Chapter 2 - Love is in the air

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*the pic is kind of what Amélie looks like but with lighter hair and I don't own the art

More Character profiles~

Name: Liz Hayes

Age: 19

Height: 5'7

Hair colour: Emerald Green


Liz is fairly popular among others and has lived in (country name) all her life. She enjoys watching anime in her free time and making jewelry. She is very fond of Y/N, in fact, she is very much in love. She has loved Y/N ever since she first saw them on campus a month ago. However, Liz is utterly afraid of rejection from Y/N, so she continues to try to make Y/N reciprocate her feelings.
Name: Amélie Byrne

Age: 19

Height: 6'2

Hair colour: Mocha Brown


Amélie is seen as a pretty faced playboy but is truly searching for love. He has dated a lot of people for love and got his heart broken every time. People fawn over his looks tremendously, he even has a fan club. He puts up a solid cool guy front but really he's nervous and shy all of the time. After what Y/N said to him, he has fallen deeply in love with them. They have been the only person to treat him with true kindness which was just what he needed and now he is planning on confessing his love to them soon.
Monday September 3rd 11:30am

Y/N has finished their morning lecture and is going to meet up with Sunny at Renee's Diner for lunch. Y/N walks off of campus with a smile because it's lunchtime!

While Y/N is speed-walking to Renee's Diner, out of the corner of their eye they see someone running towards them at full speed.

Holy shit! Who the fuck is that?! They are gonna run into me!!! OH MY-

The person is running closer and closer to me..
Oh wait green hair??.. oooh it's just Liz ahaha.

I am no longer tense as Liz gets close enough to jump into my arms and she does just so.

"Y/N!!! I missed you 💓!! I didn't see you leave campus and thought you might be here!"She says grinning and hugging me tightly.

"Oh yeah. I was so excited to eat lunch I was speed walking and I didn't see you there, you um thought I might be here?" I ask skeptically, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh um..well I live down here..and um..see you here sometimes soo I thought, maybe you would eat here for lunch and I was right!!" She says smiling brightly, too bright for my tired eyes.

"Mhm, well I'm waiting for Sunny to come here too, we always eat lunch together." I say as we walk inside and get a table.

Her face drops from a smile to a blank stare and she replies with:

"Oh. Sunny that guy your always with huh."

"Mhm" I say as we sit down together.

"Y/N?" She says magically back to her normal self.

"Yeah Liz?"

"What's your relationship with him hm?" She says in a sort of passive aggressive tone.

I look at her with confusion. Is she jealous of Sunny and I's relationship? Maybe she has a crush on him!! Oh my goodness maybe she wants to know how to get closer to him!?
Suddenly, I have rid myself of tiredness and I am fully awake.

"Liz~ him and I are good friends but if you want to get closer to him I can help you! ;)" I say smirking, Liz looks at me like I have 6 heads.

"OH NONONONO! I was just asking because you two seem like a couple and um I- I don't want h- himtakingyouawayfromme!!" She says, but I didn't hear that last part well.

"Pardon? what was that last part-" I say as Sunny opens the restaurant door and walks in.
Sunny POV

I walk into Renee's Diner 20 minutes late because I lost track of time.
Fuck fuck fuck!! I'm late I hope my honey isn't upset!! What if they left?! Shit..

I step inside and immediately see them. Ah! they're still here and....who the fuck is that? Holy shit.. of course it's LIZ..

I sit at their table and greet them.

"Hello honey~, I missed you. oh. And Liz is here...hey." I say Liz' name stoically.

I sit down next to my future partner and we order our food.

Liz decides to order the same thing as my love, I scowl at her and she glares at me. Ughhh Fuck off Liz!! They're mine and mine alone, I'm going to confess my love to them and be with them forever~ I'll laugh at Liz' crying bitchy face when Y/N and I get married. I'll need to get rid of Liz sooner than I thought....

"Sooo Y-Y/N is there anyone y-you.. y'know have a umm..crush on right now?" Liz says in a flustered tone.

Both Sunny and Liz look at me with an intense aura, they look unsure if they want to know the answer or if they are going to like the answer.

"Um well yeah... I do have sort of a little crush on someone.." I say and both of them look shocked.

"WOW REALLY!! Um.. is it anyone we know?" Liz says excitedly.

"Um yeah? sort of um.. I don't know I just think they're cool and I like hanging out with them." I say, not exposing anymore information of my crush.

Sunny blushed hard when I said 'I like hanging out with them' what the heck? Does he know I kinda like him? Why are my friends so obsessed with this topic?? I like Sunny because he's kind and I would really like to be closer jeez.

"Yeah anyways, what about you guys? Sunny! Who do you have a crush on hmm??" I ask suspiciously.

Sunny looks flushed, his face is almost as red as his hair.

"Well um.. I do have a crush on this person and I want to be with them um forever...I want to g-grow old together with them."

I chuckle a bit and Liz just stares at him and rolls her eyes.

"Awh that's so cute!! They're a lucky person, your cute little relationship sounds so nice hehe." I say, it does sound nice but I don't know if I like the sound of forever...

"Um y-yeah. I'm going of confess to them soon, I'm definitely in love and I want to be with them as soon as possible." Sunny says with a glow in his eyes.

" are like obsessed with this person huh? I wonder if they're already taken?? Haven't you thought about that?" Liz says in a threatening tone. I glance at her and she is glaring at Sunny.

"I have thought about it, Liz. But they are meant to be with me, we are soulmates. They couldn't possibly be taken because I see them all the time and I know everything about them." Sunny says sternly.

"Oh ok...well that's nice Sunny, makin relationships that last, couldn't be me haha. Anyway, Liz! How about you?? Do you have a crush on anyone??" I say and look towards Liz.

She blushes and starts mumbling incoherent words.

"Um pardon? Liz we can't understand when you say things at a million words per second." I say.

"O-ooh u-um I said Idohaveacrushandilovethemwithallmyheart!! I- um I-I'm going to c-confess soon too."
(I do have a crush and I love them with all my heart!!) she says and I smile warmly.

"Aww that's nice you guys are all finding love too..!hahaha well, hope your confessions go well!!" I say as we finish up lunch.

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