "Okay I'll quit. I just like picking on my little sister." He said. "Oh just because your like 5 minutes older than me" I said. "I'm still older" he said. "And I still don't care" I said as I turned around. Shawn looked at me. "Sibling Goals" he said and we busted out laughing. "Yeah I wish. I'm tired." I said and raised the arm rest to cuddle with Shawn. "Go to sleep" he said and before I knew it I was asleep.

/Shawn's POV/

Camden is so cute, like adorable cute. She's like my best friend so I can't like her like her but I think I do. I mean I would never ever cheat on her like Matt but then there's Taylor. I bet he is so happy that she's single now. I never knew that it would be so hard and confusing to like your best friend.

The plane landed so I decided to wake Camden. "Hey Cam get up" I said as I lifted my arm she was sleeping on. "Hmmm?" She said waking up. "The plane landed and we're getting off" I told her. "Oh okay. Shawn will you take my bags please" she asked. "Yeah sure." I said and grabbed our bags and we got off the plane.


When we got to hotel we checked in and went our rooms. I'm rooming with Camden and Gilinsky. Thank the lord there's no Matt or Taylor. "So just to be fair I'll sleep with Shawn" Camden said as she brushed her teeth. "You better tell Nash" Gilinsky teased. "True." She said and at about that time Nash walked in. "Nash I'm staying with Shawn in his bed to be fair to Jack" she said and Nash just gave her a look and then looked at me. "Don't touch her" he told me. I tried not to laugh because of the Faces Cam was making behind him. "I'm not going to touch her Nash, don't worry." I said. "Okay I just came to make sure Yall were okay." He said and left and we all crawled in bed.

"Dude is she asleep already?" Jack asked. "Yeah she's a tired girl" I said and kissed her forehead. "You like her don't you?" He asked me. "A lot actually" I said and looked at her troubled eyes as she rested. "Just don't hurt her. She's like my little sister and Nash will kill you" he said laughing. "I promise I won't hurt her." I said and laid beside her. "I promise I won't hurt you" I whispered to her and then went to bed. Going to have a big day at MAGCON tomorrow!

Hey guys! So Camden and Shawn or Camden and Taylor or should she go back for Matt? Let me know in the comments. Please comment and Vote! Thanks guys!

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