Chapter 18 - The Aftermath

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*warning* a bit of blood/gore is mentioned in this chapter.

Sunny POV

I wipe the tears that have gathered in my eyes.

Fuck how could this happen..?
I'm gonna fucking kill that brown haired bitch.
And Liz...

The effects of whatever drug Liz gave me have worn off and now I'm left with my thoughts and the horrified face of my love in my mind.

I hurriedly exit the room trying to find that girl I made out with. My blood runs hot at the thought of slicing her throat open.

I stop at the kitchen to find a suitable knife for the job.
I look around the living room for her. There are more people here than before and it's gotten rather crowded.

I spot her dancing on some guy clearly heavily intoxicated.

"hey! You there!" I shout in her direction, getting her attention.

She smiles from cheek to cheek, "ahh~ you! pretty boy..back for more~hahaa"

"yeah..come outside with me~...I wanna take you somewhere" I say flirtatiously, cringing at my words.

I offer my hand to her, she smiles seductively and takes it. She blindly follows me outside.


I take her down the sidewalk, only the streetlights and night air are outside. There's no one else in sight. It's perfect.

We enter a park near a forest lit up by a lone streetlight.

"mmm..hey where are we going~.?"

I ignore her and lead her into the forest, we get about 15 minutes into walking and she starts to pester me with questions.

I become fed up with her annoyance and lash out at her.

"Don't you know what you did to me?"

She stops and tilts her head at me, "what are you talking about~? Why are you acting weird~?"
Sunny stops in his tracks and looks back to face the oblivious woman in disgust.

"You took advantage of me...and Y/N..left me because of it." he says in a dark tone.

She looks surprised and starts mumbling excuses.

"It-it wasn'!..I-I.."

Sunny pulls out the knife he stole from Liz' house.

"They left me because of you! What if they never forgive me? What if they hate me?"

The woman looks terrified and tries to let go of Sunny's hand.

"You're crazy..! I-I'm leaving."

Sunny crazily slashes his knife in her direction slitting open the skin around her shoulders and throat. Blood decorates her outfit as it flows from the cuts.

She attempts to get away, flailing her arms trying to hit Sunny's knife away to escape but fails to do so.

"AAAAH.! STOP! please!!!" she screeches as he goes in for the final blow.

He stabs her in the stomach deep, multiple times, blood seeps out from the wounds as her breaths start to become weaker. She wails and holds her stomach weakly.

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