Chapter 12 - Working out Issues

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*art work isn't mine

Friday September 7th


I wake up and rub my eyes as I yawn.

It's finally Friday!!! The end of the week is here and this was a crazy week.
A lot of shit happened this week damn.

I sit up in my bed and Sunny's arm is wrapped around my stomach, holding on snugly to me with his face smushed into my side.

"'s time to wake up.."

I pat his head softly and he moves into my touch, snuggling closer towards me and groaning softly.

He grumbles a 'no' and I laugh.

I remove his arms from around me and get out of the bed.

Sunny grumbles and whines for me to come back.

"noooo babyy..! come back...please? I wanna cuddle more honeyy!!"

I'm not trying to be late for my lecture so I leave to go get ready.

Sunny begs more but eventually gets up and does the same as me.
We eat breakfast quickly and then head out the door.

Sunny and I leave our apartment. And immediately his hand is intertwined with mine. He holds on softly but also protectively.
Awh this is so cute...
I like holding hands...hehe

As we're walking to campus I see a familiar chestnut haired figure.

I realize it's Amélie. I have been meaning to speak with him, but I don't have his number and we haven't seen each other since Wednesday.

"um-I gotta go talk to Amélie for a sec okay..?I'll be right back."

Sunny squeezes my hand a bit tightly, it kind of hurts. But I manage to slip my hand out of his grasp and I walk over to Amélie, I hear Sunny grumble to himself.

I walk over and tap him on the shoulder.
"heey Amélie.!"

He jumps as the words leave my mouth. He turns around and he's not looking too great. His appearance is dishevelled and he has newly formed dark eye bags.

"O-oh hi Y/N...!" He smiles weakly, eyes closed and scratching the back of his head.

"Hey Amélie, um I-I've been meaning to talk to you...."

He stares at me with worry. His eyes are locked on my figure as he fidgets with his shirt sleeves nervously.

"I um..I would still like to be friends with you-"

"R-really?!" He exclaims excitedly, cutting me off mid sentence.

"Yeah, I-I just hope you aren't uncomfortable around me and I understand if you don't wa-"

I'm cut off by hands wrapping around me. I'm hugged very tightly as Amélie clings onto me. I can feel he's shaking and I can't tell if it's out of happiness or lack of sleep.

"T-thank you, thank you.!! Um and I-I hope that we can still be c-close even t-though..y'know y-you're dating someone."

I nod my head and smile warmly. I'm glad we worked this out and we can stay as friends :)

I decide I should ask for his number since I don't really have any way to contact him at the moment.

I don't think he has social media, so I think it would be helpful.

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