Chapter 13

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"Hittin' up Magcon with a pregnant lady!" Nash yelled as we arrived at the hotel. I just gave him a look. "Don't make her mad. I learned that the hard way." Shawn said. "But I still love you" I said and kissed his cheek.

Once we reached the hotel room, Shawn and I walked in and sat down and talked. "So are you ready for miss Ava Grace to be here?" I asked Shawn. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. "I was just wondering" I said. "I'm hungry" I said as I look for food to order. "Want some pizza babe?" Shawn asked. "Yeah, let me go see if Nash wants some." I said and walked out.

"Nash do you-" I was cutoff by sadly witnessing Nash and Mallory making out in his room. "Oh sorry. What's up" he said. "Umm Shawn is ordering pizza. Do you want some?" I asked. "Yeah sure" he said and went back to kissing Mallory. Okay, you could let me leave the room first. "Use protection!" I yelled as I left.

|Nash's POV|

"Mallory," I said as she pulled away from our kiss. "Why are you acting weird" I asked. "I'm not" she said and kissed me again. "Yes you are" I said and stood up. "Babe come back" Mal said. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I just feel like we need to spend time together before you head out to LA." She said. "And I feel like everyone's ruining it" she added. "Hey it's okay" I said and hugged her. "I just want to see you before you leave." she said. "I'm not leaving for a while. And besides we're going to spend all of Magcon together. Okay?" I said. "I love you Nash" she said. "I love you too" I said and kissed her forehead.

"Nash your pizza is here" Camden yelled. "Bring it to me" I yelled. "No!" She said. "She's so rude." I said and got up to get my pizza. "Leave her alone" Mallory said and playfully slapped me.

Soon all of the other boys came out. "Where's my pizza?" Hayes and Matt whined. "Go ask Camden" I said and we all walked in her room. "Seriously? I'm trying to sleep" she said. "Where's my pizza at brat?" Hayes asked and sat on her bed and tried to get a slice. "Leave" she said and slapped it out of his hands. "No, I want some pizza" he said. "Go get some then. I'm eating for two" she said pointing to her stomach. "Ugh" they all complained. "Well I'm leaving" Taylor said. "Goodnight Tay." She said. "Goodnight Cam" he said and left. "Alright I'm going to bed. Goodnight boys" She said. "Goodnight love ya" we said and left. Mallory and I headed back to our room and laid down. "Goodnight Mal" I said "Goodnight Nash" she said and fell asleep.

-Next Day-

|Hayes' POV|

"Camden get up!" I yelled as all of the boys walked into her and Shawn's room. She was the only one asleep so I thought I would bug her a little bit. "Camden. Get. Up." I said as I jumped on her bed. "I swear to god. You are the most annoying 15 year old there is!" She said and threw a pillow at me. "Get up! Your gonna make us late for Magcon" I said and threw the pillow back. "Hayes! Don't throw things at irritable pregnant women" Nash said with a little laugh. She gave him a look. "Oh you think this is funny?" She asked and he nodded. "You better be glad I can't run right now" She added.

|Camden's POV|

I got up and changed into one of Shawn's shirt and some jeans and my black vans. I loosely curled my hair and put on a grey beanie. "And the Diva is finally ready!" Cameron said. "Shut up" I said giving him a glare. "I'm sorry" he mumbled. "No your fine, it's these stupid mood swings. Alright let's go" I said while taking Shawn's hand and walking out of the room.

(A/N: I've never been to Magcon so I don't actually know how it goes)

When we got to the event, we got all set up for the panel. I was seated beside Shawn and Cameron. "Hey Magcon, what's up!" Nash yelled into the microphone. "Okay guys so we are going to starts with a Q&A first. Sound good?" I asked and the girls screamed. "Okay you in the Nashty shirt" I said pointing out the girl. "What are you going to name your baby girl?" She asked. "We are going to name her Ava Grace Mendes and she'll go by Ava Grace." I said. "Next question." Nash said. "You in the Aaron Carpenter shirt" he said. "What's it like living with your sister now that she's pregnant?" she asked. I looked his way just to see what he said. "It's great" he said sarcastically. "No but for real, she's a great sister but there are times when the sass is to much to handle" he said and they laughed. "I second that!" Hayes said. "I don't live with them but I agree" Matt said. "Ava Grace and I feel the love you guys." I said. Things went on like this for a while until Magcon ended.

"I'm exhausted." I said as I laid by Nash on his bed. "Umm your giving my cuddles away" Shawn said. "And Nash your giving all of my cuddles away." Mallory said. "These don't count because he's my brother." I said and kissed Shawn's cheek. "Umm, no you two, I'm sorry, but these are brother sister cuddles" he said and hugged me. "Your squishing me and Ava" I said. "Oh sorry, I don't want to hurt Uncle Nash's little girl" he said and laid his hand on my stomach. "Such a great brother" I said and we laughed.

"Hey guys! Say hey to the vlog!" Johnson yelled as he walked in. "Hey" we all said as if we had no energy whatsoever. "So how's it going in there Ava Grace?" He asked as he brought the camera over to me and she kicked. "Shawn give me your hand!" I said and laid it on my stomach. "Don't kick mommy so hard Ava Grace" he said and we all laughed. "That's our baby!" He said and kissed me. "I love you Shawn!" I said. "I love you River" he said and I laughed a little and blushed. "Oh so he can he say it but I can't?" Nash asked. "That's right." I said and hugged him. "Alright we're going to bed." I said. "Goodnight!" They all yelled and I held up a peace sign with my fingers as I walked out. "I changed into a hoodie and sweats and laid down beside Shawn. "I love you and our little family" I said and snuggled into his neck. "I love my family and my two princesses too!"

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