Chapter 16 - Quality Time Together

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*long chapter 👏👏

"Sunny! The cupcakes are ready!! Come try one.!"

I hear the thump of Sunny's footsteps as he makes his way to the kitchen.

Sunny walks up to the counter, picks up a cupcake, peels off the wrapper and takes a bite.

He smiles, "mmmm~.! They taste great love~"

I notice Sunny looks a little off, he's sweating a lot like he just ran or something and he's breathing heavily.



"You're so good at cooking my love~" he coos lovingly.

I shake my head, "nahh I was just doing what the box told me too.....but I did add a special ingredient..."

He looks curious and raises a brow.

"......what did you add?"

" :)"

Sunny blushes at this and promptly looks away.

I laugh at his aloofness.

He then mutters something I didn't quite hear.


"That's why it was so delicious hon~" he muses.

I smirk proudly, "damn right." Sunny chuckles and goes to eat more.

"Mhm, well I'm gonna go chill in my room now."

He nods and also heads back to his room too... with the cupcake wrappers in hand?

He's not gonna throw them away here??



I enter my room and sit at my desk. I pull out my phone from my pocket and open my message app.

I see some unread text messages from Ren and one from Amélie.

I open the one from Amélie first.

Hi Y/N :]

Heyy! Sorry for the late answer :/
Sooo how's it going?? U excited for Liz' party tmr??

In a few minutes I see that he's read my message.

I'm doing pretty good :]
and I guess I'm excited...

?? maybe he doesn't like big parties or drinking??

What's with the '...' Amélie? Do you not like parties??

I kinda like parties it's just...
Some of my exes will be there..
Like a lot of them..Macy, Ian, Laura, Tim..and Roslyn.

Damn, I didn't know Liz knew all of them?!
Roslyn's gonna be there :0


That really sucks 😟
His most recent ex-girlfriend is gonna be there jeez..
But I mean.. he doesn't really gotta be around them..

Well..maybe u can avoid them..?
That's really unfortunate tho dude ☹️
Uh.. I think you shouldn't pay them any mind during the party k?

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