Chapter 17

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"Why don't we get you ready to go to Uncle Taylor's and see what he wants" I told Ava Grace as Shawn walked through the door. "Hey beautiful girls" he said as he kissed my cheek. "Hey handsome" I said as I playfully hit his chest. "What's this princess going to wear today?" He asked. "This" I said holding up her outfit.

I changed her into a onesie that says '50% Grier + 50% Mendes = Perfection,' little leopard print leggings, little black shoes, and a bow.

"Oh don't you look so cute" Shawn said as he took Ava Grace from me. "Let me get ready" I said. "Alright I'll be downstairs with this diva" he said referring to Ava and I just laughed.

I changed into a blue tank top, a black cardigan, capris and my white converse. I loosely curled my hair and headed downstairs. "Okay let's go" I said. We put Ava in her car seat and got in the car. Shawn pulled out of the driveway and we made our way to Taylor's.

When we got to Taylor's house, not many people were here. It looks like it was just Me and Shawn and Ava, Aaron and Haley , Cameron and Lauren,  Matt, Taylor, and Johnson.

"Hey guys," Taylor said as he let us in the door. "Hey Tay" I said and walked in. "So who did you want us to meet?" Shawn asked. "Well guys, this is my new girlfriend Ava" he said as he gestured to a very pretty girl.
(A/N: heywerdio )
"Hi, I'm Camden. This is Shawn and this is our daughter Ava Grace" I said introducing us. "Hi, it's nice to meet you" she said. "Hey there sweet girl" she said to Ava Grace. "Can I hold her?" She asked and I nodded handing Ava Grace over to her.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Jasmine"
(A/N: jasmine_henry )
Matt said. She seemed nice just from looking at her. She was wearing a volleyball shirt so I assumed she played. "It's nice to meet you guys" she said.

"And last but not least, this is my girlfriend Nicole"
(A/N: NicoleLink )
Johnson said gesturing to a very pretty girl with hair down to her bottom. She seemed to be the perfect girl for Johnson. "Hey guys" she said.

"Okay, now that we have girls in our dysfunctional family, we need to go hang out" I said. "Yeah, we should go to the mall" Nicole suggested. "Yeah we should" Jasmine said. "Let's go then" Matthew said.

We all piled into the cars and head off to the mall. I'm glad I have girls with us now because I was getting tired of all these boys.

"Okay, so I'm going to Forever 21. Who's going with?" I asked and all the girls decided to take me. "I'll take her with me so you can shop" Shawn said as he took Ava Grace. "Aren't you so sweet" I said as I kissed his cheek.
"Okay girls" I said and we went to Forever 21.

After we shopped for almost 3 hours, we decided to go and eat Chick-Fil-A.
We got our food and say down and Nash started to talk. "So Bart called, we have Magcon in 3 days" he said. "Wow, short notice" Jack said. "Yeah, really" I said. "Well, I guess we better get to packing" Lauren said. "Yeah but someone over here is going to make me pack for him" Haley said pointing to Aaron.  We finished our food and then we all went back to our own houses.

"So babe are you excited for Magcon?" I asked as I laid Ava Grace in her swing. "Yeah, about that..." He said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't think it's a good idea for you and Ava to go" he said. "And why is that?" I asked. "She just little and-" I cut him off. "She'll be fine babe" I said. "Alright I guess." He said and kissed me. "I love you so much sweet boy" I said and kissed him back. Things became a little heated until the door bell rang.

"I wonder who that is" I said going to open the door. "Hey Nash" I said. He looked up and his eyes were all red and puffy. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I just need to see Ava Grace" he said and I look at Shawn and I was so confused. "Umm Nash, why don't you tell me what's wrong first." I said and he sat on the couch beside me. "Now what's wrong?" I asked. "Mallory broke up with me" he said. "Nash, I'm sorry" I said and gave him a hug. "I really loved her" he said. I felt bad for my brother because you can tell when he really loves a girl and I knew he loved Mallory. He talked about marrying her and how perfect she was all the time. "I just thought if I came to spend time with you and Ava Grace I would feel better. I mean you two do make me happy so" he said. "I love ya bubs" I said and kissed his cheek. He got up and picked up Ava Grace. "Hey there sweet girl" he said. I got up and walked in the kitchen where Shawn was. "He okay?" He asked. "I don't know. I figured he could stay here tonight" I said and grabbed some water out of the fridge. "That's fine with me" Shawn said and wrapped his arm around me. "I love you" I said and he kissed me. "I'll love you forever" he said and I smiled.


Sorry this chapter kind of sucked but I'm back from my trip so I'll try to update more. Oh and if I didn't mention, Shawn and Camden live together in a house. Thanks for reading! Love ya💖

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