Chapter 9 - Closer and Far Apart

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*the pic is Ren, imagine piercings on his ears and darker pink hair, the art is not mine :}

Character Profile~

Name: Ren Porter

Age: 20

Height: 5'6

Hair colour: Magenta pinkish (dyed)

He's a total fuckboi, he's always fucking with people's emotions and trying to get people to sleep with him. He calls people that catch his eye 'cutie' and he's constantly in some sort of relationship with somebody and cheating on them at the same time. He's the reason most people in this town have trust issues. However, deep inside he's looking for purpose and meaning, as a child he was always second place to his sister and disregarded for a failure.
So he thinks he's just not seen enough and wants everyone to know his name, he doesn't care if the reason is bad or good. He loves receiving praise. He is a touch starved and love deprived guy using sex to fill the hole in his heart of not being enough. He is looking for a real relationship with love being reciprocated underneath it all. He is very well-off and works at Renee's Diner as something to pass time. He doesn't go to Somerset College and lives around 2 hours away.
Tuesday September 4th

Sunny POV

My love and I walk back to campus and I can't get the thoughts of that whore out of my head.

He was so obviously flirting with my honey. He had his dirty eyes all over their figure! And Y/N wanted...TO BE FRIENDS WITH THAT DICK!? honey is just too nice letting that guy talk to them..

I could smell the scent of sex on him, and ogling my darling like that is absolutely foul..

Sunny and I are walking together and I get the sense he's unhappy.

His movements are rough and his tone at the restaurant was much more cold than normal. And he's practically radiating a dark angry aura.

Oh shit..maybe asking that guy to be friends in front of my boyfriend kinda wasn't a great idea.....shit..maybe he's upset??!

I hastily step in front of him as we are walking to stop him and he looks surprised.

"Hey Sunny? What's up with you? You look upset, did I do something that upset you?"

He looks at me with a weird expression I've never seen before, sort of a mix between uncomfortable and angry.

"It's-it's nothing really...just that guy.." he says, tone deepening at the end.

"Um.. what about him??" I ask unsure.

Sunny stays silent, it looks like he's in deep thought.

I get a sudden realization of the most probable cause of his behaviour.

"...! Are you upset because I didn't tell him I have a boyfriend?! I-I don't wanna be in a relationship with anyone but you right now, so don't worry!! I just want to be friends because I liked his style and he looked cool.!!" I say proudly trying to explain the reasoning behind my actions.

Sunny looks visibly confused as he processes the information I give. He's giving me an unsure look.

"Uh-yeah, I was just didn't say you were taken....but I-I understand's um nice you wanna make friends." He mumbles.

Sunny smiles weakly at me and it looks like he's a bit hurt.

"Oh...okay well, I just wanted you to know I'm not embarrassed about being in a relationship with you or trying to hide it. um..and..I-I I'm sorry I did that during our lunch date..I'll make our time together just ours okay..?"

Sunny visibly brightens and grabs my hand.

"...Thank you honey." He says as we intertwine our fingers together.

I have a feeling he's still upset though, so I wait for him to tell me more as we keep walking.

We walk for about 10 minutes and Sunny speaks out of the blue.

"I-I just want you all to myself when we're together and I-I didn't like that guy calling you 'cutie'.." he mumbles quickly.

Ooh..yeah I thought that was a bit weird calling me cutie..I guess Sunny was a bit jealous.. awh

"Oooh I see, well don't worry lovebug, I'll ask him to call me by my name and again I'll make lunch time for just the two of us no interruptions!!" I say proudly.

Sunny hums and brings my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

"Thank you my love, I'm happy you understand..I love you."

"Awh! I love you too." I say as we approach campus hands intertwined.

Sunny and I part ways, but before he goes he tells me he won't be able to come to the café today because he has to work on an assignment.

I enter the building I need to go to, take a seat and wait.

I put on my headphones and listen to some (fav genre of music) music to pass time.

"Y/N!!" I hear right beside my ear and jump slightly.

I recognize the voice and turn towards her as the green haired female leans from side to side in front of my face.

"Y/N you're here too!! I'm so glad I took this course!" she smiles and takes a seat right next to me.

"Yeah! It's cool you're here so anyways, how come you left in a hurry this morning Liz?"

She looks surprised that I said that. But I'm genuinely concerned on why she ran off so quick.

"O-oh um you-you remembered well I was just um I was...late! Late for something..a-and I had remembered suddenly so I had to le-leave..I'm uh sorry I left you suddenly.." she mumbles.

"Oh gosh it's fine! I was just wondering why and it was fine with just Sunny and I." I reply and she hums an 'okay'.

I talk to Liz about my new friend Ren, from Renee's Diner.

My darling continues to talk but I can't help but drown them out with thoughts of...him.

he took them from me.

I can't have this I need them back...

I should have confessed my love sooner..


I'll need to plan something to break them up this week

I can't take much more of this...

Knowing my love..loves another.

I might do something drastic...

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