Chapter 10

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"Get up, get up, get up!" Nash yelled waking me up. "No let me sleep you brat" I said back. "No. Lose the attitude and get up" Hayes said. "Hayes shut up" I said and threw a pillow at him. I got up and changed into Nike shorts, a sweat shirt, my hat, orange Chacos, put my earrings on and put my ponytail through the hat. "Come on little Grier! We're going home today" Cameron said. "I'm only going home if you carry my bags." I said. "Okay come on" he said and we walked out of the hotel room.

"Are we meeting the boys down stairs?" I asked. "Just Matt, Shawn and Gilinsky. All the other boys already left" Nash said. "Oh great, that means Allie is there too" I said. "She's been here all trip" Cameron said. "Yeah I know." I said and we walked down stairs.

"Hey G" I said to Jack as I gave him a hug. "Hey Grier" he said. "Looking cute today" he said. "Why thank you" I said and we laughed. "Hey Shawn" I said and he waved and smiled that cute little smile of his. "What's wrong Shawn? You aren't acting the same" I asked him. "I don't know." He said. "Have you had some time to think?" He asked. "Yeah I've had enough time to think" I told him. "Sit by me on the plane?" He asked. "Sounds good Mendes!" I said and kissed his cheek. "So are you two dating now?" Allie asked me with an attitude. "Ummm no" I said. "Well it sure looks like it." She said. "And it sure looks like you should stay out of my business" I said. "Camden come on let's go" Nash said and grabbed my arm. "No. I want to know why it matters if I'm dating him or not." I said. "Because you dated Matt" she said. "And?" I said. "And I'm just making sure you stay away from Matt." She said. "Come on let's go Matthew" she said and they walked off. As they walked off, Matthew turned around and shot me a dirty look. "Get a life" I said and we all boarded the plane.


"Hey get up" Shawn said. "We're home" he said with a smile on his face. "Why are you so cute?" I said. "Oh I don't know" he said with a little smirk and I just laughed. We got off the plane and headed to the car when we heard screams and saw some fans running up to us. "Oh my gosh! It's Shawn Mendes" one yelled. "There's Nash and Hayes." Another one said. "And Camden OMG!" We heard another one say. We heard some about Matthew, Gilinsky, and Cameron also. One girl walked up to Shawn and I and boy was she excited. "Oh my gosh your Camden. I can't believe I'm meeting you and Shawn." She said and I hugged her. "Hey, you want a picture?" I asked. "Sure, but with you and Shawn" she said. "Yo Nash!" I said. "Come take this picture" I said and he walked over to us and took the picture. "Thanks for talking to us" I told her and she left. "You ready beautiful?" Shawn asked. "Sure am" I said and we left.

When we got home it was just Nash, Hayes, Skylynn, and I at the house. "Hey Camden look at my picture I drew" Sky said as she ran across the room to me to show me her picture. "Aww it's cute" I said. "Yeah that's you and Matthew." She said. "Sky," I said. "Me and Matthew aren't together anymore baby girl." "Yeah but you two can still be friends right?" She asked. "Yeah I guess. I'll just have to talk to him sometime." I said. "Hey Sky, want me to see if Kayden wants to go get ice cream?" I asked her. "Yeah!" She said.

Kayden is my best friend. We met in first grade and we have basically been inseparable. We usually spent every minute with each other and told each other everything. We haven't seen each other in a while so we have a lot to catch up on. Why not do it over ice cream?

Me- hey Kay, wanna go and get some ice cream with Me and Sky?

KayBae💜- yeah sure. I miss that little booger and you. How was the trip?

Me- pretty good

KayBae💜- how's Matthew?😏

Me- oh the things we will talk about over ice cream😂 Meet us there?

KayBae💜- sure thing

"Sky you ready?" I asked her. "Yeah come on let's go!" She said. "Hold on, I have to tell Bubba we are leaving." I said. "Bubba we are leaving" she yelled. "Okay let's go." She said. "Hey where you going?" Nash asked coming downstairs. "Come on Camden" Sky said. "Hold on baby girl." I said. "We are going to get ice cream with Kayden" I told Nash. "Okay well Jordyn and Mallory are coming over if you want Shawn to come over later" he said. "Well Kayden will probably come back with us but I'll see if he wants to come." I said. "Alright well someone looks a little excited to leave so you better go." Nash said. "Alright bye" I said and we left.

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