Chapter 15

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"Hey Shawn will you feed her for me?" I asked. "Yeah sure. When are Nash and Hayes coming back?" He asked as he took Ava Grace from me and started feeding her. "They should be here any minute" I said. "Well, why don't you go get ready for the cookout at Cameron's while I feed her and then we can get her ready" he said. "Sounds good" I said and went upstairs.

I changed into a blue tank top with pink and white printed shorts. I loosely curled my hair, put in my pink earrings, put on my brown sandals and grabbed my purse and went downstairs.

"Don't you look cute" Shawn said. "Thanks babe. Is she done eating?" I asked. "Yeah, and I just burped her." He said. "Okay, I'll take her and get her changed why you go and get ready" I said and kissed him. "I love you" he said. "I love you more Shawn" I said and took Ava Grace upstairs.

"What should I dress my little princess in today" I said to Ava Grace. I finally picked out a onesie that Nash got made for Ava Grace that says, 'I get my good looks from my Uncle Nash.' I put some blue jean shorts one her, baby sandals, and a black bow. "Look at my gorgeous girl" I said as I picked her up and kissed her cheek. I laid her on my chest and walked with her downstairs.

"Nash and Hayes are already there. They said to bring a swimsuit." Shawn informed me. "Okay, I'll grab one for me and for Ava. Did you get yours?" I asked and he nodded. I ran upstairs quickly and got our bathing suits and by the time I was back downstairs, Shawn had already put Ava and himself in the car and was waiting on me.

"I think you and the moon and Neptune got it right, so now I'm shining bright" I sang along to the radio. "I hope she has a great voice like you" I told Shawn. "Well, she has no choice really, we both can sing" he joked. "Ava Grace, your daddy is silly" I said and he grabbed my hand. "And your mommy is adorable." He added. "I love you" I said and then we pulled up to Cam's house.

I got out and went to the back seat to get Ava out. "Shawn's she's asleep" I said and I saw a smile creep on his face. "She's my everything Camden" he said and took her car seat from me. "I know, I love her so much" I said. "But don't worry, you're part of my everything too" he said and kissed me and we walked up to the front door.

"Hey Camden," Cameron said as he opened the door. "Hey Cam" I said and hugged him. "Hey Shawn" he said and hugged him. "And Uncle Cam's sweet Ava Grace" he said picking her up out of her car seat. "Camden!" Nash yelled coming into the living room. "Hey" I said and sat down on the couch. "I'll be right back," Cameron said taking Ava Grace in his room and coming back out with another girl. "Guys, I would like you to meet my new girlfriend, Lauren"
(A\N: lrm2018 )
he said and kissed her cheek. "Hey, it's nice to meet you guys" she said. "Lauren, this is Camden, Shawn, Nash and Hayes, and I think Gilinsky and Aaron are coming later" he said. "And this is my new niece Ava Grace" he said showing her off. "Can I hold her" Lauren asked. "Of course" I said and she took Ava from Cameron and then the doorbell rang. "Hey Aaron, hey Jack." Cameron said as he let them. "Hey guys" Jack said. "This is Madison, for you guys who don't know. I think some of you have met her before" he added. "And this is my new girlfriend, Haley"
(A\N: hclifford )
Aaron said. "Hey Haley, I'm Camden" I said as she sat beside me on the couch. "Hey, is this your little one?" She asked as she saw Lauren holding her. "Yes, mine and Shawn's" I said. "She's so cute. She's a miniature Shawn" she said. "So I've heard" I said laughing a little. "Who's up for a swim?" Cameron asked "Me!" We all said.

I went upstairs and changed into my bathing suit and put Ava Grace into her bathing suit. "Hey you ready?" Shawn asked. "Yeah" I said and we walked down to the pool.

"Awww, she looks so cute" Madison said. "Thanks" I said laughing a little. "You think she'll like the water?" Lauren asked. "I don't know. I'll put her feet in it and see if she likes it." I said walking over to the pool. "Babe what are you doing?" Shawn asked freaked out. "Chill, I'm just putting her feet in" I said as I sat on the stairs of the pool. As soon as I put her feet in she started screaming. "I'm sorry baby girl" I said took her back in the shade and Shawn walked over. "Daddy's baby girl doesn't like the water does she?" He asked Ava as he took her from my arms and she stopped crying. "I tried to tell momma but she just doesn't listen" he said and I laughed. "Cannon Ball!!!" Gilinsky and Cameron yelled cheering Hayes on and before we knew it, all of us girls, Shawn, and Ava Grace were soaked she was crying again. "She hates it." Shawn said. "Oh I'm sorry Ava Grace" Hayes said, coming and taking her from Shawn. "Uncle Hayes is sorry. I won't splash you ever again, I promise" he said and kissed her forehead. "I'm hungry!" Nash said. "Well I'm cooking these hotdogs so chill out" Cameron said. "Hayes let me see her" Nash said as we all went in and dried off. After we dried off, we laid on the couch and watched tv while we waited on the food. "I saw her onesie you had her in earlier" Nash said as he laid on the couch and put Ava Grace on his chest. "What did it say?" Haley asked. "It said, 'I get my good looks from my Uncle Nash'" I said and we laughed. "Well it is true" a girl voice said from the kitchen. "Mallory! When did you get here?" I asked. "Oh I got here while you guys were outside" she said. By now Nash and Ava Grace were asleep so I took a picture and posted it.

"@CamdenGrier: I think her Uncle Nash is her best friend❤️ (besides her daddy of course) @nashgrier "

"Food's done!" Cam yelled bringing in the food and we all jumped up except for Nash. We all ate and hung out for a while before it started to get late. "Well guys, I guess it's time for us to get going." I said as Shawn and I stood up. I walked over to Nash, who's still asleep, and pick up my baby girl who's also asleep. "Thanks for coming!" Can said. "Thanks for having us" Shawn said. "Girls, we need to hang out ASAP!" I said and we laughed. "Alright bye guys" I said and we loaded the car and went home.


Hey guys, so I introduced two new girlfriends, Lauren and Haley. The girlfriends will be finished being introduced in the next chapter or the next. Thanks for reading! Comment what you think of Shawn and Camden and the new baby!

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