Chapter 24

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"Ava Grace, get up so we can go to kindergarten." I said. Yeah, that's right, today's Ava Grace's first day of school. "Mommy, can I just go tomorrow? I wanna sleep" Ava said. "No baby, we have to go today. Come on, get up" I said as she rubbed her eyes and finally got up. "Daddy made you breakfast" I said as I carried her downstairs. "Hey princess" Shawn said as we walked in the dining room. Ava just responded with a huff and turned her head. "What's wrong?" Shawn asked. "I don't know" I said. "Ava, come here" Shawn said. "No, I want to go to sleep." She said and Shawn took her from my arms. "Don't you want to go have fun at school?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders and started eating her cereal. "I'm going to go pick out your clothes okay?" I said and walked upstairs to Ava's room. I picked out a white dress, a denim blue flannel type shirt with white polka dots, a brown belt and a cream colored scarf.

I walked down to get Ava Grace and I saw her and Shawn having a deep conversation about Mickey Mouse. "Yeah but he's my favorite daddy. I've always wanted to meet Mickey Mouse." I heard Ava say and I laughed a little. "Well maybe we'll meet Mickey one day" Shawn said. I finished walking down the stairs and into the living room. "Come one Ava Grace. Let's go get dressed" I said and she grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. "Your clothes are on your bed" I said and she went and changed. "Mommy, I think you should put my hair in a little bun" Ava said. "Okay come here" I said as we walked int he bathroom. I put her hair up and she went back downstairs.

I went in my room and straightened my hair and then changed. I put on capris, a black shirt and my white converse. I walked downstairs and saw that Shawn was already ready and Ava Grace was waiting on me to get done. "Are you ready to go?" I asked and she nodded. "Let me take your picture" I said and she stood by the wall and smiled. "Okay let's go to the car." I said. I sent the picture to Shawn and then we got in the car and drove to her school. "Babe," Shawn said. "She's growing up." He had little tears in his eyes. "Oh baby, don't cry" I said laughing a little and kissed his cheek. "Daddy why are you crying?" Ava Grace asked. "Because you're growing up too fast" he said. "Yeah, I'll be five years old next week" she said and I smiled. I posted the picture of her on Twitter and sent it to my mom, Nash, Hayes, and Will.

"@CamdenMendes: Someone's going to kindergarten today......"

I got replies from all of the boys too.

Hamilton😒: she looks so cute! Uncle Nash's little girl is growing up!

Pooh Bear🍯: Little Shawn is growing up!

Will😎: She is Shawn made over. I'm coming back home! See yall soon!

"Oh my gosh, Shawn!" I said freaking out. "Mommy called down" Ava Grace said and I laughed. "What babe?" He asked. "Wills coming home!" I said with a big smile on my face and he just laughed. "Okay, Ava Grace, we're here" Shawn said and parked the car. We got out and I walked her in to her classroom. "Look Ava Grace, there's your teacher" I said as we walked in her classroom. "Hi, welcome to Kindergarten. I'm Mrs. Wilson and you must be miss Ava Grace" She said to Ava and Ava nodded. "Ava why don't you show your daddy where your cubbie is to put your backpack" I said and she grabbed Shawn's hand and walked off to her cubbie. I took a picture of them walking off and put it on Twitter.

"@CamdenMendes: And she's off! My big kindergartener."

"Okay Ava Grace, I have to go but I'll be back soon to get you okay? Make some new friends." I said with a smile. "Okay, I love you" she said and gave me a hug. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes as Shawn and I left to go home. "Babe what's wrong?" Shawn asked. "She's growing up" I said and he kissed me. "It's going to be okay" he said and I laughed.

When we got home, we basically cuddled and watched movies all day and then Shawn had meetings so I was home alone. He came home a little bit ago and we're fixing to leave to go get Ava Grace.

When we got to the school, Ava Grace was coloring with another little girl. "Ava Grace, your mom and dad are here" Mrs. Wilson said. She immediately cleaned up her stuff, grabbed her backpack and ran and gave Shawn a huge hug. "Daddy I missed you" she said and kissed his cheek. "I missed you too Princess" he said. "I missed you too Ava Grace" I said. She looked at me all surprised and gave me a huge hug. "Hey mom, hey bubs" she said and put her hand on my stomach. "Are you ready to go?" I asked and she nodded. We said bye and drove home.

When we got home, I was feeling exhausted. Oh yeah maybe because I'm supposed to have this baby anytime now. "Hey, why don't you go lay down" Shawn said. "Okay" I said and kissed him. I walked up to our room and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to a sharp pain and I knew what it meant. "Shawn!" I yelled. "What?" He asked. "Come here please" I said and he rushed upstairs. "Wh-" he was cutoff when he saw me in pain. "Ava Grace, go put your shoes on" he said. "Ok daddy but where are we going?" She asked. "We're going to have a baby" he said and I smiled.

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