Chapter 8 - Sunny's Jealousy

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Tuesday September 4th

Amélie POV

I'm becoming bored waiting for the professor to come so the lecture can begin. I grab my phone, put on my headphones and listen to music to pass the time.

"Hey Amélie, can I sit with you?" I look up and take my head phones off to see Y/N smiling brightly. Oh wow!! It's my darling Y/N!! They want to sit

I blush nervously as they wait for an answer, eyes staring into mine.

"O-oh of-of course! Yeah no o-ones sitting there-" I say stuttering timidly and Y/N takes a seat.

"Thanks, I didn't know you were here too, we have a lot of lectures together huh." They say and I nod quickly.

We sit and wait for a bit when they say out of the blue:

"Hey um, are we still meeting at the park so you can tell me something?"

I pause and blush at my thoughts. Of course my love. We are going to meet there so I can confess my undying love for you. So we can be together forever~

"U-uh yeah I still w-want you to be there after work p-please if you can-" I say stuttering a bit.

"Okay, I'll be there at around 7, I hope that's not too late for y-" they say but I cut them off.

"O-oh! a-anytime is fine I-I just wanna tell y-you as soon as p-possible.." I say going quiet and playing with the fabric of my sleeves.

I can't have people like him taking my love from me. I need to hurry before anyone gets ideas of confessing to what's mine..

"Okay then, I'll be sure to see you there." They say just as the professor walks in.

The lecture finally finishes and I say goodbye to Amélie and start walking to Renee's Diner.

It's finally lunch!! I'm soo hungry!! I forgot to bring some snacks today.

I walk down the sidewalk and around the corner to the Main Street.


I'm almost at Renee's Diner. I walk a little further down the road and I'm there. I open the door and see Sunny at a table by the window.

"Hey Sunny, glad you're here on time today haha." I say and he groans chuckling a bit too.

"Yes love, I won't be late again, I want to spend lots of time with you honey." He says as I sit across from him.

We chat a bit about lectures, just as a waiter walks in our direction.

A shorter magenta haired male appears at the edge of our table. He has lots of piercings on his ears and some on his face and I can also see a tattoo on his arm.

"Hi, my name is Ren~ I'll be your waiter for today, what can I get you guys?" The magenta haired male asks.

I look at the menu and decide I'll have a hamburger and french fries because it's cheap and yummy.

I make eye contact with Sunny and it looks like he wants me to order first.

"Uh could I please get the hamburger meal with a small (favourite beverage)." I say and the waiter nods and writes it down.

"Hm ok.! Nice choice about you sir?" He says but looks more my direction.

I look at Sunny and he looks mad. The waiter is looking at me smirking and I'm confused as to why.

"I'll have the same thing as them." He says sternly, glaring a hole in the guy.

"oh..uh yeah sure...anything else?" Ren asks looking at me in the eyes. I can see his ears are a bit red.

What's this guys deal?? Is he okay? Why is he smiling at me so much does he like my shirt? Maybe my bag???

"Oh um can we actually also get two strawberry milkshakes for dessert please." I say deciding I want that too.

"Of course cutie~..coming right up dear." He says and walks away.

I think he's new here.. I've never seen that guy working at Renee's..maybe he likes my style that's why he was looking..?

"Honey? Do you know that guy?" Sunny asks as he rests his hand on mine on the table.

"Oh nope! I've never seen him before I think he might like my style or wanna be friends with the way he's looking at me..?" I say and Sunny grips my hand.

"Well..he shouldn't be looking at you when you're..mine."

"Uhhh okay but what if he just wants to be friends and thinks I'm cool?" I say genuinely.

What if this is a chance to make a new friend?! I like his style and his piercings are cool, maybe we have things in common!!

After around 15 minutes, our waiter Ren comes back with a plate in each of his hands.

"Here you are cutie~ hope you enjoy! It's made with love." he says as he sets my plate down on the table.

"Oh.! Um thank you.!" I say as he smiles.

He sets Sunny's plate down and walks off.
The aura around Sunny looks dark and gives me a chill.

what the heck?! Why is Sunny so mad isn't this supposed to be a cute lunch date??

We take our first bites in silence. I decide to change the topic from the guy to us. I look towards Sunny and smile deviously.

"Soo...are we going to be sleeping together often my lovebug?" I say hoping this betters the mood.

Sunny almost choked on his French fries when I said that. He coughs a bit and clears his throat.

"-ahem um..y-yeah if that's okay with you honey? I-I like sleeping with you and cuddling hon.."

I smile and nod my head. "Buhaha okay, we can continue to sleep together even though you take up the whole bed and steal the blanket." I say jokingly.

Sunny looks surprised then looks down, "o-oh I'm so sorry honey-I didn't know I did that.! I-"
"no-no it's fine I was just joking! I also like sleeping with you.! You're so warm and snuggly love💗" I say and he looks relieved.

"Oh o-ok good." He says and we continue to eat.
Ren comes back over with the strawberry milkshakes. One of them looks delicious, while the other looks like someone made it with their eyes closed.

"Here are your strawberry milkshakes!..sorry about yours sir, our staff are very busy and left it near the stove so it's a bit melted..It'll still taste good though." He says. This is my chance to make a new friend.!

"Um excuse me..Ren? Could I get your phone number? Or social media handle? I would like to be friends!" I say and he smiles with his eyes closed.

"Oh!~ sure cutie! I'd love to be your friend~" he says and I hand him my phone.

Sunny looks visibly disgusted and glares at Ren. Ren looks at Sunny and rolls his eyes.

"What's your name sweetie~?" Ren asks.

"Oh! Y/N :)" I say and he nods handing my phone back.

"Well~ it's lovely to meet you..Y/N~" he says and leaves.

We finish our milkshakes and pay. Ren tells me to text him when I get home to chat about ourselves and I agree. Sunny and I leave Renee's Diner and head back to campus.

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