Chapter 20 - Sunny's Route

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Reluctantly, I look Sunny in the eyes and see there's regret and anxiety evident in them, he's also tearing up a little waiting for a response.

I speak in a quiet tone,
"...I- forgive you.. and I'm willing to get back together.."

Sunny grins widely and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"-!!! thank you s-so much honey~ I love you."

Abruptly, he grasps both my hands in his and lovingly looks into my (eye colour) eyes.



Sunny stays silent before he suddenly speaks.

"Do you still love me?"
Y/N's face forms a look of uncertainty.

Sunny holds onto their hand tightly, gripping on as if they would leave if he let go.

"..I-I do.....I still love you I..uh..didn't stop loving you Sunny."

Sunny sighs in relief, a few tears fall from his golden brown eyes.

"I'm glad. I love you so much. It was terrible without you..I-I thought I wouldn't make it.. I can't live without you.!"

Y/N nods in agreement, " you..wanna go to sleep now..I'm kinda tired so let's go to bed.."

They get up and start to get ready for bed. Sunny smiles warmly as he follows close behind them.
Time skip 5 months later~

Y/N and Sunny's relationship has been going well.

Last week they both graduated from Somerset College and are deciding where to move that would work for both their careers.

"We could move to (city name), I'm familiar with that area and I'm pretty sure you could find a job there or an internship. Since your job's mostly online, I don't think it'll be very hard..." They suggest as they scroll through the channels on the T.V.

Sunny hums, "Sure love, anything's fine. I'll go anywhere as long as you're there."

They smile warmly, "Okay it's settled then (city name) it is."
2 years later~

Sunny sits at home in his office doing extra work on his computer, he waits for Y/N to come home. He anxiously taps away on his keyboard.

Sunny and Y/N have been together long enough that Sunny believes it's time for him to ask them an important question.

He nervously sighs, he's been thinking about it for the past month.

Sunny sees Y/N's car pull into the driveway on their security cameras and he rushes to the door to greet his love.

Y/N unlocks the door and steps inside, "..hey lovebug...I'm home." they sigh voice full of tiredness.

Sunny hugs them tightly and plants a soft kiss on their lips. Y/N removes their shoes and Sunny goes to the kitchen to set the table.

"I've missed you my love~ 7 hours without you is unbearable.." he whines from afar as he puts (fav meal) on the plates.

"Mmm~ looks good!" They smile as he brings the food to the table.

"I'm glad honey~ I made it with love ❤️" he coos as he takes a seat at the dinner table.

After finishing dinner, they both rest on the couch as Y/N tells Sunny about their day.

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