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*Y/N uses they/them pronouns in this book ;3


Character profiles~

Name: Y/N

Age: 19

Hair colour: (random colour)

Height: (insert height)


They are new in town and don't have very many friends here. Their parents live overseas and only visit on special occasions and holidays but occasionally call Y/N to ask how life is going. Y/N's hobbies are (insert hobbies) and they enjoy reading too. They think Sunny is pretty cool and like hanging out with him. Y/N's personality is very much a 'roll with the punches and don't ask questions' type. They see the red flags most of the time but decide 'yolo you only live once fuck it' 😅. Overall they are likeable and pretty chill.

Name: Sunny Haworth

Age: 20

Hair colour: Ruby red colour

Height: 6'5 (or taller/shorter if you like)


Sunny moved here a year ago by himself to get away from his family. He is from England and has a bit of an accent. He is cold to others and most people fear him for his looks and attitude. He moved here because he couldn't stand his family nagging him about his attitude and behaviour. He honestly doesn't give a shit about what others think of him and does his own thing. When he met Y/N for the first time something in his cold heart awakened and he felt something special. He treats them kindly and calls Y/N 'hon' or 'honey' as an endearing nickname.


Y/N had moved from (random country) to (random country) 3 months ago. They are just settling in with their new start. They miss their friends from (county name) but still talk with them occasionally.

They moved here all by themselves and are starting fresh at Somerset College. They live in an apartment close to campus and have a roommate called Sunny.

Sunny has crimson red hair and golden brown eyes. He liked being alone with no roommate, but once he met Y/N, he immediately changed his mind about the subject.

Y/N attends school regularly and has a part time job at a cafe. They enjoy their new life in (country name) and haven't been met with any problems yet...
This story will have both Y/N's POV and Sunny's POV also other characters too. :) Hope you enjoy

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