Chapter 5 - Dinner Apologies

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Monday September 3rd

Amélie POV

Y/N is holding my hand.

Their hand is soo soft and warm

Ahh~ I love it so much~

They are so much better than my ex

I wanna tell Y/N how I feel soon..

I can't be just friends with my love any longer..

We reach Y/N's apartment and that man opens the door.

I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I HATE HIM.
he embarrassed me in front of my Y/N...
It's a good thing my darling is so nice they didn't even care about my reputation...❤️

Y/N steps in and takes off their shoes, I do the same and so does he.

"Sit wherever you like, I'll be making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner~ Oh wait! is that okay for you? Do you like spaghetti Amélie?" They say sounding unsure.

"oh yeah! I-I like spaghetti it's fine! totally!" I reply and they nod.

"Alrighty~ it'll be done in 20 minutes guys :)" they say and I sit down on their couch.

He decides to go to his room and walks away.

Y/N puts on some music and cooks our dinner.

I boil the spaghetti noodles and heat up some tomato sauce. I also make some meat balls in the oven. Ugh I'm so hungry..

I finish cooking everyone's food and put it together on three plates. I grab three glasses, fill them with ice water and place them on the table.

I set the plates on the table and yell for Sunny and Amélie to come eat.

"Dinner's ready guys come and sit down!!" I holler.

Sunny grouchily exits his room and sits down at the table. Amélie comes to the table and sits down too.

I take the seat next to Amélie and watch as they both take a bite of the food.

"So how is it?" I ask, hoping it isn't so bad.

"This tastes pretty good, nice job hon-" Sunny tries to say but is cut off by Amélie.

"Mmmm~ oh m-my goodness! this is the b-best meal I've ever had!! You're so g-good at cooking Y/N!!" Amélie says practically melting while eating the food.

"Wow really? thanks! I thought I was pretty shit at cooking but I guess this does actually look good." I say as I take a bite. Holy shiz I think I might be a friggin chef?!

We eat our meal while chatting about what the best cartoon is.
Sunny POV

We finish eating and finally that guy is gonna leave.

Fuck! He's after my love. I know it....the way he looks at them, the way he speaks to them! I'm going to have to do something quickly before he confesses to my darling~

"U-um thank you for h-having me Y/N!! Uh and Sunny I guess..." He says nervously.

"Ohh no problem~ it's the least I could do to make up for what Sunny said hmm" they look at me and I look away. I meant every word. He's a dumbass and my love doesn't need to be around him..

"Anyways, I bet he's sorry and I'm sorry he said that about you." They say sadly.

"I-oh it's fine! After w-what you said to m-me about deserving h-happiness I'm not sad anymore!!" He says smiling.

"I'll be g-going now see you tomorrow Y/N- oh! a-actually umm could you m-meet me at the park t-tomorrow? Umm after you're d-done work?" he asks them.

I narrow my eyes at him and glare at him with a killing intent. Just what the hell is this guy trying to do.?

"Uh okay? But why?" They ask suspiciously, very confused.

His cheeks flush a dark crimson and he starts fumbling with his shirt sleeves.

"O-oh u-umm I-i-I ha-have to ask y-you something very I-important.." he says and I freeze.

He's planning on asking them out..

Confessing his undying love for what's mine..

So he can date my love...

My blood runs cold at the very thought of my darling with another. I can't have that. I won't have it.

Fuck! I need to do something to make sure they can't go and meet him!

"Oh okay.. it's so important that you can't tell me now??" They say confused.

He glances at me timidly and looks back at them and they nod understanding. Oh. So he's scared to do it in front of me huh.. pussy..I guess he knows I wouldn't allow it..

"O-ooh okay! Sure, I'll be there, bye :)" they say understandingly.

He nods and then puts on his shoes and leaves.

"Phew.. finally it's time for tv shows~" Y/N says and runs to the couch to turn on the tv.

I smile at the cuteness of my honey~. They are so lovely, it's so cute when they get excited..

I finished watching my shows newest episodes while Sunny did the dishes.

We both start to get ready for bed. I walk to my washroom and Sunny goes to his.

I finish up in the washroom and head to my room.

Ah finally sleep time..! I'm so exhausted from work and lectures.

I jump into my comfy bed and turn my lights off.

"Goodnight Sunny!" I yell too tired to go to his room and say it.

I hear a faint 'goodnight hon~' back and start to fall asleep.

I wake up but keep my eyes closed. I feel a heavy weight next to me. My pillows are so heavy all of the sudden? but they are so comfy and warm. Ugh..I have to go to the bathroom..I drank a lot of water... ugh and I was having a good dream too..

"Haaa~" I hear someone make a noise next to me in my bed and I freeze. holy shit an intruder is in my bed!? We live on the 4th floor how the fuck did they get here??!!

I internally scream as the person wraps their arms around my waist and snuggle up their face into my neck. Oh my goodness they are on top of me now great..!

I open my eyes and get ready to scream for help when I turn my head to get a good look at the person.

Oh my gosh?!

Muahaha cliffhanger :}

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