Chapter 27

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|Shawn's POV|

•home from Disney•

"Daddy," Ava Grace said as she came into our room. "Yes baby?" I asked. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I have to go sing for people. I'm going to be gone for a while baby" I said and wrapped my arm around her. "I want to go" she said. "You can't sissy. You have to stay home with Mommy and help her take care of bubba." I said. "But I'm going to miss you" she said and her tears started to fall. "I'm going to miss you too baby" I said and kissed her forehead. "Do you want to go get some frozen yogurt? Just me and you?" I asked. "Yeah" she said and ran downstairs. I followed to let Camden know where we're going. "Hey Camden, I'm taking Ava Grace out for frozen yogurt. I'll be back soon" I said and kissed her cheek. "Okay babe" she said. "She's not taking this too well" I said. "I knew she wouldn't. It'll be okay sooner or later" she said. "Alright we're leaving" I said and we got in the car.

"Daddy when we get there, I think that I'm going to get cookies and cream" Ava Grace said as I drove to the frozen yogurt place. "What should daddy get?" I asked. "Um you should get birthday cake" she said. "Okay I'll get birthday cake." I said and pulled into the frozen yogurt place.

When we got in, we got our frozen yogurt and our toppings and sat down. "So daddy, where are you going to sing?" Ava Grace asked. "All over. I'm going to Texas and Florida and New York and a lot more" I said and her eyes got big. "Oh my gosh. That's a lot" she said with a little laugh. "Do you think mommy will bring me to see you?" She asked. "I don't know. She might." I said. "Well Daddy, I'm all done" she said. "But Ava Grace, that means daddy has to go home and go to the airport." I said pretending to whine like she does. "Well daddy, sometimes life is hard" she said. "Where's this coming from girl. You're only 5" I said laughing. We walked to the car and drove home.

|Camden's POV|

While Shawn was gone, I decided to spend a little time with Braden. "Hey B" I said as I took him out of his crib and changed him. I walked back in the living room with Braden and then Shawn and Ava Grace walked through the door. "Mommy guess what!?!" Ava Grace yelled. "What?" I asked. "I got frozen yogurt and it was so yummy!" She said and I laughed. "Mommy, can I go with Daddy?" She asked. I looked at Shawn and back at Ava Grace. "What?" I asked and laughed. "I want to go with Daddy when he leaves." She said. "I don't know Ava" I said. "Please mommy!" She begged. "Why don't you just stay home Ava" I said. "But I want to go with Daddy" she said. I looked at Shawn and he just smiled. "Come on mommy" Shawn said and picked Ava Grace up. "I guess" I said. "Yay!" Ava shouted and threw her hands in the air. "You're a mess." I said and laughed. "Now I'm not leaving you two home alone" Shawn told me. "Why not?" I asked. "Because what if something happens to you or Braden?" He said. "We will be okay." I said. "And besides, I can always go to Nash's or Mom's." I said. "Okay, well miss priss, it looks like we got an adventure ahead of us" Shawn told Ava and then we went upstairs and packed her bag.

They came back down and we got in the car to drive to the airport. When we got there, we checked in and waited for their flight. Nash sand Hayes had met us there along with Matt and Jasmine, and Cam and Lauren. "Uncle Cam!" Ava yelled and ran to Cam. "Hey baby girl" he said and gave her a hug. "Where are you going?" Matthew asked. "With Daddy to Florida so he can sing." She said. "And I get to see Taylor Swift" she said and we laughed.

Soon after their flight was called. "Bye Babe I love you" Shawn said and gave me a kiss. "Bye little stinker" he said and kissed Braden's head. "Bye mommy, I love you" Ava Grace said to me. "By baby girl. Be good for daddy okay?" I said and she nodded and they quickly boarded their plane.

|Shawn's POV|

When we got to Orlando, it was late. Ava Grace had fallen asleep on the way to meet my manager. When I got there, I just carried her in and let her stay asleep.

"Hey Andrew!" I said as I shook my manager's hand. "Hey Shawn! This must be Ava Grace" he said. "Yeah, she insisted on coming with me" I said and laughed. "Okay well this is the venue" he said as we walked into the arena where the stage was. "Oh my goodness, Shawn!" I heard Taylor yell as she ran over to me. "Hey Taylor" I said and gave her a hug. She realized Ava Grace was asleep and started whispering. "Who's this cutie pie?" She asked. "This is my daughter Ava Grace" I said. "She's so cute" she said. "Thank you!" I said.

"Okay so I have all of the songs and things ready for my part of the show, but I was wondering if you needed any help setting your part of the show up" she said. "Umm, no I think I've got everything in order and ready to go."' I said. "Okay, well in that case, you're free to go and I'll see you here at 8 in the morning for sound check." She said and I smiled. "Alright see you then." I said and then we left and went back to the hotel.

When we got to the hotel, I got myself and Ava Grace ready for bed. We laid down and she had already fallen back asleep. I decided to call Camden and see how things were going.

{Phone call: C-Camden S-Shawn}

S- Hey babe!

C- hey baby. How's it going?

S- good. We just got here a couple of hours ago.

C- and I bet Ava is asleep

S- you guessed it. How's Braden?

C- he's good. We just miss you two a lot.

I could hear her crying a little.

S- don't cry baby! I'll be home before you know it. I have to go okay? I love you. Goodnight

C- I love you too. Sleep good. Tell Ava Grace I love her.

S- I will. Bye babe!

{end of phone call}

I leaned down and gave Ava Grace a kiss on the cheek and then I fell asleep.

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