Chapter 10 - Confessions and Coffee

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I have finished all my schooling for today and I'm off to work.

I walk from campus to Café Ruby while listening to music. It's a bit of a long walk but I'm used to it.


I clock into work and my co-worker Jane clocks out and waves me goodbye. I walk to the main counter and see that today it's not been that busy. The cash register doesn't have much inside and everything I prepared from yesterday night is mostly there.

I guess today is going to be a slow shift....
Time skip 3 hours~

I've been at work cleaning and taking orders. It's pretty nice, it's not too busy.

I have time to myself and it's nice, calming even.

I stand behind the register in silence thinking to myself when I hear the 'ding ding' of someone entering the Café.

I greet them as I'm told to: politely and cheerfully.

"Welcome to Café Ruby!! May I take your order?"

A tall, brunette girl walks up to the cash register and her high heels clack on the tile floor. She has cherry red lipstick on and looks about my age. She's on a call with someone and talking loudly to said person.

"-ugh yeah, she's such an bitch!? I don't even know why you date that hoe, Macy you need to get a side piece quick-"

The girl stops talking to her friend and looks at me for a moment, her blue eyes piercing my (eye colour) ones. She then blinks a few times and then scoffs.

woah her eyes are nice, a sort of cerulean blue..
maybe she could be a new friend!!

"U-um Welcome to Café Ruby! May I take your order?"

I look at her in the eyes putting on my brightest smile and she turns a bit red in the face. But again she sneers at me looking me up and down.

"-um hold on Macy. Some bitch is interrupting me." she holds her hand out signalling for me to hold on.

..what the fuck did she call me??

She says goodbye to her friend and hangs up the phone.

"-um yea. I want a small caramel iced coffee with whipped cream on top, and make it snappy." she says crossing her arms.

I look at her with surprise, that was rude and I'm not about to put up with rude bitches.

hell nah.. no please?.. can I?...manners are nonexistent??

"Um, sorry miss but could you not be so disrespectful? I'm going to make the coffee and it'll take as long as it does, I will not 'make it snappy'. Also I do not appreciate being called 'some bitch'."

I hold my tongue of what I really wanted to say.

She looks at me shocked at first and then puts on a shit-eating grin. Her demeanour changes and she gasps.

awh shit.. she's gonna start yelling-

"Um excuse me? You did not just say that to me!! You cannot say that to me!! Don't you fucking know who I am?!" she screams, eyes wide with shock.

People in the café start to watch and I can see the surprised looks on the customers faces.

"I have no clue-"

"I'm Cordelia Edwards, heiress to Edwards Inc.!! And I can have you fired you little shit! Why would you call me a shit-faced whore!!?" she says that last part nice and loud.

I see a few people in the café recording it on their phones.

I'm not surprised she made me into the bad guy and I sigh.

Damn well, so much for being friends..

"Listen miss, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this establishment-"

"Ugh! I hate this place anyways, the coffee sucks ass! Fuck you!" she says as she leaves.

The customers are bewildered looking at me for answers and I shrug my shoulders.

Work is over and it's time to go and see Amélie!

I head out of the door and onto the sidewalk. The park isn't very far from here and it won't take me long.

I reach the park and sit on a park bench on the grass.

The sun is setting and I see someone running in the distance.

As they get closer to me I see that it's Amélie waving and hurrying over to me.

He gets to me and catches his breath, giving me a goofy smile.

"-haa H-hello Y/N!"

"Hey Amélie!" I say smiling as he blushes timidly.

"So, What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask and he looks very nervous like he's about to propose or something.

"u-um- I-I you s-see" he stutters nervously grabbing at his sleeves for comfort.

I wait for him to tell me when he huffs frustratedly and takes my hands in his.

"Y-Y/N I-I-I love you!" he practically shouts, squeezing my hand.


I did not think Amélie liked me like that?!

"I've been i-in love wi-with you! Ever s-since you t-told me I d-deserve love! A-and with t-the right person! At t-that moment I-I k-knew that p-person was you!" he says with passion, cheeks a dark red.

"I-I love you w-with all my h-heart and I want you t-to be my partner!" he says with a hopeful look in his eyes still blushing profusely.

I feel bad for what's about to happen. I already know how this is going to end. It hurts my heart that I'm about to break his.

"Puh-please g-go out with m-me Y/N!!" he asks with the most red face I've ever seen.

I take a deep breath and my smile from earlier falters. I remove my hands from his slowly.

"I'm sorry Amélie-" his smile immediately drops, "I can't go out with you-" he cuts me off quickly.

"W-what? Why? W-why not? I-I love you!! a-and-"

"I'm in a relationship with someone and I'm currently in love with them. I have no intention of breaking up with them. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier..." I say lowly.

Amélie looks as if he's just gotten the worst news of his life. He's trembling and muttering incoherent words grasping his heart through his shirt.

"Amélie-" I reach out to try to comfort him, feeling immensely guilty.

He flinches back and begins to sob uncontrollably.

His tears are soaking his shirt and he's rapidly trying to wipe them away. The sounds he's making are heart-wrenching as he wails.

Through sobs he speaks, "m-my d-da-darling why? H-how could suh-someone t-take y-you a-away from m-me?!"

He stops for a moment, his face is covered in wet tears and his cheeks and nose are flushed red.

"W-who i-is it?!"

"Pardon me?" I say confused.

who is what??

"W-who a-are you d-dating?!" he asks sniffling.

"O-oh I'm dating...Sunny." I say and he cries harder.

"...! H-him-"

Amélie turns away very upset and sobbing like there's no tomorrow. All of the sudden he starts to leave running away, leaving me at the park alone.

well shit.

Hope you enjoyed :}

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