Chapter 4 - The Apartment Quarrel

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Monday September 3rd

Sunny POV

"Yeah she won't be coming today so it's just me." I say and Y/N smiles and nods. Ugh I wanna kiss them soo bad right now ahh~ my love, my honey~, my world 💗

"I'll be here to keep you company love ❤️ ." I say and look at them for a reaction.

They blush.

At me.

They got flustered because of what I said.

I nearly pass out at Y/N blushing at me calling them love. I start to blush and look away smiling to myself. Haaa fuuck.. I'm going to confess on Friday..I'm gonna die if I can't have them soon.

I seat myself in a booth close to Y/N and start working on my assignment..well really I was focusing on them looking like I was working.

Y/N brings me the coffee I asked for and as they hand it to me I purposefully touch their hand. Ahh fuck their skin is so soft 💗 I love it, I love them, sooo much <3
Time skip to after work~

Sunny stayed my entire shift. I didn't know he was so lonely..awh poor guy maybe we should watch a movie together when we get to the apartment..

I finish up cleaning and restocking for tomorrow.

"Sunny, I'm about to clock out so we can go home! Wait for me outside okay?" I shout from the back room.

"Sure honey!" I hear him shout back.

I leave the café and lock the door behind me. Sunny and I walk home together.

"Soo hon are you liking this job?" He asks while walking beside me.

"I think it's pretty nice! Well.. minus what happened to Lilia, she was my co-worker and all of the sudden she gets sick and hasn't said anything since. She was super nice always complementing me on my outfit and saying I was 'the cutest person she had ever seen' hehe. Such a shame she's blocked me on all social media." I say and pout. Lilia was super nice and pretty I was thinking of going out with her.. too bad..

I glance at Sunny and his face is looking a looks a bit deranged.

"Wow. Sounds like she really liked you, goodthingshesgone." He said but again, I kinda didn't hear the last bit.

"Huh? what was that last part?-" I say but then again I'm cut off.

"Oh! Honey~ Would you look at that we're here." He says as we enter the apartment building.

We walk towards the elevators and wait.
The elevator doors open and a familiar person steps out.

"Amélie!" I exclaim.

The brown haired boy looks up from his phone and blushes deep red.

"O-oh Y/N! you live h-here too? I didn't k-know haha it's um..very nice t-to see you." He says nervously as he puts his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah, it's lovely to see you too! I live here with my roommate Sunny-"
I step back from in front of Sunny to introduce him to Amélie.
"Here he is! Sunny this is Amélie and Amélie this is Sunny haha o-oh dear-"

Sunny is glaring at Amélie while Amélie is shaking in fear.

But before I can say something about it Sunny speaks.

"Oh yeah you. Aren't you that dumb playboy that's  destined for loneliness? Y'know the one who gets cheated on by his partners and gets dumped in the end?" Sunny asks mockingly and I stand there shocked. Holy shiz. Sunny did not just say that to Amélie's face..that's fucked up

I look towards Amélie and he has tears in his eyes. Oh no..

"N-no that's- that's just a rumour, I-it's not t-true I-I I just h-haven't f-found the-the right o-one. R-right Y-Y/N?" He says holding back tears. His face is so red, this must be embarrassing for him. That was so rude! I didn't think Sunny could be that hurtful to others.

I decide to try and intervene to make sure no one's feelings get even more hurt. Sheesh I'm just trying to eat dinner and get in my pajamas...

I face Amélie and try to solve the problem.

"Yes Amélie, exactly right, you haven't found the right person. Listen, I know you have gained a negative reputation-" I stare angrily at Sunny. "But, that doesn't mean you have to care what others say about you. Live your life with no regrets and do what you can to determine your happiness, because I know you deserve some peace and love." I say proudly.
Wow I really came up with that on the spot.. but i meant it he deserves love. :)

Amélie looks at me with tears still in his eyes, but now they're happy ones!

"U-um t-thanks Y/N that- t-that really..c-cheered me up, t-that's the n-nicest thing s-someone's ever s-said to me." He says but he still looks a bit sad.

"Y'know what? how about you come over and eat dinner with Sunny and I as an apology for what Sunny said..!" I say brightly holding back my anger.

"Uh-umm no it's r-really-" he says but this time I get to cut someone off.

"I will not take no for an answer Amélie!!" I state strongly.

"Uhm o-okay, I was j-just going to h-head out to a p-pizza place.. but t-this sounds n-nice.." he replies meekly.

"Yup!! That's the spirit, the more the merrier :)" I say and take his hand as we go into the elevator.

I hear Sunny grumble beside me but I pay him no mind. He needs to apologize to Amélie or I'm not gonna talk to gonna be petty.

Hope you enjoyed :}

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