Chapter 4

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Camden's POV

"Okay rooms are me, Hayes, Camden, and Matthew in one room, Cameron, the Jacks in another, and then Shawn and Taylor and Jacob you guys are sharing a room." Nash said. "Always gotta share a stupid room with Nash" I complained while Matt gave me a piggy back ride. "Hey hot stuff" Taylor said walking by. "Hey Tay" I said and kissed his cheek. "Camden why are your bags so heavy?" Hayes said. "I don't know. Maybe because I have a lot of stuff. I mean I am a girl" he said with a hair flip. "And a brat" he mumbled. "I heard that Benjamin" I told him and Matt took me into our room and dumped me on the bed and tickled me. "Matt stop" I said out of breath. "Well we know who is sharing a bed" Nash said and I gave him a look. "Yeah really" Hayes said and went to the bathroom to get ready for MAGCON tonight. "Hayes hurry up. I need to change." I said banging on the door. "I'm almost done" he said and I ran and grabbed my clothes. When I got back, Hayes was out so I went and changed. I changed into blue jean shorts, a grey t-shirt, a black and white flannel, black Vans, and I left my hair straight. I came out and the boys were all ready. "Woah" Taylor said as I came out. When did he get in here? Matt gave him a look. "Sorry dude but she's hot" Tay said. "Camden we are leaving meet us down there." Nash said. "Alright" I said and he left and I finished my makeup. "Wanna take a picture Maffeww?" I asked. "Why not" he said and stood beside me in the mirror. He kissed my cheek and I just smiled. I posted it and grabbed my purse and we left.

Matt's POV

Camden is so cute! You know what, I think I'm going to ask her on a date tonight. While Camden and I were walking down to event, I saw she posted our picture.

"@CamdenGrier: lovin' my Maffew💋 @Matthewespinosa"

"Aww Cam your so sweet" I said and kissed her cheek. "I try" She said and we laughed.

"Nash I'm here" she yelled as we walked in. "Hey why don't you go talk to Hayes. I have to talk to Nash" I said. "Okay" she said and went to talk to Shawn and Hayes. "Hey Nash, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah sure what's up" he said as we sat backstage. "Okay so I really like your sister and I was wondering if I could take her on a date?" I asked. "I don't know man" he said. "Nash, I REALLY like her" I said trying to convince him. "I know it's just she's my best friend dude and I don't want her getting hurt again." He said. "Again?" I asked. "Collin" he said reminding me. "I'm won't ever treat her like that kid." I said. "I guess you can man but DON'T hurt her you hear me?" He said. "Thank Nash" I said and we bro hugged and got ready for the event.

Camden's POV

"Cameron I'm not going on that stage" I said as he tried to pull me up there. "Please sissy" he said. "Oh shut up" I said and playfully hit him. "I'm not going up there" I said. "And next we have Cameron Dallas!" The announcer said. "I gotta go" he said and ran up there. I look up and saw him and Matthew whispering to the announcer. "And our special guest, Camden Grier!" The announcer yelled. I hate these boys. I jumped up on stage and waved at the fans and went and sat with Cam on one side of me and Shawn on the other.

"Hey guys I'm Camden, Nash and Hayes' sister" I said into the mic. "Okay so we are going to have a little Q&A" Taylor said. "The girl in the 'Nashty' shirt" I said and pointed to her. "Okay are you and Matt like a thing because I totally ship it" she said and I laughed a little and looked at Matt. "Umm you know, I don't really-" I was cutoff by Matt. "I can answer your question with a question of my own" he said and stood up. "River Camden Grier" he said. "Matt don't use my first name" I said annoyed. "Sorry but will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked. A big swarm of 'awwws' came from the crowd. "I would love to Matthew Lee" I said. "Okay lovebirds" Taylor said. He's mad. Does he like me or something? I mean he could obviously see I liked Matt.

"Okay next question. You in the Hayes hoodie" Nash said. "Camden, who is your favorite brother?" The girl asked. "Umm that's hard actually. Probably all three only because I have a special bond with my brothers that I wouldn't trade for anything." I said. "Okay you in the Taylor shirt" Shawn said. "Taylor, why did you seem so mad when Matt asked Camden out?" She asked. He just sat there. "So you're going to be rude?" I said into the mic. "Cam stop" Hayes said and pulled on my arm. "No, he needs to her question. I mean she is his fan after all" I said. "Camden calm down" Nash and Shawn said. "Okay you know what? I wasn't mad. I'm actually a little jealous because Matt's taking you out ok? I like you Camden but I guess it doesn't matter." He said and got up and left. I ran off following him. "Tay stop" I said. "Just leave me alone." He said and I stopped running and felt tears on my cheeks. "Camden he'll be okay" Shawn said wrapping his arms around me trying to give me a hug. "I feel so bad. I yelled at him over something stupid Shawn." I said. "Cam?" Nash said and I ran to him. "It's okay. He gets like this all time okay?" He said. "Yeah he's right. He gets jealous a lot. He'll let you explain later I'm sure. It's okay little Grier." Cam said and rubbed my head. "Okay Cam, don't mess up my hair." I said and laughed. "Diva, diva, diva" Hayes said laughing and shaking his head. "Hop on my back, we are leaving" Matthew said and I jumped on.


"Matthew, why do you always have to tickle me?" I asked laughing. "Cause I love to see you laugh" he said. "Your to sweet." I said and we cuddled and got ready for bed. "Okay for real" Nash said. "No funny business." "Okay Nash" I said. "No for real. I don't want my 14 year old mind scarred." Hayes said. "I'm sure you've done worse with Jordyn" I said and he gave me a look. "Busted." Matthew said laughing. "Hayes?!?" Nash yelled. "Well she's hot Nash" he said and we all laughed. "Goodnight Nash, goodnight Hayes" I said and they said goodnight back. "And goodnight Matthew." I said. "Goodnight beautiful" he said and kissed my cheek and before I knew it, sleep had taken over me.


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