Chapter 19 - What happens next?

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I wake up from the sound of my alarm, I need to wake up earlier today since I'm now farther away from school.
Damn I barely got any sleep last night..

Groggily, I get out of bed and stretch a little. I open up the curtains and see the sun isn't quite out yet.

I look around for my phone and quickly peek at the messages I've been sent.

43 new messages

I sigh audibly, closing my phone and tucking it in the pocket of my sweatpants.
I don't wanna think about it right now..

I head towards the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I'm ready for the day and now I've just got to find out where Ren is.

I take my bag with me and exit the room.

While I'm making my way down the stairs the scent of food fills my nostrils.

Mmm~ something smells good damn..🫢

I walk slowly towards the kitchen and find a large assortment of breakfast foods on the table.


I look to the stove and see Ren, he seems to be cooking pancakes and humming to himself.

"Hello?" I softly blurt out, catching his attention.

He turns around and smiles brightly, quickly putting down a spatula.

"Ah! hi sweetie~ I'm glad you're awake! I made breakfast..uh I didn't know what you like soo I made a lot of different things."

I chuckle a little, "Yeah, I usually don't eat breakfast or just some toast..."

He nods, "yeah.. but I wanted you to try my cooking~ I bet you'll like it and I made it with a special ingredient! Love~"

I chuckle and take a seat at the table.

We finish eating a delicious breakfast and get ready to head out to the car.
Sunny POV

I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, I can't stop thinking about Y/N.

Why won't Y/N text me back?!

I know they're seeing the messages..and they haven't blocked me..

I know where they are though...'s a good thing I put that tracking app on their phone.

At that Ren-guy's house..

Ugh I can't fucking stand the thought of his dirty hands near them.

I have to speak to Y/N about what happened.

I was all a misunderstanding and I took care of the problem!

We can still be together like nothing happened.

We must be together, they can't stay away from me for long and I will not stand being away from them for any longer.

I need to hear their voice..

I need them..

I need to tell them I love them more anything in the universe and I will do anything for their forgiveness..

I sigh weakly and slowly get up from lying down to get ready for school.

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