Chapter 17 - The Party and Break-up

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*warning* Drugging and Sexual Assault occurs in this chapter.

We're back home and getting ready for the party!!

I decide I'm gonna take a shower and change clothes because I'm a little sweaty from shopping all day.


I'm finished showering and now choosing an outfit to wear. I pick out a nice shirt with a cool design and some loose fitting jeans.

After getting ready I meet Sunny in the living room.

"Dear, are you ready to go now?" he questions.

"Yup, let's go."

Sunny POV

We arrive at the house and walk up to the door.

I can hear the sound of music blasting loudly.

Y/N rings the doorbell, after a few minutes Liz  answers looking a bit tipsy.

"Oh my gosh!! Y/N, you're finally here!! ❤️" Liz shouts annoyingly, she lovingly brings them into a tight hug before ushering us inside.

The house is huge and there are people everywhere. People laughing while chatting with each other and dancing to the music.

"Welcome to my home!!! Here-" she grabs two cups off of a table with various bottles of alcoholic beverages on top. She hands them to Y/N and I.

"It's a special drink I made for the party, I mixed tequila, juice and a little um..of something...uh I kinda forget..? Anyways! Have some :)" she smiles, and waits for us to drink.

I look at what's in the cup, it's a reddish purple colour and smells odd.

My love takes a sip and hums, "'s pretty good tastes sweet.."

"Aw really!? I'm glad hahaha..."

Whatever, she looks too drunk to have put anything in it...

I drink some and it tastes strong and bitter. I almost spit it out.

Sunny tries Liz' drink and makes face like he just drank something sour. I chuckle a little at his expression.

"Mmm..okay! You can go wherever you like and oooo! Downstairs I think they're playing so yeah! Have fun :)❤️" Liz says as she waves goodbye walks off.

Sunny and I walk around and make our way through the house seeing all kinds of people.

We walk upstairs, navigating around people and end up in a hallway.
I wanna see Liz' room...

"Honeyy, where are we going?" Sunny asks, slurring his words a little.

"I wanna see Liz' room and I don't know... check out the place.."

At the the end of the hall I see are room with a sign that reads 'Elizabeth's Room'.

Ooh here it is..

Sunny taps me on the shoulder, "I..need to go to the..washroom..I'll be back in a..sec.."

"Oh ok! Don't get lost :)"

He slowly walks away down the hall as I walk to Liz' room.

I open the door to her room and it's dimly lit. Her room is decorated with anime posters on the walls, a bookshelf with different manga and a large canopy bed beside the window.

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