Chapter 3 - Café Ruby

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*the pic is Liz but with lighter hair, I don't own it :3

Monday September 3rd

Y/N, Sunny and Liz have finished up lunch and are headed back to campus for the rest of their lectures for today.

We finished up lunch, I paid for everyone's meal and I'm so happy I got to see my sweetie. Ahh I'm so happy I followed them all the way down here. I got to eat lunch together with my love hehehe. My sweetie has a crush on someone 💓...and I think it's me. Ahahaa it better be me... or I might have to steal them away from this rival by force...again.

We walk out of Renee's Diner and I'm already glued beside my sweetie.

"Hey swe- ahem Y/N? um what are you doing after you're done your lectures? A-are you free to come to my place a-and hang out?" I ask my darling, staring at them with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh um actually I have a part time job working at a cafe downtown. I work Monday to Thursday, 2pm to 7pm, so I won't be free today sorry Liz." They say in a saddened tone. Oh! Oh no my darling!! don't be sad!!

"U-um that's okay! Don't worry your pretty little head 💓!! Maybe I'll come visit you and order something!" I say as I turn my attention to Sunny. He's giving me a death glare that gives off 'I'll rip your head off right now' energy but I ignore him.

"Ohh wow really?! That's so nice of you! You can totally come by today, my co-worker has been sick so it'll just be me." They say smiling beautifully. Oh of course I'll come see you darling. I already know where you work silly.. Your co-worker was silly too, she tried to ask you out that one she's not coming back to work..💗

We reach campus and Y/N leaves Sunny and I.

Sunny grabs me by the arm and drags me behind a tree with him. He towers over me and his stare is ice-cold.

"Listen bitch, I know you have feelings for Y/N. stay. the. hell. away. from. them. You're ruining all my efforts. They're mine and I'll do anything to have them." He says seething with anger, he is still squeezing my arm too. Jeez he's just as crazy as me for them fuck. >:(

"Haha you're so funny. They are CLEARLY mine and they love me, can't you see how we hug and touch each other? We are meant to be. I know everything about them." I say proudly, I even stalk them after classes all the way to their apartment.

"Well I sleep with my honey~ every night, we even cuddle. And we live together, we are basically a married couple." He says and I scowl at him. they what? they live together?.. oh no.. no no poor sweetie must have been forced to live with him!? ..who the fuck does he think he is?! I'll save them soon 💗
Sunny POV

That whore is trying to steal away my love. I'll take care of her after Y/N and I start dating 💗 ahh.. I know they have a crush on me!! They said 'hanging out with them' and I knew it was me! All we do is hang out in our apartment, so it has to be me. It. Must. Be. Me. how could it not? The universe is always giving me signs of our we are meant to be 💓

"whatever, just don't get in my way. I'll make Y/N mine no matter the cost you idiot and you can't stop me." She says and I chuckle. This bitch is delusional..whatever.. she is never gonna take my honey~

I let go of her arm and start to walk away, I look back and she is sticking up her middle finger at me.

"FUCK YOU!!" She shouts and I roll my eyes. whatever she'll get what's coming to her.
Time skip to Y/N's part time job~


I arrive at Café Ruby and clock in.
I take some customers orders and clean tables while I wait for Liz to come and see me. Liz is such a nice friend going out of her way to see me, I hope she comes soon I'm soo bored..

Ding~ Ding~

The door jingles and..

Sunny walks in???

"Welcome to Café Ruby!! Can I take your or- oh Sunny?" I say confused.

"Hi honey~!! um.. I thought I would stop by and order some coffee, I have to study assignment! so..I'm going to be staying here for a while.. is that okay hon..?" He asks looking concerned. It's a little bit weird he chose this cafe.. the one I work at... oh well whatever maybe he's lonely :/

"Oh no, it's totally fine if you stay here! It's nice actually! I just thought Liz was supposed to come tho-"

"Oh she is um...dealing with something right now.. so she couldn't make it." He says looking a bit sinister.
Oh umm ok..? maybe she felt sick, hm yeah she was looking uncomfortable at lunch.. :/
Flashback to 40 minutes ago~


I'm on my way to Y/N's cafe. Yes I get to see my love again ugh I hate being away from them for so long..

As I'm walking I hear something behind me. I look back and see no one. Huh? I feel like someone was there.

I start walking faster and then I'm pulled into an alley. Aw shit I'm gonna have to kill someone today..

I get out my taser and go for the neck but my hand is stopped. Shit! I gotta get something else!!..

They grumble and growl at me as I go to get my box cutter from my bag. Then a hand hits my neck and I'm knocked unconscious....But I hear a voice as I fall to the ground.

"Stupid bitch they're mine 💗" the person says and I recognize the voice...

Sunny? Aw fuck-
Sunny POV

I shove her body behind a dumpster in the alley and make my way to Y/N 💗.

Hope you enjoyed :}

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