Chapter 13 - Invitation

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Friday September 7th


I'm finished my morning classes and I'm headed to Renee's Diner for lunch again.

I'm walking down the sidewalk with my headphones on listening to (fav song) in a low volume.

I hear something, it sounds like someone saying my name?

I look around behind me but I can't see anyone near.


I face forward and I'm met with two shining green orbs right in my face.

It's Liz..!

She's smiling very brightly and her pupils seem to resemble hearts..? She's looking at me very lovingly.? Maybe she missed me :) awh

"Hi Liz! Sorry I didn't hear you. Were you the one calling my name?"

Liz clings onto my right arm and speaks in a sweet tone, "Mhm! I thought you w-were ignoring mee!!"

"Sorry Liz. Anyways, how have you been?"

We start walking together down the street.

"U-um I've been g-good! How about you sweetie??"

Since when did she call me that??

"Uh I've been doing pretty good too! I'm so glad it's Friday."

She nods and then starts to...giggle?

"Haha yeah me t-too, um I have something to a-ask you Y/N!"

"Hm? What is it?"

She looks excited and giggles more, "um I'm having a party at my house on Sunday at 7:00pm and I was wondering if you.. and Sunny would like to come?"

A party sounds fun!! And I don't really have anything better to do.!

"Yeah, of course I'll come! But I don't know about Sunny I'll have to ask him."

"Yay! I'll look forward to seeing you there Y/N!"

"Cool :)"

Liz leaves as I approach Renee's Diner. I walk inside to see Sunny already sitting down.

Yes! My plan is in motion! Y/N has agreed to come.

Ahh~... even being in Y/N's presence is intoxicating..touching them is even more lovely.

I love them soo much..

And soon they will be mine and we'll be in love forever!!

I'll have to buy a cute outfit for the party and ooh! get my hair done. I'm gonna look cute for my love~

I take the seat across from Sunny and set my bag down beside me.

"Hello honey."

I look at him and smile, "hi love, how's your day going?"

"It's going good."

" oh! I have something to ask you."

He looks up from the menu he was reading, "What's up?"

"Do you wanna to go to a party at Liz' house on Sunday?"

He looks at me confused, "huh? Why would I wanna do that?"

"Well, I think it would be fun..I'm going-"

"-oh! I'll go dear, definitely. Sounds"

I nod, "yeah! I know right! I haven't been to a party in forever and ooo I'm gonna pick out a nice outfit.!"

Sunny rolls his eyes and chuckles, "you're so funny honey, it's adorable."

He gently lifts my hand and kisses it softly.

"Hon I-"

"Hi, my name is Ren~ I'll be your-oh!! Y/N! Sweetie~ I didn't know you'd be back for me so quickly~" he cuts Sunny off and Sunny seems to be angry at getting interrupted.

holy shiz Ren scared me.! He popped out of fucking nowhere?!?! Did he teleport???

"Oh! Hi Ren, how's it going?"

"Oh....It's been good sweetie~, what can I get you guys?"

I decide to get the soup of the day and Sunny decides to get the same. Ren writes down the orders on his notepad.

"Ok.! It'll be ready in about 15 minutes."

Ren smirks flirtatiously and faces me, "In the meantime...Y/N dear~ can I speak with you for a private."

I glance at Sunny and he looks suspicious of Ren.

"Um? What for?" I question.

"Just- I-I just need to talk to you for a sec sweetie~"

"Uhh ok?"

I get up and look back to see that Sunny looks visibly upset but he's pouting instead of giving off an ominous aura! :)

Ren takes my hand and we walk to area of the restaurant in the back with no people.

Is he allowed to just take customers here?

Ren doesn't let go of my hand as we stop. He faces me with a very concerned expression.

He speaks in a desperate tone, "Sweetie...why didn't you call me by my nickname? Are you embarrassed about being around me?! Do you not like me any-"

"Huh?" I cut him off, "uhm I didn't call you it boyfriend gets..jealous a bit easily...I'm sorry..! I'm not embarrassed about being around you! Not at all! I like being around you..."

He looks relieved and huffs, "oh sweetie..I thought you didn't like me anymore..I'm so glad you still do~"

Ren brings me into a tight embrace out of nowhere. It's a little weird but I just go with it.
We hug for an unusual amount of time before I decide to pull away.

"Are you good now...buttercup?"

Ren instantly turns red in the face.

"Yes. I'm okay now sweetie~'ll only call me it when..he's not around right?"

"Uhh I guess?"

"Yay! That makes me happy sweetie~" he purrs.

"Yeah sure...can I go back now?"

"Sure sweetie~"

Ren smiles at me then walks away, probably to go do his job serving others like he should have been doing.

That was a little bit weird...?

I return to the table and sit.

"That was weird, anyways I'm back anything happen while I was gone?"

"No, I've just been waiting for you to come back."

"Welp...hey what are you gonna wear on Sunday? Anything fancy??"

"Nope. I'll probably wear what I always wear, hon."

"Hehe cool. Hey, I was wondering if next Friday you wanted to go with me to an amusement park? I got tickets from one of my friends back home and I'd like to go with you."

Sunny smiles at me and it looks the most genuine I've seen. It's bright and warms my heart a little.

"Yes, my love. I'd love to come with you. Just the two of us sounds like pure bliss."

"Yeah! It's fun when I'm with you too :)"

Hope you enjoyed :}

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