Chapter 14 - First Time Connected

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*if you don't wanna see that stop when you see this icon. :3 <——that one
Sunny POV

Y/N rambles on about many topics.

So cute.

"...I think I'm going to use the boxed cake mix in the pantry to make some cupcakes...I feel like cupcakes..y'know?"

"Mhm..sounds good my love~"

Out of the blue...that waiter...comes with our food.

"Here you are~!!" He smiles flirtatiously at my love and places their food down.

"It's made with love~ sweetie~!!" He giggles at them and they awkwardly smile back.

"Ahah..? Thank you Ren.! It looks good.!"

"Mhm~ I hope you like it sweetheart~"

He drops mine onto the table roughly and walks off.

Ugh. That guy is so fucking annoying.

Why does my love want to make friends with these kinds of people?

I makes me want to..

Keep my love away..

Far away..

Where nobody can ever see them..


"hello?? did you hear what I said?"

I got caught up in my own thoughts and wasn't paying attention to my honey.

"Um..pardon hon? I was um..just daydreaming."

"Oh...about me?" They say in a snarky tone.

Ahh my heart~

My heart almost just stopped from the cuteness of my Y/N.

I feel my face heat up and my heart starts beating rapidly.

"A-As a matter of fact..y-yes dear.."

They pause and blush a bit, "o-oh I wasn't expecting that..haha?'re into me that much?"


I am

You have me wrapped around your finger and I will do anything you ask me to do.

I'm the person who knows you the best honey~

I love only you~

"Yes honey. I'm so into you you're all I think about. My one and only ❤️."

They chuckle and resume eating.

We finish eating and leave the Diner to head back to campus.

My darling and I hold hands on our way there and I couldn't be more happy.

Y/N has finished their classes for today and are heading home since they don't have work today.

Sunny went home early as his lecture finished earlier than theirs.

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