Chapter 23

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"Oohh Braden Michael! I love it so much!" Nicole said as all the girls sat in her living room with no husbands and no kids. It's just a girls day. "I'm thinking we need a pedicure" Ava said. "I'm totally down for it" Angelina said. "Me too. My feet hurt so bad. We can take my Escalade. It has a third row seat" I said. "Well, let's go then" Lauren and Madison said.

When we got to the nail salon, we all picked out the color we wanted on our toe nails and sat in the chairs. It was Madison, me, Haley, Ava, Lauren, Jasmine, Mallory, Angelina, and then Nicole. "So how's Ava Grace taking the whole brother thing?" Haley asked. "Umm better than we thought she would" I said. "She kept telling me how much she wanted a baby sister the other day" Mallory said. "Yeah I know" Jasmine said. "Angelina, what are you and Hayes having?" Lauren asked. "Oh I know and I'm so excited!" I said. "Did Hayes tell you?" Angelina asked and I nodded. The girls just laughed. "We're having a girl" She said. "What's her name going to be?" Jasmine asked. "Savannah Skye Grier" Angelina said. "Oh my gosh. That's so pretty" Madison said. By now our pedicures were through. We paid and headed to Olive Garden for lunch.

When we got there, we all sat down and ordered our food. Once our food got here, we started talking about random things. "The other day, it was so cute, Lane came up to me and said, mommy when are you going to have a big tummy and have a baby." Madison said. "I said never we're not having anymore" she said and we laughed. We finished eating and then we all went home.

When I got home, I walked in and saw Shawn asleep on the couch with Ava on his chest and patches at his feet. It was so cute. I took a picture and then went upstairs to change. Since Ava is fixing to start school on Monday, we are going to the mall to get her clothes and going to get nursery things.

I changed into shorts and a black and white striped shirt with my white converse and I left my hair straight.

When I got done, I went downstairs to get Ava but she was already up. "Mommy lets go shopping now!" She said. "You have to go change silly, come on" I said and took her to her room. I changed her into a grey shirt, a flannel, black leggings and her black Nikes. I put her hair in a bun and we went downstairs. "Daddy are you already ready?" She asked and I laughed. "Yes silly girl" he said and picked her up and we all got in the car and drove to the mall.

When we got there we went to Claire's because anytime we go to the mall, Ava Grace always goes there first. "Mommy, can I get my ears pierced today?" She asked. "Do you want to?" I asked just to make sure and she nodded her head. "Alright then." I said and went up to the counter. The lady directed us to the chair and she let Ava pick out some earrings. "I want those" Ava said pointing to small diamond ones. "Let me call daddy okay?" I said and the lady handed me all the paperwork I had to filled out. I filled it out while I talked to Shawn, who was currently in another store.

(C- Camden, S-Shawn)

C- Hey babe!

S- hey what's up?

C- Ava Grace wanted to get her ears pierced and she wants you to come watch.

S- Alright, I'm on my way

C- Love you

S- Love you too

|end of conversation|

"Daddy's on his way Ava" I said as I handed the girl the paper work. The lady started cleaning her ears and Ava Grace started freaking out. "Mommy, I don't want to do this anymore" she said. "It's okay baby. It won't hurt." I said and then Shawn showed up. "Daddy!" Ava Grace yelled. "Hey Princess" he said. "Will you hold my hand?" she asked and he nodded walking over and grabbing her hand. I pulled my phone out and started recording her. "Okay one ear done" the lady said and Ava had a couple tears in her eyes but not a lot. "Okay, you're all done" the lady said and gave Ava Grace a high five. "See that didn't hurt" Shawn said as we left the store. "Yeah and now they look so pretty" she said and we laughed.

We walked around the mall for a while and got clothes for Ava Grace and then we went to Babies R Us to get things for Braden and for his nursery. "Babe I like this crib" Shawn sad as he pointed to the cutest little crib. "Oh yeah. That ones cute" I said. "And it matches the colors really well" I said referring to to the baby blue and brown color theme of the nursery. "I like it too" Ava Grace said. "But it has to have room for me so when bubba has bad dreams I can go sleep with him in his room." She said. "You're so sweet Ava Grace" Shawn said and picked her up. "But bubba has to sleep by himself baby" I said. "Fine but I'll still be nice to him because I love my baby brother" she said. We got the rest of the furniture and some clothes for the baby and then headed home.

When we got home, I called my brothers and my dad and they came to help Shawn put the furniture together. While they did that, Mallory, Angelina, and I painted the room and let it dry. Before I knew it, the boys were done moving furniture into his nursery and it looked awesome. "Babe it's looks so good" I said and kissed him. "Mom, who's room is this?" Ava Grace asked. "It's Braden's" I said. "You mean he's gonna stay in here?" She asked and I nodded. "Lucky. His room is cuter than mine." She said and stomped out. "Diva" Hayes said. "Just wait until Savannah gets older" I said. "Yeah really. Logan's 10 times worse" Nash said and rolled his eyes. "I wonder how Shawn handles TWO sassy girls" my dad said and we laughed. "I'm not THAT sassy" I said with a hair flip. "Okay whatever" Shawn said and we laughed. "We should go out to eat together. Like a family dinner" Hayes said. "Yeah we should. We can go to Buffalo Wild Wings" Mallory said. "Oh yeah! And the games on. We can watch it there" my dad said and the boys got excited and is girls just exchanged looks and laughed.

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