Chapter 6 - You're in my bed?!

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Monday September 3rd

Holy shit why is Sunny in my bed?! I definitely remember him going to his room??

I look at him with wide eyes, wondering why he's here and not in his room? I begin to try to get up to use the washroom.

"Uwaah~" he makes little whining noises as I try to get away. Sunny nuzzles his whole body even closer to me.

Should I wake him up? Does he do this often? Does he always just come and sleep with me??


It's really warm...he's really's kind of nice..? He's snuggled up so close to my's kinda cute..

He's usually so cold to others but he acts like this at home haha it's cute 💗

I decide I'm going to wake him up, not to be upset at him but to question him and then use the washroom.

"hey...Sunny...heyy...wake..up" I say in a low voice as I tap his arm trying not to wake him up violently.

He slowly wakes up and looks at me with sleepy eyes."hnnhh..ah! Ohmygoodnessgracioushoney- I-I- I'm u-um" he spouts in a rushed voice, now fully awake and looking guilty.

I put a finger on his lips and tell him to shush.
I'm gonna question him on why he isn't sleeping soundly in his own bed..
Sunny POV

Shit shit shit!
They found out...
I've been doing this for weeks and they haven't noticed or woken up?! Why now? Fuck! they're gonna leave me! I need to think of something to say!!

"Sunny- look..calm down..! It's-it's okay.. um why are you sleeping with me in my bed?" I ask confused. It's a little bit weird that he just let himself into my bed...

His cheeks are pale and he's sweating a bit, he looks very nervous.

"U-um I- I uh..I had a nightmare! Um..a bad one I-I was having flashbacks to my childhood in the n-nightmare a-and I needed comfort from you-I-I I'm sorry honey." He says dejected.

My face softens into a calming smile. He told me his childhood was traumatic and he doesn't like to think about the bad memories that come with it. I sympathize with his need for comfort.
Sunny POV

I tell Y/N that I had a nightmare about my 'childhood trauma' and they give me a soft smile. Yes. That was a perfect lie, My love seems to believe it completely how could they not~

I take this chance to make them completely enthralled by me and decide this is the time to confess my love to them. This is my chance to take them as mine!

"I-um I just needed to see you-I don't see you as just friend I see you as s-something more that's why um-."
I take in a deep breath before I say the next words.

"I'm in love with you honey..I love you so much I can't stay as good friends with you anymore dear, I need you to live. You're the source of my happiness..would you please go out with me?" I say waiting patiently for an answer.

What in the world? Did he just confess his love to me at 1 in the morning? I can understand the sleeping in my bed for comfort thing but..huh?

I stare at Sunny looking for any sign of joking but I don't see anything. His cheeks are a very dark crimson and he's waiting, looking very determined.

He really confessed wow..Sunny's crush was me.? Well, I do like him, he's kind to me. He's beautiful and treats me with care...I-I love him too :)

"Yes haha, of course I'll go out with you Sunny. I love you too-" I say then he moves me towards him.
Sunny POV



I knew it.

We will be together forever and they'll love me forever~

It's pure bliss hearing those words..

They said they also love me ahhh~

And soon..

They'll be changing their last name to Haworth~

I pull them in close and go in for our first kiss together. Well, our first kiss with them awake.

Sunny pulls me into a sweet kiss. Our lips connect and he shivers. He moans into my mouth as we kiss. He slips his tongue in and I melt into our kiss. We have a steamy make out session as he holds me close.

"I finally have you honey~ you're finally mine." he says quietly, I hum in agreement then pull away from him.

"huh? honeyy~ Love? why?" Sunny whines as I get up. I still have to go to the washroom. I had got so caught up in the confession..jeez

"Aha..yeah I actually woke up to go to the washroom in the beginning, so I still have to go." I say and reluctantly exit my room to my bathroom.
Sunny POV

Y/N gets out of bed and leaves and I'm left with my own thoughts.

My love and I are finally together..

They accepted my love finally!!

I'm unbelievably happy I'll be their one and only forever and ever~

They will only have eyes for me and I'll make sure of it~

I fantasize about our future as my darling returns.

I get back from the washroom and see Sunny with a flushed face chuckling quietly about something to himself.

"Okay, how about we go to sleep now Sunny..? I'm still sleepy, oh! and I'm sorry about your nightmare, we can cuddle if your still shaken up, alright?" I say and Sunny looks uncertain and then says;

"Y-yeah love I'm still a bit shaken about it, come to bed quickly it's lonely without you h-honey."

I climb into bed and into Sunny's arms. He snuggles up beside me and puts his arm around me protectively. He's so warm and cuddly, this is so nice...

We sleep soundly and comfortably in each others arms until morning.

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