Chapter 21 - Liz' Route

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*warning* Murder occurs in this chapter.

I look Sunny in the eyes and see there's regret evident in them, he's tearing up a little waiting for a response while shaking nervously.

I speak in a quiet tone with a blank look on my face, "..I'm sorry, but I don't forgive you."

I hear the sound of Sunny's breath hitch in his throat, "w-what? What d-do you mean?"

I stare at him with a sort of malevolence, "I don't want to get back together with you. I just don't think we should be a couple anymore."

His face darkens and he moves in closer to my form. I back up a little towards the door as he speaks.

"..n-no you can't leave me...I need y-you, you're the love of my life and I only want you!"

I start to feel a bit uncomfortable, "Sunny, I'm sorry, but I don't want to be with you anymore..please stop making this difficult.."

He stops his rambling and his lip trembles as he makes one last effort to win me back.

"Please, h-honey I love you.."

Tears leave his eyes, but his pleads and cries fall—once again—on deaf ears. He seems to be taking this terribly. I slowly back away, slip my shoes on and head out the door with my bag in hand.

After leaving the building, I look to see if he followed behind, luckily he did not. I look up to the balcony of my now old apartment and see Sunny watching from the balcony window.

....I guess that's done with..
Y/N walks down the street thinking of what to do next. It's a Monday afternoon and they don't have anywhere to be.

They are not going back to that apartment and can't ask to stay over at Ren's for a second time.

..maybe Liz will let me stay at her place for a bit, just until I get settled in a new place alone..

I walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive.

I open my phone and dial Liz' number.

She picks up immediately, like she was waiting for me to call.

"Hello Y/N~, what's up?"

I sigh in relief, "Hey Liz.. um I was wondering if I could stay at your place for like a little while..."

She hums in curiosity, "Why w-would you need to stay here? Don't with Sunny?"

I take a deep breath and sigh, "..Well, we uh actually just broke I don't really have anywhere to go.."

I hear what sounds like a high pitched squeal then the sound of Liz clearing her throat, "o-oh okay..well it's totally fine if you stay at my house! D-do you want me to p-pick you up Y/N?"

The bus pulls up to the stop and I hop on as I pay with my bus card.

"Oh no thanks, I'm on the bus right now, I need to go to the store and get a few things before I come. I'll be there at about 6:00."

I hear she's breathing sporadically, "O-ok! I'll be byemylove!"

"What was that?-" she already hung up the phone, I sigh.

..phew I guess I have a place to stay now..
Monday September 10th

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