Chapter 7 - New Relationship

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Tuesday September 4th


I wake up slowly from the annoying sound of my alarm, I see Sunny has already left the bed and groggily, I head to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

I pick out a random pair of pants and a shirt and put them on. I fix my hair and decide spray on some nice scented body spray.'s so early..

I walk out of my room to the kitchen and see my now boyfriend Sunny, sitting at the dining table drinking coffee. He sees me and puts his mug down.

"Hello my love~" he says as he gets up and makes his way towards me and turns me around.

His hands make their way to my hips and he hugs me from behind, burying his face in my neck, kissing and nipping at it softly.

"W-wow affectionate in the morning huh.." I say blushing at bit. Wow I guess he loves me a lot that's so sweet <3

"Yes love, I'm just so happy we're dating now." He says smiling the brightest I've ever seen before.

"haha me too I'm happy we're together too, ooh I gotta tell Liz!! I bet she'd never guess I'd be in a relationship before her haha!" I say excited as I escape the tight hug.

Sunny looks mad and his demeanour is dark.
Oh crap did he want to hug more.??

"U-uh hey Sunny, how about we come up with cute nicknames for each other!! I know you already call me one but I want to come up with one for you." I say as I get bread out and put it in the toaster.

His face immediately lights up and he nods his head; his face is flushed a bit red too.

"Okay, lemme think of one.." I say thinking about what to call him.

"Ooh okay.! how about my lovebug, I think that's kinda cute haha.." I say hoping he likes it.

I look at his face and his cheeks are a dark crimson, he stares at me looking flushed:

"Yes! I-I mean, yeah I-I love it honey." He says happily and I smile. yess we have cute nicknames now muahaha..

I hear a ding* and the toast pops out from the toaster and we both take a slice.

We finish eating and put our shoes on. I grab my bag and we head out the door.


As we are walking out of the apartment building I get the feeling that someone is behind us so I turn around.

But no one is there...

Sunny looks back and grabs my hand as we approach the sidewalk. I guess it was nothing...I thought I felt someone walking behind us...
Time skip to Somerset Campus~


We step onto the main campus and Liz is there waiting. As soon as she sees us, she is dashing towards me.

She jumps into my arms and hugs me tight, arms wrapped around my body with her hands on my waist. Damn she hugs tight..

"Y/N!! I've missed you 💗" she says lovingly hugging me even tighter and bringing me closer.

I hug her back and pat her back a few times for her to let go.

"Yeah! Well, I do see you pretty much everyday.? You're so attached to me it's adorable haha." I say and she smiles at me.

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